Fit Bit Users?

Is a fit bit a worthwhile purchase or is MFP just as good? I'm wondering will it help improve my fitness and weight loss, is it worth spending the money on a fit bit? I would love to hear your comments.


  • SaLandrum
    SaLandrum Posts: 141 Member
    I love my FitBit ..... it has been a good purchase for me.
  • lrob100
    lrob100 Posts: 122 Member
    I have one and I absolutely love it. I highly recommend it. It automatically uploads to MFP and calculates your steps and calorie burn. I could not lost the weight I have lost without it. I wear it everywhere I go. It really made me conscious of how little I was moving before I started my weight loss journey. I started at trying to get in 10,000 steps a day and increased from there. Now I run and it is great at calculating all that too.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I think they work well together. The fitbit makes you more aware of your true activity level, and therefor, your calorie burn. I would have NEVER believed that my average daily burn is 2400 calories, even when I am fairly sedentary...
  • aimeelynnn
    aimeelynnn Posts: 67 Member
    Ok I think I am going to buy a fitbit.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    FB is great a picking up the mooching and ambling I do. I haven't had much luck getting it to track run calories anything like in accordance with Cardio Trainer or the gym machines.

    It's also good at motivating me to go for walks around the office, which increases my daily activity, which can only be good, right?
  • aimeelynnn
    aimeelynnn Posts: 67 Member
    There are three fitbit models which one do all of you like the best?
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Ultra is the old one. Difference between that and the One is that the One will link tio iPhone 4/4s and ipad 3. You can getbitbreduced from Amazon etc. the Zipmalso syncs with those phones but does not count stairs and sleep like the One and ultra does. It all depends what you want.
  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
    I have the original fitbit (ultra) since last April and LOVE it! I accidentally wore my first one in a hot-tub and they sent me a new one, no questions asked! the company has excellent customer service as many will tell you! I wear mine every day and it has really motivated me to "MOVE" more--now my goal is 12000 to 15000 steps a day which motivates me to walk or do my wii walk it out dvd so I can get those steps in--and if i am a little short i just run or walk in place to get my steps up--it's a great fitness tool!
  • aimeelynnn
    aimeelynnn Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks for all the replies I bought the fit bit one!
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    I have an ultra love it, I would have bought a one if I had apple as it syncs now via that I beleave which is nicer then nightly sit downs at the computer to sync it up before bed.

    I find it reminds me how I slack when I realize I haven't even broke 5k somedays.
  • Lacy567
    I love my fitbit and it really does help track. Look on ebay before paying full price...I got mine for $35.00 .
  • Frood42
    Frood42 Posts: 245 Member
    I have found it well worth while, great for setting goals, like 20,000 steps a day for a week, or 10 miles a day for a week, or 3500 calories burned a day a week, you get the idea :laugh:
  • NickDHussin
    I like my fitbit one, I have it set up to auto sync to mfp but honestly the main thing I use it for is to see how active I've been in a day...if I see I am lower then usual I will just go walking on my lunch break or do something to get it up higher.
  • justme6060
    I just got one a couple of weeks ago. I love it, makes me walk more and want to do more steps, getting higher every day. Definately worth it