Looking to make some more friends

Hi everyone. My name is Melanie and I am 39 years old. am coming back to MFP and am determined to succeed this time around. I did ok before on it but was only half hearted. I want to get healthy and fit and be a good example for my daughter. I am looking to lose about 60 pounds and can use all the encouragement I can get. good luck to you all on your own journeys



  • Thank you, good luck to you on yours as well.

    If you want, you can add me. I am looking to lose about 100 pounds.
    It's great that you came back and are taking another stab at it! :)

    Good luck and congratulations on wanting to get healthier. I have faith in you!
  • thank you.... i sent a friend request to you.
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    This is the perfect place to be! Add me if you'd like?
  • Add me if you like....
  • Feel free to add me! More friends, less fat. :wink:
  • SpanksNotSpanx
    SpanksNotSpanx Posts: 31 Member
    Good luck! I was On MFP before and had a lot of success but then after my daughters birth I slacked off .. I slacked off right through 50+lbs! :) Good job getting back on track it's difficult... even emotionally realizing that you've got to make changes!
    Add me if you would like!
  • dhv5688
    dhv5688 Posts: 17 Member
    Add me! I have about the same to lose and could always use some more encouragement :)
  • Always looking for friends to encourage and help encourage me! I love mfp!!! I have been a member for a little over a year but never really used the app! I just started completely using the app 100% the past 2 months! I use to use a bodybugg to help but I stopped wearing it and of course gained that back. but now I upgraded to a Bodymedia link system that links to mfp and I absolutely love it! I love how you can scan your food and add it....

    Anyone looking here can ADD ME!
  • ViennaRoma
    ViennaRoma Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I'm only a few weeks into this, but I really like it. In the next week, I'm seeing a dietitian and a personal trainer. I WILL lose this weight! You can add me if u want!
  • hi there, i am nathalie and im fairly new here. its nice to see that you will be trying to lose weight again, as for me...im struggling pretty much these because of stress at home and at work that its making it hard for me to be disciplined on the calories that i consume. i want to lose weight so much that it makes me sad when i am not able to follow through with what i need to do...i need support .. please help..
  • Feel free to add me. My name is Cheri and I am 49 years old, have 110lbs to lose. Love this site keeps me on my toes and making better food choices!!
  • ards7
    ards7 Posts: 33
    add me if you want! I wanted to drop about 60 lbs and thankfully 50 have gone, onto the last 10 or so. the more support the better :)