

  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    I could easily blame my parents for be being as huge as I am.. I got my bad habits from them. But, there comes a time in your life when you take ownership of your own choices and I could have said no at any point! I've taken my life back with the help of this site and a few very supportive friends including the love of my life. I'm happy! The results will come but I have been given the choice and it's very liberating :)

  • dorkyhippy
    although I eat very healthily, I have a major problem with portion control, not to mention a weakness for wine!

    Me too.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I had no control - absolutely zero - over what my hands put in my mouth! I had self esteem issues and was convinced I would always be fat because it was what I deserved.

    But, NO MORE !!!!
  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    I ate to overcome my depression,and mainly to cover my stress and not knowing good food habits.
  • jzrharv
    jzrharv Posts: 126 Member
    I used to teach Jazzercise 3 to 4 days a week and run 5 miles on the alternate days. Then in 1999 I had my left hip replaced, retiring as an instructor, but still eating like I was teaching. Bad move.
  • st3f4real
    st3f4real Posts: 23 Member
    I used to try to eat the same amount as my 6'2" dad when I was a kid (bread & butter, large prime rib, salad, potato, + dessert) and built those fat cells early.

    Plus I would eat vanilla ice cream and hot fudge late at night with him most nights.

    I never had a healthy relationship with food because my role models did not either.

    My mom rarely cooked, so I never learned to cook healthy. I only knew how to bake and would bake brownies often because you could just follow the directions on the box.

    I ate a lot of canned chili and clam chowder (now they say that the BPA in the can's lining can make us fat).

    Birth control made me gain a lot of weight.

    When I went to college I was out of control and ate because of the stress/constant deadlines & pressure.

    I have been binging on In and Out burger trying to fill some emptiness but I cannot seem to figure out what it is. I think it is because my parents raised me to be perfect and I am not perfect and I need to learn to be okay with that.
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    I've had 3 children and pregnant with the 4th. But in between, I got lazy, and ate and drank 3000 calories a day, easily, with a semi sedentary life.

    I'm a huge boredom eater, and kept snacks in the house. Then I would mindlessly eat at the computer, or watching TV

    I like bread, and pasta. While not necessarily a downfall, it's definitely not always the best diet to have.

    Oh, and let's not forget portion distortion.
  • MelisMusing
    MelisMusing Posts: 421 Member
    I was an emo-eater (Working on that)
    I am lazy. Honestly. If you give me a choice to either sleep in, or go running, I will pick sleep. (Working on that)
    I work too much, and am what they call a "super commuter" (drive more than 2 hours a day for work).
    I love the good stuff. Good food, good wine, good beer, decadent chocolate.

    Learning to achieve balance is the goal, now.
  • motivatedbecky80
    motivatedbecky80 Posts: 11 Member
    I like to eat at buffets and take naps.
  • TexanAngel79
    I am 100% a comfort eater! If I could stop giving in to comfort food all the time, I would be at my goal!
  • sophayz
    sophayz Posts: 592 Member
    i am constantly stressed
    i love wine and alcohol in general way too much
    and i cant say no to chocolate (no self control)
    i have problem with portion control
    i don't exercise enough
    and i am a greedy fatty
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    I was always very tiny, what I ate, exercise, weight in general was never something I had to think about because I just stayed tiny. Then I took a desk job and because i'd never had to think about it before I kept on with that mentality, just continued eating the way I normally did and not exercising. It's stupid but it really never occurred to me that I would need to adjust to make up for the lack of daytime activity, I just took for granted the whole "I don't gain weight" thing. Now, about 20lbs has caught up with me. Lesson learned.
  • Phats17
    Phats17 Posts: 3 Member
    Ditto, lorierin22! I'm fat because I find it hard to reconcile today's me with the former skinny me who could eat whatever/whenever. .
  • worshiptheking148
    i was never really taught about the consequences of eating too much and not excercising ........childhood.......but now i'm educated and i don't like all this wabbally and jigglely stuff around me ;p
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    my diet consisted of Burger King Double Whoppers, Mickey Dee's Double Quarter Pounders and Wendy's Double with Cheese and Pizza

    i havent eaten there in probably 5 or 6 months and have taken my exercising and proper eating habits a bit more seriously
  • basmiri
    I am eatin compulsively..my portion are too big.. Snackin all day long..love doughnuts.. That s why !
  • MDawg81
    MDawg81 Posts: 244 Member
    Because I simply don't make good choices. It's all my fault, and I accept that. I tell myself I "need" something because my body wants it, when it all comes down to a choice.
  • slimkat82
    slimkat82 Posts: 13
    Take it one day at a time! It can be done, still working on me. Feel free to add me as a friend, let's help each other along, ok?:flowerforyou:
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    I was fat because I have always been thin, and had the mindset that it would be a permanent thing. I always ate all the junk I wanted to. When I hit 30 it all hit me ten fold. I ate non stop....chips, cookies, fried stuff, Mt Dew, candy bars. I never ate breakfast and would be starving by lunch. I would easily eat over 1000+ calories on lunch alone. I worked a desk job and didn't exercise at all. I started playing WoW and got even lazier. I saw pictures of me and couldn't believe my eyes of how much I had let myself go. That was when I made the change. That was 40lbs ago. Now that I know how many calories are in foods and what correct portions are I have more control over my eating habits. I eat things I like but not trough-size amounts and I exercise regularly. It's all about balance and routine...and that's what works for me.
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    No concept of portion control
    No idea about nutrition