Breakfast Advice?!!!

FSL010 Posts: 65 Member
Hey guys,

I just joined this forum (wish i had found it earlier). I'm trying to cut my sugar intake cuz i eat a lot of cookies and cakes (i'm not fat) because their is something different about the sugar in America. I'm starting to get some fat on my belly.

I need something for breakfast that is easy to make and is healthy also (No cereals, i hate em). When i don't have time to eat in the mornings, i eat some cookies (like 6 or 7) and that's bad i know.

any ideas?


  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Fruit is the perfect breakfast, and yes, it has sugar, but it's not like the sugar in cookies. The sugar comes with fiber, micro-nutrients, water, etc, and doesn't hit your body as quickly as cookie sugar. Plus, cookies are usually loaded with fat, too, and fruit is low fat.
  • florymonde
    florymonde Posts: 261 Member
    I like a good hit of protein in the morning, so eggs often fill the bill for me. Keeping hard-boiled eggs on hand makes a quick breakfast.
  • I agree with the hard boiled eggs. will help keep you full. I also like yoplait greek yogurt for breakfast. Cliff bars are good too.
  • FSL010
    FSL010 Posts: 65 Member
    I like fried eggs with some wheat bread!
    That's what i've been eating for some days.

    And i don't mind fats, i actually think fats are good for you because they help in hormone production.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I second the eggs with toast. I also am not a big fan of cereal. I eat it every other day just to have a variety. The egg and toast keep me fuller long. You could also do some toast with peanut butter. I do that occasionally. Also, greek yogurt is another good one. If you are into it, oatmeal.
  • wcasey911
    wcasey911 Posts: 1 Member
    Over easy eggs and turkey sausage patty. Full of protein and fairly low calorie.
  • belly fat cure book has lots of quick easy things to make.
  • fox2star
    fox2star Posts: 57 Member
    I'm really boring.. around 6:15 am .I eat a slice of spelt toast w/all fruit jam, and a turkey sausage pattie...every day. It keeps me full until around 9:30 10:00, then I have a hard boiled egg.
  • DesignGrrl
    DesignGrrl Posts: 147 Member
    Iced coffee with chocolate peanut butter protein powder!
  • ukloveme
    ukloveme Posts: 125
    two slice wholewheat bread with 2 boiled egg whites with smoked salmon, slice tomatoes and pinch black pepper to die for

    one banana, with pineapple with a dash of ginger and blend lovely smoothie
    wholewheal tortillas with prawns and veg

    porridge with honey
  • Porridge, Eggs, Wheatbix
  • I tend to have Porridge and a Whey Protein Shake, or Wheatbix and a Whey protein shake
  • If you have any time to bake, I highly recommend the no-knead harvest bread recipe from King Arthur Flour -

    You do have to plan ahead to make the bread, but it does make for an easy breakfast. I also like 100% whole wheat English muffins with apple butter or peanut butter.
  • hard boiled eggs--make 2 dozen on the weekend and just grab like 3 of them with a couple ounces of nuts. bam...240+320 = 560 calories. Add a banana and you're at 660.
  • malliexo
    malliexo Posts: 76 Member
    I love oatmeal. Don't buy instant oatmeal. Add a little cinnamon and a banana and the only sugar is good sugar from fruit. It's yummy!
  • Also..make a protein shake at night. Pour it into a cup and grab it when you're in a rush. An easy 500-1000 calories depending on what you put in it.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    instant oatmeal is pretty quick to make, and you can add lots of different things for flavor. i like to add cinnamon and maple syrup, apple sauce cinnamon and brown sugar, or some chocolate protein powder to it.
    you can also microwave eggs if you are in a rush and have it on whole grain bread with some fat free cheese
    or a protein shake on the go, i like to blend chocolate protein powder half a banana and a tbsp of pb with milk and ice
    greek yogurt with granola
    or you can try and find a recipe for breakfast bars and make a bunch ahead of time to grab on the go
    a pb sandwich works for a quick breakfast too
  • Moosycakes
    Moosycakes Posts: 258 Member
    I usually eat what a lot of people have for breakfast for lunch, so here's some lunches I would eat:

    Porridge with half a cup of blueberries and cinnamon
    A slice of wholegrain toast with stuff on- I like:
    Avocado and smoked salmon (if you're looking for some protein)
    Lettuce and tomato with pepper- my lunch today, SO GOOD
    Avocado and like, cooked tomato xD

    Or you could pair toast with soup! :)
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Hey guys,

    I just joined this forum (wish i had found it earlier). I'm trying to cut my sugar intake cuz i eat a lot of cookies and cakes (i'm not fat) because their is something different about the sugar in America. I'm starting to get some fat on my belly.

    I need something for breakfast that is easy to make and is healthy also (No cereals, i hate em). When i don't have time to eat in the mornings, i eat some cookies (like 6 or 7) and that's bad i know.

    any ideas?

    For a quickie I eat a bowl of of unsweetened apple sauce (1 cup 50 cal.) or humus on whole wheat bread/toast.....and I keep a few boiled eggs in the fridge if really on the run....and of course, you can never go wrong with peanut butter and anything.

    I also use unsweetened apple sauce to sweeten my oatmeal.
  • portwein
    portwein Posts: 29 Member
    Around 300 calories from the leftovers from the night before are my favorite breakfast foods. Love food with flavor. Eggs, cereal, or the typical morning menu is not for me. Pizza is my favorite, everything in moderation.