Realistic Weight Loss Goals for Summer 2013

Hi, I was looking for some opinions, I am 18 years old and I am currently 185 pounds. I want to lose about 60 lbs by summer 2013, is this realistic? I have been working really hard for the last month. I am doing insanity almost everyday, I've started doing zumba everyday and I also either go for a 45 min walk or do yoga everyday also. I am not too concerned about my eating because my calorie goal is 1480 and I am eating loads of good foods. I am always under my calorie goal per day and I am eating good things. Thanks for your help :)


  • beduffbrickie
    beduffbrickie Posts: 642 Member
    Hi, Its some going but doable, its mind over matter, so your long term goal is 60Ibs by summer, whats your 3 short term goals?
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    60 lbs in 6 months probably isn't going to happen.
  • taytay2626
    hmm 3 short term goals:
    1) Drop one size by the end of this month (I'm already halfway there)
    2) Finish Insanity and the end of this month and lose at least 10 lbs
    3) By March of next year I want to be about 30 lbs lighter and have dropped 2 dress sizes (at least)

    I know they're big goals but I think I am working really hard and they may be achievable
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    60 lbs in 6 months probably isn't going to happen.

    ^ Why do you say this? It might not work for you. But, if she is determined and does not do anything extreme it is doable. Many people in the Success Stories have done it.

    I wish you all the best. :flowerforyou:
  • taytay2626
    60 lbs in 6 months probably isn't going to happen.

    ^ Why do you say this? It might not work for you. But, if she is determined and does not do anything extreme it is doable. Many people in the Success Stories have done it.

    I wish you all the best. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks a lot ladytinkerbel! I can understand it being maybe unrealistic but thank you for wishing me all the best :) Also, congrats with your own 60 lb weight loss! :)
  • beduffbrickie
    beduffbrickie Posts: 642 Member
    hmm 3 short term goals:
    1) Drop one size by the end of this month (I'm already halfway there)
    2) Finish Insanity and the end of this month and lose at least 10 lbs
    3) By March of next year I want to be about 30 lbs lighter and have dropped 2 dress sizes (at least)

    I know they're big goals but I think I am working really hard and they may be achievable

    Sounds like a plan, I would focus on them and hopefully you would be some where near your long term goal by completion of short term goal number 3.

    Only advice I would offer is arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible and dont be afraid to experiment to achieve results. 2-3 weeks if you feel its not working try some thing else.
  • taytay2626
    hmm 3 short term goals:
    1) Drop one size by the end of this month (I'm already halfway there)
    2) Finish Insanity and the end of this month and lose at least 10 lbs
    3) By March of next year I want to be about 30 lbs lighter and have dropped 2 dress sizes (at least)

    I know they're big goals but I think I am working really hard and they may be achievable

    Sounds like a plan, I would focus on them and hopefully you would be some where near your long term goal by completion of short term goal number 3.

    Only advice I would offer is arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible and dont be afraid to experiment to achieve results. 2-3 weeks if you feel its not working try some thing else.

    okay thank you :)
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    60 lbs in 6 months probably isn't going to happen.

    ^ Why do you say this? It might not work for you. But, if she is determined and does not do anything extreme it is doable. Many people in the Success Stories have done it.

    I wish you all the best. :flowerforyou:

    Exactly. When I was that age, I could drop 20 pounds in a month easy. I lost 65 pounds in a little over 3 months when I was 15 and diagnosed with type I diabetes. Walking and aerobics for about 75 minutes a day with a 1500 calorie dietitian approved low sugar diet did it for me.
  • Kassadeedle
    Kassadeedle Posts: 136 Member
    I have 42 more lbs to lose by July...add me if you want! :)
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Possibly doable, but I would say two things:

    1. Don't be under your calorie goal - you are supposed to meet it. It already has a deficit, you don't need to make it bigger. Update your weight loss in your settings regularly so that your calorie goal will adjust, and update your weekly weight loss goal. I assume you have it set to 2lbs/wk right now. At about 40 pounds I would adjust to 1.5 lb/wk; 30 pounds left I would adjust to 1lb/wk; at 20 pounds .5lb/wk.

    2. You really, really don't need to be exercising that much. If you want to stick to insanity, zumba, and yoga, that's fine - but no need to do more than one a day. And have at least one rest day a week.
  • taytay2626
    Possibly doable, but I would say two things:

    1. Don't be under your calorie goal - you are supposed to meet it. It already has a deficit, you don't need to make it bigger. Update your weight loss in your settings regularly so that your calorie goal will adjust, and update your weekly weight loss goal. I assume you have it set to 2lbs/wk right now. At about 40 pounds I would adjust to 1.5 lb/wk; 30 pounds left I would adjust to 1lb/wk; at 20 pounds .5lb/wk.

    2. You really, really don't need to be exercising that much. If you want to stick to insanity, zumba, and yoga, that's fine - but no need to do more than one a day. And have at least one rest day a week.

    Okay thanks, I'll definitely take that into consideration! I do take one rest day a week haha :smile: I just forgot to mention that! Thanks for your advice
  • ngair11
    60 lbs in 6 months probably isn't going to happen.

    I've just lost 35 lbs in 3 months. If you are determined, strict and don't go under your calorie goal too much (your body might go in to "starvation" mode if you do) you will be fine. I would suggest looking more closely at your exercise, everyone is different of course but I find if I try to do loads as you are doing then when I 'skip' a session I feel too guilty and tend to fall off the wagon in a big way. I'd suggest picking an exercise or two and do just them for a few weeks then swap. That way your body will keep being "suprised" and not get used to any one thing.

    Good luck
  • taytay2626
    60 lbs in 6 months probably isn't going to happen.

    I've just lost 35 lbs in 3 months. If you are determined, strict and don't go under your calorie goal too much (your body might go in to "starvation" mode if you do) you will be fine. I would suggest looking more closely at your exercise, everyone is different of course but I find if I try to do loads as you are doing then when I 'skip' a session I feel too guilty and tend to fall off the wagon in a big way. I'd suggest picking an exercise or two and do just them for a few weeks then swap. That way your body will keep being "suprised" and not get used to any one thing.

    Good luck

    Yeah I'm starting to think that I will for sure do insanity everyday but the thing is that I am actually just doing the Zumba because I really like dancing hahahaha. If I just thought if it as exercise I probably wouldn't be doing it everyday, I just really like it. The yoga is actually a fairly new addition, I just started it a couple days ago. I think I'll stick to insanity since the workout switch everyday and maybe I'll pick a different activity other than zumba after this week. Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • GomesDavid
    the quicker you loose the weight (crash dieting, starving)
    the easier it is for it to come back on

    because the body will get used to you not feeding it that every-time you eat something the body will automatically turn it into fat because it will think it is not going to be fed again

    just diet normally

    cut your calorie intake for the first month, then the second cut it a little more and add some cardio, the third month cut your calories again and add another exersice routine
    the weight will come off and it will last
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    In the past 6 months I lost 28 pounds and you want to lose twice that? You are gonna have to work really hard but you can't put time on when you'll lose the weight. Just do something sustainable that you can do for the long run.
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    I've lost 60lbs in less than 6 months (5 months 20 days to be exact), so it is possible, hard work and dedication in the bucket full will take you further than you imagined.

    I cut out all junk and soda, workout 5-6 days a week and eat as clean as possible. I don't go hungry and eat around 1300-1400 calories daily, I'm not in it for a crash diet, this is now my lifestyle. Set yourself short term goals and work towards those, for example, the first 10lbs, then go for the next 10lbs, have a reward as you meet that goal, for instance, a new pair of jeans or a haircut etc.

    Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Well when I was in my 20s I could easily lose 10 pounds per month up to 50-60 pounds. Now it takes me longer. :smile:
  • missmonika27
    I've lost 60lbs in less than 6 months (5 months 20 days to be exact), so it is possible, hard work and dedication in the bucket full will take you further than you imagined.

    I cut out all junk and soda, workout 5-6 days a week and eat as clean as possible. I don't go hungry and eat around 1300-1400 calories daily, I'm not in it for a crash diet, this is now my lifestyle. Set yourself short term goals and work towards those, for example, the first 10lbs, then go for the next 10lbs, have a reward as you meet that goal, for instance, a new pair of jeans or a haircut etc.

    Best of luck! :flowerforyou:

    WOW i read this and i am so inspired now! that takes a huge amount of dedication to lose that much in less than half a year!

    also taytay2626 i read your page and i am on a similar boat as you! except i wanna lose weight to look hot for my undergrad convocation pics :p mind if i add you? we could motivate each other x)