Needs some support.

I am a mom of 4 ... after i had my first baby i was still in shape then after the 2,3,4 i managed to pack on over 100 lbs and I would love to wake up and it is gone but I know that will never happen... so lifestyle change her I come.... my problem is i drank 3to 4 44oz sodas in a day and i love to over eat i could eat all day if you let me and now that i am changing my diet i am always hungry like always and cant seem to ease it i drink water all day nothing else i need some secrets as to how i can ease my hunger without over eating? i am excerciseing to mute out the hunger but when i do so i earn more calories and then i am less than daily gola more so than i already was... can any one help me!?


  • amandaraecarter
    amandaraecarter Posts: 9 Member
    I am 100+ pounds overweight. I started on this journey on November 5, 2012, so I am new at this too. You and I have a lot in common. I am someone who loves to eat - not because I am hungry but because I like the way food tastes. I was worried that I would not be able to stay with this because I would be hungry all the time, but I am finding it is the exact opposite!! Most days I cannot even eat all of my calories. It is alot about what you eat... I eat every 2-3 hours, and I am losing weight. It is a lifestyle change - not a quick fix. Feel free to add me.
  • whitneyberra1987
    whitneyberra1987 Posts: 172 Member
    BUMP... Feel free to add me if you want a friend through this!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    What is your calorie goal for the day?
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Try and cut the soda in Half. A great overall goal is to drop it, but Baby steps!!! thats a long way off. Even keep it at 2-3 for now. Keep drinking that water!
    Are you truly Hungry or do you want to eat? Every time you feel hungry ask yourself that question. Your body may be craving something still, and if so, its probably good healthy foods, but I don't know what you're eating. Keep the bad snacks out, as much as you can. The kids don't Have to have Cheeze-its if that is a downfall for YOU! Find some good fruits and veggies that you like to munch on that you can grab when you feel you Must have something.

    I little less in every day, and a little more exercise, and the changes will start. Once you start to lose and you feel better, the momentum keeps up.

    You can do it! and we're all here to help you motivate!!!!
    Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • LucyJane1213
    Try high protein and low carbs. By this I mean lean proteins like white meat chicken, fish, yogurt, lowfat milk, slim fast. Also a small handful of nuts. Carbs can include fresh veggies and fruit. Also, whole grains, but not too much. Eliminate starches like pasta, white bread, etc. The sugars and starches, while temporarily relieving the hunger and cravings, will actually leave you hungry sooner. The lean proteins, veggies, and (small amount) of whole grains will keep you feeling fuller longer. Also, make sure you check with your doctor, have your hormones, and especially your thyroid checked. After giving birth your hormones can get all messed up and make it difficult to lose weight. Plus, be sure you're taking multi-vitamins, calcium, and getting enough rest (I know that's hard with 4 children but you need to take care of yourself, too). Good luck. Stay out here with people who are on your side!
  • HaleyxErin
    HaleyxErin Posts: 94 Member
    if you eat lots of fruites and veggies you should be less hungry. I know its is hard (believe me I hate it right now too) but if you make simple changes slowly instead of all at once it will be so much easier. For instance if you drop the sodas you will be doing yourself a world of good just by doing that because liquid calories do the most damage as you body doesn't register them the sam way. Also cut portions of unhealthy food slowly, if you start eating less your stomach will shrink making you want less, that is a slow going process but it WILL happen. Good luck on your journey!
  • LucyJane1213
    Same here, if you want to friend me, I'd welcome it. We all need support.
  • naticksdonna
    naticksdonna Posts: 192 Member
    Hey, Welcome! Your story is my story but I took 30 years to find my way! Luckily you're trying to change your lifestyle now. I would say that dropping the sodas would be a major factor for beginning your journey - or at least limit to one diet soda a day for now if you have to. I also agree with the lowering carbs if you happen to be sensitive to them - I am a food addict - more particularly carbs. They also tend to make you crave more. Try to stick to the healthy carbs in veggies and fruits but watch the sugar content of the fruit you eat. Eat plenty of protein and veggies, some healthy fats (I know a lot of people don't think any fats are healthy but our brains do need them) and limited carbs. Again, just a suggestion. Once you start to drop weight you will be motivated to see it continue and less likely to make unwise choices. Add exercise - start off slowly and work your way up to a good workout. Try to get plenty of sleep (and, having had 4 children I know how almost impossible that is!!) as sleep is an aide to weight loss as well. Don't give up - you are too important and the time for you is now! I wish you luck. I'm always looking for support and motivation and willing to give it as well if you want to friend me. Have a great day!!
  • whitneyberra1987
    whitneyberra1987 Posts: 172 Member
    my calorie goal is 1440
  • LucyJane1213
    What will you eat to try to accomplish your calorie goal?
  • lisanewland06
    I am a mother of 4 too who needs to lose a lot of weight (30ks) and I struggle to lose weight by myself, so I am hoping like crazy that this is it for me. I have had enough of being a short fat person. I actually love myself and my body and I am a confident person, I just really want to lose the weight I put on with each of my kids. All the best in oyur journey.
  • teilee
    teilee Posts: 15 Member
    In between meals, eat low calorie snacks like veggies or fruits. You'd be surprised how filling a couple of cuties oranges can be! Even just a half a cup of fat free cottage cheese fills you up.
  • teilee
    teilee Posts: 15 Member
    I don't recommend drinking diet soda, it actually hinders weight loss and it's not good for you at all! I don't have any links but I'm sure you can find information on that if you google it
  • dragunfly
    I am right there with you all! I have 80+ to lose...I kept slowly gaining more and more after each of my kids...

    Feel free to add me! I log in daily...
  • dragunfly
    Very very true about the diet anything! I now know after a long battle of joint pain and restless sleeping that the "diet" part of foods and drinks got me there!!!! I completely cut all diet and sugar free products... I learned anything that says sugar free is NOT sugar free it has sucralose or some other form of sugar substitute...I was doing some research and learned that the sugar substitute was discovered by accident! The sugar substitute is made with chlorine and they learned that the chlorine actually tricks our minds into thinking it is something sweet...It makes your body so acidic...High acidity in our bodies has been proven to be a major factor in people diagnosed with CANCER!!!!! DIET POP is not worth it to me...I stopped it cold turkey after learning that!!!!

    I hope this helps someone!!!!
  • lisabautista777
    Sounds like my story. I've had 6 children and gained more than 100 pounds (140 to be exact) over the last 19 yrs. I too drank a lot of soda. I've lost 60 but have 80 to go. Add me, we'll help each other. :)
  • Kathrynaline
    The key is not how much food really but the types of food you eat that matter. I love pasta with all my heart! Spaghetti, OMG and steak fries....Potatoes yum. But I've learned a number of secrets... Did you know that spagetti squash ( nuke 5 min then scrape with fork) with your fav marinara or garlic sauce mimics pasta perfectly. Taste AND feeling full..... Another type of squash is indistinguishable from a sweet potato when roasted, I can show you how to take an acorn squash and make amazing steak fries or adding hunked butternut squash to your soup is just like a potato. All without one carb. Darn. Now I'm hungry! Oh, I almost forgot, Hi. I'm Kathie! 3 sons...