Me, Myself, and I - a life changing journey

Ok, so I've been with MFP since May '12, but didn't really get into the community until a couple days ago.

I started my health and fitness journey May 7th after my wife had been using ViSalus for a week and had very good results. I kept stealing her shakes so she told me to get my own.

My "holy crap" moment came when I saw the scale tip 238.8 one morning. I was finishing up a 3 year stint in nursing school, and for the past 5 to 6 months was completely and utterly stressed out.

I am an admitted stress eater. When things are going south and the stress is coming on, the first thought is to find something sweet or salty or starchy to stick in my mouth.

Of course, that is completely and utterly unhealthy...both physically and mentally because after indulging that compulsion, you beat yourself up about doing that (and of course, swear to never do it again, which you break, and then add to the feelings of guilt with feelings of failure....).

To add to that stress, was the "convenience" factor. I was commuting 3 to 5 days to school, between 40 and 80 miles (round trip). After a stressful day, it was so easy to stop for a piece of convenience store pizza...or a DQ blizzard, or a Hardees burger...sometimes all 3 during a really bad day.

On top of all family health history is *not* a good one.

Nobody has lived past 62 yet.

Grandpa = cancer
Grandma = breast cancer
Aunt = breast cancer
Mom = lung cancer
Uncle = heart attack

My uncle was only 45 when he had his heart attack....and he was the healthiest of all my mom's family too!

So I decided that *I* was going to take charge of my health.

I was on my 4th blood pressure medication, which because of my part-time employment and full-time student status, I really couldn't afford.

I was on cholesterol medication. My triglycerides were still 200+. I was short of breath when active or moving things around the house...even trying to play with my kids sometimes tired me.

I decided that it was time "To get busy living, or get busy dying."

So I started on a 90 Day Challenge....albeit with a healthy dose of skepticism. "I'd love to lose 65 pounds, but that's not going to happen." I thought to myself while looking at pictures of people who were using the nutrition shakes.

I was self defeating even before I started!

But I committed myself to following the plan. I got busier and exercised...weights and cardio.

Even while the weight was coming off, I was skeptical. I couldn't believe that it was happening to me. I couldn't believe that I could be changing my body the way I was.

I had set a goal of 30 pounds in 90 days, and at the end of my first Challenge I had lost 29!

But along with the weight, I had lost my skepticism! I had come to believe not only in what I was using, but more importantly, IN MYSELF!

I floated around for a few weeks, without a clear goal in mind. I got down to -40 pounds lost and on September 24th, decided to start another 90 Day Challenge.

My goal is to lose another 25 pounds and get my muscles to finally come out of hibernation :)

I have until December 23rd to meet my goal.

I am currently, as of this posting, at 181.2 which is 57.6 pounds lost!

Even if I don't make my goal, I have already given myself the best Christmas Present that I have ever gotten: the gift of health!


  • A piece of advice that I would offer to those who are having troubles and are frustrated with their weight loss:

    Look at how far you have come...not at how far you have to go!

    I never thought I would be within 8 pounds of reaching my goal of -65.

    But here I am!
  • maz2469
    maz2469 Posts: 67 Member
    a great success story and a true inspiration, well done!!

    keep up the good work - for you - and spread the word for others :)
  • DefyGravity1977
    DefyGravity1977 Posts: 300 Member
    That is awesome!! I started with Visalus in June. But with the start of that I kind of slacked off on the exercising and so was slowly losing inches. I went through a month where I was separated from my husband and went off of Vi and the exercise completely. Now I am back home and am back in this 100%. I feel great! Congratulations!!!
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    Such a good story I could really relate to you. My mom side isn't a good history either my grandparents both died of cancer my mom died of cancer this yr back in July it's hard for me losing my mom cause she was my best friend I took care of her while she was sick. But I am glad your having a really good success at the beginning I think like you did I couldn't lose weight until I saw my scale going down and it makes me feel so proud of my self I have lost 53 pounds all together this yr and I still have more to go but I hated the way I looked before and I know now I feel better now than I did before. I always took one day at a time cause you can't change over night. Well done on your progress!!!! There is more to come! Your story is such a good inspiration and motivation for me and more other people out there.
  • Thanks for your support and sharing your own journey/story with me :)

    We're all here for the same reason, ultimately: to improve our lives through improving our health (mental and physical).

    It's amazing how our physical health and mental health are so very entwined.

    When you feel physically "crappy"...your mental attitude suffers.

    When your mental attitude is in the "toilet" suffer physically.

    So if ever anyone needs a pick me up, feel free to ask :)

    I've never been shy about offering a helping hand to those that reach out :)
  • What an amazing story! I have also lost about 25 lbs in the past 3 months with Visalus! I am 15 lbs away from my overall goal and couldn't be happier! It is so motivating when you start seeing the pounds and inches fall off!! :)

    Keep it up!