Sick after intense workout. Now what?

Apparently, today was a bad day for my workout. I got sick after this jump rope workout. Actually, scratch that. I made vomitting an Olympic event. Now what do I do? I feel like that threw my calorie counting for a loop, so how do I make up for the nutrients I lost without killing my day?

I'm feeling really discouraged right now. I feel so crappy that I want to give up.



  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Vomiting is to be expected after really intense workouts; you see it all the time on biggest loser and a friend of mine did it after intense running workouts in college :laugh:

    Personally, I wouldn't worry it; continue on your daily nutitrion, keeping what you already ate in it. Once you've already met your calories, and you're still hungry I would say eat half the amount of calories you ate before vomiting. And drink LOTS of water. to replenish what you lost.
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    I just started my "lifestyle change" 2 days ago. Yesterday was my first day of exercise....and mine ended with the same results. Mine was more a result of drinking too much water afterwards, but spewing what was left of lunch and all that water was the end result. YUCK! But don't feel a way puking just means you worked really hard. Back down on the length and intensity of exercise and gradually build up to your exercise goal. Make sure to take a multi-vitamin (maybe first thing in the morning so it gets absorbed if something like this were to happen again), and go easy on eating and drinking too much for an hour or two after exercising. but feel proud of yourself for committing to this-losing weight is one of the hardest things to do in my opinion. And know that even though you feel like crap right now.....think of how you'll feel when all that weight is off. When I went through weight watchers the first time they said every 10lbs. you lose is 200 lbs. of pressure off your joints. That's incredibly comforting.....fewer aches and pains. Think of your weight in terms of balling balls....over time you'll be amazed at what you've taken off. So stay strong! Work up to your steps! Before you know it, those baby steps have turned into a you want to keep running!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • onelegpat
    onelegpat Posts: 33 Member
    Awesome! Not that I endorse puking as a goal but as long as it is truly from pushing yourself further than you thought you could go, not from a huge meal before your workout and it's not a regular occurrence I think it certainly isn't a bad thing.
    I received a Puky the Clown sticker when I did it a few weeks back at CrossFit, after working my butt off, but also it happened from eating to soon before my workout. (Lesson learned, now I know what pre-workout eating looks like and I follow it)
    Drink a bunch of water and you'll be fine, certainly don't give up on yourself, wipe yourself off and get back out there and kick some more butt!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I think it comes with the territory. When I run, I push myself to the verge of nausea. Just make sure to double up on your water after these episodes. You're losing more fluid than calories when you up chuck.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I threw up the first time I did the Plyometrics workout from P90X. Then I ended up with an exertion-induced migraine and ended up throwing up again later in the day. I felt miserable and couldn't eat anything. Take it easy to day, don't worry about the lost nutrients. A meal or two (literally) down the toilet isn't going to deplete you of nutrients too badly. Drink a lot of fluid, get back on track with eating what you can and get back in the saddle tomorrow.

    I haven't thrown up from Plyometrics since! And I recently did my first Insanity workout and... no puking! I feel like I am in a lot better shape. Good job pushing yourself and it will get better.
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Hi there

    I've been searching for info on this :wink:

    What I found so far is this ...

    Generally your blood pressure increases when you're doing anaerobic training of any kind including strength training.

    Nausea is a frequent side effect of passing your lactate threshold in a workout - not everyone gets it and you can train yourself out of it or train to increase your lactate threshold.

    I had no clue what lactate threshold was so found this link :smile: Hope it's ok to post it :wink:

    Puking is scored on a training level of 10 which is FAB :wink: Do you have a HRM? If not this is an alternative :smile:

    "Another way of monitoring your intensity is called Rate of Perceived Exertion or RPE. This simply refers to how hard you feel you are exercising. Using a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is very easy (i.e., you’re sleeping) and 10 is maximal effort (i.e. you’re puking), you can monitor your intensity. This is useful if you can’t easily check your pulse or are not wearing a heart rate monitor."

    Lastly this link shares some really good ideas about how to prevent it :drinker:

    Hope you are feeling a little bit better now :heart:

    I hope these links were ok to share if not please remove them :blushing:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Hmm exercising until you puke is good for you? Call me old fashioned but I hope I never experience that. Do you still feel sick or did it pass? Maybe you have a stomach virus. Personally if my exercise made me throw up even once, I'd probably stop doing it so intensely. Darlin' you don't have to kill yourself to get healthy. Eat sensibly and be active in a way that doesn't cause pain and/or puking.
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    Thanks everyone for all the information and support. I feel a lot better now. I never actually knew that I could make myself sick working out, so I consider this a lesson learned. I've been sipping on water and took a warm shower, then an hour long nap. Now I am FAMISHED. I'm looking forward to eating in a sec, probably more than I should, so I'm MAKING myself use measuring cups for everything I make for myself, haha.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    After a particularly long bike ride, 57 miles in which we ran out of water the last 5 mile up hill hot as hill part when I bought some ice cold water I downed it, and was soon bent over in agony feeling like I was going to have a heart attack. Not fun. Now I sip, pause, sip, pause. Hope your feeling better.