Hello there!

I just realized that I jumped into the website and never introduced myself. EEEP! Sorry!

My name is Rhonda, and I LOVE myfitnesspal! It really has made me accountable and has made me rethink the food that I have been intaking.

About two years ago, I began losing weight, and I have lost 82+ pounds so far. I started using the Blood Type Diet, and it realllllly does work; if anyone is interested in that, please let me know! The problem is that I really never got control of how MUCH of the stuff I ate. This website is helping me do that.

9 months ago, I finally joined a gym, and it has truly changed my life. I usually go 5 x a week and enjoy spin, kickboxing, and yoga. I also use the weight machines and run a bit.

I look forward to meeting new people and also sharing struggles and successes.



  • hmwth
    hmwth Posts: 25
    Welcome and congrats on your great weight loss. Keep up the good work!
  • wsucheergirl
    I am interested in learning more about this blood type diet - what's that? :)
  • borisda
    borisda Posts: 122 Member
    Hi Rhonda

    Well done to your achievement that must be a massive change to your life style. What’s a blood type diet?

    I find MFP and the calorie checking a great aid to achieving my goals.

    I’ve been going to the gym for nearly 5 yrs now and I started just to try to get my six pack back (not there yet) but it has grown to eating more healthily and being more positive about life.

    All the best with your change of lifestyle.
  • RhondaCrombie
    :happy: Hi, everyone!! Thanks for the wonderful welcome!!

    The blood type diet is the Eat Right for Your Type program by Dr. D'Amo. He proposed that every blood type processes foods differently, so people should eat differently according to their type.

    O was the original blood type, and as humans were mainly meat eaters at first, O is more based in meats. When A blood type developed, the people had become more gatherers, so nuts, grains, and vegetables were available to them. I am A+, so for me, more of a vegetarian lifestyle is healthiest. Two years ago, I gave up red meat (which I NEVER though possible) and pork and just eat a bit of fish and some chicken on occasion. I also try to reallllly limit wheat and gluten intake.

    I have been amazed by the changes. I feel SOOOOOO much better, and all the sluggishness and gastric issues I suffered through suddenly have gone. (I found myself sick to my stomach quite a bit--not from viruses at all, just from foods I ate. When I gave up red meat, that was really decreased, and slowly, with these other changes, I have totally lost all those issues!)

    The program just makes sense to me, and I think that is why I have been able to follow it.
  • RhondaCrombie
    If you are interested, here is a link for the website:

  • cupiphi
    cupiphi Posts: 6 Member
    It's about time you introduced yourself in here!!

    Oh, wait, that means I should probably do that, too..... :wink:

    Hi, I'm Gretchen, Rhonda's friend. A bunch of us joined MyFitnessPal together to help keep ourselves accountable - I know that in the couple weeks I've been here, I've really started paying attention to not only what I'm putting in my body, but as Rhonda says, also HOW MUCH I'm eating, even of the healthy/good-for-me foods! This place is awesome!!
  • cupiphi
    cupiphi Posts: 6 Member
    And I love 'earning' extra calories when I work out, even if I don't end up eating them!!
  • RhondaCrombie
    :tongue: Hiya, Gretchen! Nice to meet you. *snort*
  • cupiphi
    cupiphi Posts: 6 Member
    Rhonda, how do you get your ticker to appear when you post in here?
  • cupiphi
    cupiphi Posts: 6 Member
    wsucheergirl, I love that you have your goals AND the rewards to go with them posted - that HAS to keep you focused - great idea!!!