couch to 10 miles???

Philadelphia has its Broad Street Run (a 10 miles race) every year in May and I am registering to run it this year. I have never run any kind of race like this or set a goal this big before, and I'm really nervous but really also excited about it. I have 5 months to train and make this goal a reality. Does anyone have any good tips to offer on ways to train or anything like that? I'm going to underestimate myself and say that I'm starting a super beginners level of I have a ways to go, but I'm gonna do it. Please, only helpful and positive responses. Anyone who has run a race like this before or who is training, please share your thoughts and tips. looking forward to hearing everyone's responses :)


  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    There is a couch to 10k program, might be a good place to start.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    There are tons of training plans out there. As ZenInTexas suggested start with the 10k program and work your way up. I just started running (I'm 43 and never did any running in my life) and doing 10 miles in 5 months sounds daunting to me but not impossible. The couch to 5K alone is 9 weeks. I skipped the first two weeks and went straight to week 3 and it has been pretty easy so far. Just pace yourself, get plenty of rest days and you should do fine. Good luck!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    6 months to get to 10 miles.... deffinately!

    Start with something like couch to 10k like poster above said, or couch to 5k then bridge to 10k. and then just up your milage of your long run by 10% every week or so; ensuring your get quality runs inbetween.

    Have fun running :)