D@mn office catering!!

How do you guys keep yourself from eating when there always seem to be catering in the office?
I do one to two gym classes a day but I counteract the benefits of the workouts by not being able to say no to the catering (eg. 3 different sets yesterday - wraps, fruit, cheese platter then another with chocolate slices then someone brought in a huge chocolate cheesecake because it was their last day!!) :grumble:
Any suggestions will be appreciated!!


  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Just put your hands behind your back and say no thank you. It works well.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    decide what is more important

    a big fat *kitten*

    or eating a bunch of food you didnt plan for
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    My treats are "catered" by not just co-workers, but the PTO and the students armed with tasty little birthday treats. You have to figure out a way to say no, bottom line. (I don't actually say no to the kids...I have them put treats on my desk, then toss unwrapped ones later and take wrapped ones to the family at home.) Maybe you need to stay out of the break room? If you just can't resist, allow yourself ONE item and then walk away. Stash some healthy alternates at your desk.
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    Good suggestion....I've tried doing that but I always seem to fail in the end.
  • deadbambi
    Willpower my friend. Just say no~ :glasses:
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Bring your own food and willpower.
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    @srsteier - the catering is usually left in my general area so it's hard not to have it in your line of vision. I guess that I should really keep some healthy snacks nearby and whenever I'm tempted by the catering just have the healthy snack instead :smile:
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    That's exactly what I need willpower!! I'll see how I go next week - thanks for all the suggestions everyone!!!
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    It is NEVER easy! But you just have to try. Stay away from the table with all the food and just bring in your own lunch.
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    @Dave198lbs - Hmmm....definitely don't want the big fat @ss (maybe I should stick a picture of that somewhere so I can see it whenever I'm tempted to reach for the cookies). Will stay far away from the bad food from now one.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Just put your hands behind your back and say no thank you. It works well.

    This :drinker:

    I have not had even one piece of candy from the bowl that's on my desk (receptionist) ..... the boss refills it every other day ...... there's also a staff kitchen filled with cookies & a cheesecake from our lovely clients ....... and bagels & creamcheese from the reps who come in trying to sell us their products ......


    And best of luck to you !
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    Wish that there was a 'like' or 'thanks' button - there are lots of great ideas.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I don't have much advice other than I've just learned to automatically say no if anyone offers me food unless it's something really different and awesome. Usually I've brought my own food or planned out what I'm going to have. I also save the majority of my calories for the evening so I can cook and eat a little more at night and have room for a snack or a beer sometimes. I'm not too big on sweets, so that helps quite a bit in declining the donuts/cookies/etc that tend to magically appear in the kitchen.

    That being said, I plan on making two large pans of these and bringing them to work to sabotage all of my coworkers:


    If I can't lose weight as fast as I'd like, I can at least look skinnier in comparison. :devil:
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    @verptwerp - wow, that's really fantastic self control!! That's it...I'm going to be stronger and as everyone said 'just say no'!!
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Just put your hands behind your back and say no thank you. It works well.

    Then, dive face-first into the cake.
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    @auroranflash - you're hilarious!!!
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    Oh that sounds like quite a pickle. I really don't know what I would do. Prayer helps.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Have a food plan for the day; better yet, bring your own food in.

    No plan? Then of course you'll eat whatever crap is in front of you.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Just put your hands behind your back and say no thank you. It works well.

    Then, dive face-first into the cake.


    ...you're doing it wrong.

    (I think.)
  • PeiEnWu
    choose the low fat food or count rhe calories u need!
    or u can eat less after the day!