Your Goal-Gift to yourself



  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Hahaha, depending on how dire my student financial situation my ultimate reward is going to be a motorcycle. However, I think I'll probably just treat myself to 300-400$ shopping spree, and then maybe save the bike for when I ht a really big fitness goal, like running an iron man or something crazy =p
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I'm getting the greek word for "agape" which is unconditional love on the inside of my left wrist. :happy:
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Oooh! But if I meet my summer goal, which, is basically just to feel good about myself in a bikini, I'm gonna buy a really nice one, and maybe get my belly button pierced =p
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I have a silver necklace picked out from Birks Jewellers. I HATE having my picture taken but when I reach goal, I want my photo taken professionally.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    When I got to goal, I got a tattoo of a butterfly with tribal markings and the word "FLY" underneath it. The butterfly represents my transformation (caterpillar to butterfly) and the acronym for the word fly is "Finally Loving Yourself", which was how I finally felt about myself. Since reaching goal, I've put back on about 15 lbs and am working again towards getting back to goal, but even though I've gained weight, I've realized that I always have to love myself first.

    I am now in the process of designing another tattoo, which I plan on getting when I get back to my goal weight. It seems to be true.....tattoos seem to be addicting. lol
    I got my first tattoo in two parts; a turtle in a tribal design on my ankle, and then waves that go around my ankle on either side of the turtle in the same style tribal design. My next one will be a butterfly tat on my upper back between the shoulder blades; I want it done in a flame design to be similar to a Phoenix for being "born again" and butterflies because they're my favorite and for a similar reason to yours. Color would be a mix of flame red/orange.
  • weidner
    weidner Posts: 127
    Well, I bought a nice tankini as my inspiration for losing weight (it was expensive) but a girl has to do what a girl has to do. I try it on once a week and I have to say it is looking better crappy than it did on the first try on date!!!!!

    I was thinking about getting a tatoo of a very small shamrock on my left foot - right above my baby toe - I have heard it hurts right there because of the bones in your foot - does anyone know, or have a tatoo in that area?
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Hahaha, depending on how dire my student financial situation my ultimate reward is going to be a motorcycle. However, I think I'll probably just treat myself to 300-400$ shopping spree, and then maybe save the bike for when I ht a really big fitness goal, like running an iron man or something crazy =p

    Right on!!
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Well, I bought a nice tankini as my inspiration for losing weight (it was expensive) but a girl has to do what a girl has to do. I try it on once a week and I have to say it is looking better crappy than it did on the first try on date!!!!!

    I was thinking about getting a tatoo of a very small shamrock on my left foot - right above my baby toe - I have heard it hurts right there because of the bones in your foot - does anyone know, or have a tatoo in that area?

    Tattoos over bony areas hurt more than tattoos over fleshy areas.
  • Valqis
    Valqis Posts: 1,016 Member
    I'm getting the greek word for "agape" which is unconditional love on the inside of my left wrist. :happy:

    You are going to have to post a pic of that!!
    For some reason, I am all about foreign languages for tattoos. I'm also thinking about getting "Emporer" in Japanese on my Right bicep and am trying to figure out where to put "Believe" in Japanese
  • Mary_Burris
    Mary_Burris Posts: 120
    Im not sure about my Goal gift yet but when I lost 100lbs I got down to 199 at the same time so it was 2 milestones in 1, I got my Nose Peirced. Ill have to start thinking about my big goal gift because its only 13lbs away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o)
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I'm still trying to decide what my gift should be when I reach my goal... just because I'll be less fat doesn't mean I'll be less broke! HMmmmm
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    I'm still trying to decide what my gift should be when I reach my goal... just because I'll be less fat doesn't mean I'll be less broke! HMmmmm

    However- skinny clothes tend to cost less than fat clothes.

    $60 for a bra vs $20 for a bra... so even if you choose a couple nice pieces of skinny clothes that'd make up the cost of one fat-piece then you've rewarded yourself.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    A pair of Frye boots. I don't care that they cost $300+. The moment my no longer fat calves can comfortably fit into a pair I am buying them.

    And new clothes.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    A pair of Frye boots. I don't care that they cost $300+. The moment my no longer fat calves can comfortably fit into a pair I am buying them.

    And new clothes.

    My husband bought me a GORGEOUS pair of brown leather boots from the UK. I've never fit them. One of my goals is to get those bad-boys on by Fall.
  • adegonia
    adegonia Posts: 51 Member
    Tattoo warning! I love that everyone has rewards for themself when they accomplish their goals! My warning is to really think about it before you get a tattoo. I'm not just saying this because my husband is a preacher either. I have a quarter sleeve(koi fish) and a tramp stamp(although they weren't called that yet when I got it) It REALLY stinks now trying to find clothes to cover my arm! It's 3/4 length shirts year round for me because showing a tattoo is considered tabu in corporate america. Not to mention trying to find a formal or semiformal dress for a company christmas part that covers it. Ultimately it's your body and you can do what you want but I wish I would have thought about it more before I got my tattoo and now I am a different person and it's a constant reminder of a past that I have worked hard to get through. I think my tattoo is beautiful I just wish it was on a frame not on my skin!
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Tattoo warning! I love that everyone has rewards for themself when they accomplish their goals! My warning is to really think about it before you get a tattoo. I'm not just saying this because my husband is a preacher either. I have a quarter sleeve(koi fish) and a tramp stamp(although they weren't called that yet when I got it) It REALLY stinks now trying to find clothes to cover my arm! It's 3/4 length shirts year round for me because showing a tattoo is considered tabu in corporate america. Not to mention trying to find a formal or semiformal dress for a company christmas part that covers it. Ultimately it's your body and you can do what you want but I wish I would have thought about it more before I got my tattoo and now I am a different person and it's a constant reminder of a past that I have worked hard to get through. I think my tattoo is beautiful I just wish it was on a frame not on my skin!

    Both of my current tattoos are on my back, easily covered. No one who hasn't seen me nekkid, knows I have them, unless I tell them. (I have two shirts that shows the top one, but usually wear another shirt over those).

    I don't regret either of my tattoos. I've considered some more visible ink, and tend to figure that these are roadmaps on my skin, that show you my life.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Seems I have been treating myself along the way -by investing in workout wear (tanks, bras, yoga pants, etc) and workout DVDs. I don't spend money on a gym membership - so figure it more or less evens out. Most recently I splurged on a polar f6 HRM (worth every penny). With the info it gives me, I've been able to take exercise to a different (more productive level).

    My first real earned "reward" was a new pair of running shoes - I got them because I had completed the Cto5K program and stuck with running. I love those shoes. I might keep them forever. Reaching that milestone meant a lot to me.

    For next rewards - 1) getting my rings sized (I can no longer wear them without losing them, but no point in resizing them until I'm maintaining) and 2) thinking about saving up for a Wii. (But, not sure if the money would be wasted on us - we're not really video game people).

    Hmmmm... now I just need to figure out - what my final goal should be.... it's so hard to know....!!!
  • shazzannon
    shazzannon Posts: 117 Member
    My gift to myself will hopefully be to study abroad in Florence, Italy next fall at my goal weight. If I don't reach my goal in time (because I'm going regardless), I'm going to get a back piece of a flowering vine when I do actually reach my goal. Awesome!
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Seems I have been treating myself along the way -by investing in workout wear (tanks, bras, yoga pants, etc) and workout DVDs. I don't spend money on a gym membership - so figure it more or less evens out. Most recently I splurged on a polar f6 HRM (worth every penny). With the info it gives me, I've been able to take exercise to a different (more productive level).

    My first real earned "reward" was a new pair of running shoes - I got them because I had completed the Cto5K program and stuck with running. I love those shoes. I might keep them forever. Reaching that milestone meant a lot to me.

    For next rewards - 1) getting my rings sized (I can no longer wear them without losing them, but no point in resizing them until I'm maintaining) and 2) thinking about saving up for a Wii. (But, not sure if the money would be wasted on us - we're not really video game people).

    Hmmmm... now I just need to figure out - what my final goal should be.... it's so hard to know....!!!

    Regarding the wii- omg YES! It's totally a great investment. My inlaws have one, and my mother in law and I regularly get our exercise done on that.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    My gift to myself will hopefully be to study abroad in Florence, Italy next fall at my goal weight. If I don't reach my goal in time (because I'm going regardless), I'm going to get a back piece of a flowering vine when I do actually reach my goal. Awesome!

    Oh Florence is AWESOME!