
I have a really good plan to lose weight, and eat right...but then i never do it because i cant find any motivation


  • jmarie9
    jmarie9 Posts: 108
    you just gotta suck it up and do it :) whenever your brain tells you to do something that you want, do the opposite... you want an extra serving a dinner, dont. you dont wanna go to the gym, go... keep a picture of yourself at your highest weight close to you, in your purse or on your cell and look at it when you are about to make a bad decision. you juust gotta find little tricks that work for you :) good luck! you can do it!
  • gogreen_bhappy711
    thanks, that really helps!!! =) and jw, how long did it take you to lose 22 pounds? and good job by the way.
  • asheldon2010
    I read something recently and want to share it with you.
    Motivation does not just happen. We must create it.
    Think about it. The root word of motivation is "motive". Ask yourself, "why do I want to lose weight and get fit?"
    The reason must be emotional for you. It must be important to you and emotional for you.
    The part of our brain that controls our daily actions responds best to emotion and to pictures.

    So to create motivation, you must give it what it wants:
    1. A good emotional reason to take action now
    2. A clear picture of the benefits you will get when you do.

    I hope this helps you, I thought it was good information to reflect on.
    Good Luck and God Bless you.
  • jmarie9
    jmarie9 Posts: 108
    about two months... but it will be more difficult for you because you are already pretty low in weight (from what your profile says) .. i also eat a pretty strict vegetarian diet, no cheese, milk or meat... so you cant set yourself up, thinking you will lose that much in the same amount of time.
  • faith1908
    Wow that was great! I never looked at it that way. I just said I wanted to lose weight and 15 years later I have yo yoed up and down. Now I am at my highest and I feel horrible. So my motivation is that I want to feel better about myself. I want to be more confident in my clothes. I can vision me walking in a nice dress that fit well every where. I want to be able to enjoy shopping again and eating. I want to stop focusing some much of my time on losing weight and then the rest of the time sabbatoging myself. So thank you for your motivation and my God bless you too