"Fixing" a low metabolism



  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    You're at the gym at 9pm?

    are you getting enough sleep? Not resting your body properly causes you to hold extra weight. true story.
    I don't mean do you feel tired. I mean are you actually getting the proper amount of sleep.
  • cuarrech
    cuarrech Posts: 118 Member
    Have you tested your morning temperature (armpit, if your arms have been down for a while)? That seems to be a good barometer of metabolic functioning. Mine used to be 96 or a bit less, but after a little while of eating more it's inching up to 98, I feel warmer, and after an initial 5-6lb gain I've started losing again, slowly.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Keep in mind, if you go by the TDEE estimate, you do not apply the MFP method of "eating back exercise calories" since activity is already calculated in to the TDEE equation. You likely already know this since you have tried several ranges, but I am not sure how long you maintained doing so for each trial.

    With that said, I do recommend people who have struggled to experience noticeable weight loss over a long span of 6 months or so get a RMR test done especially if they have tried various possibilities. Have you had any blood work done, ruling out any potential condition which may be contributing to your state?

    You may think your RMR hasn't decline much since restricting calories, but in a recent study that looked in to whether relative preservation of lean body mass limited the decline in RMR - which it did not. Here is a copy and paste of the abstract which unfortunately requires a subscription to view:
    Metabolic Slowing with Massive Weight Loss despite Preservation of Fat-Free Mass
    Context: An important goal during weight loss is to maximize fat loss while preserving metabolically active fat-free mass (FFM). Massive weight loss typically results in substantial loss of FFM potentially slowing metabolic rate.
    Objective: Our objective was to determine whether a weight loss program consisting of diet restriction and vigorous exercise helped to preserve FFM and maintain resting metabolic rate (RMR).
    Participants and Intervention: We measured body composition by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, RMR by indirect calorimetry, and total energy expenditure by doubly labeled water at baseline (n = 16), wk 6 (n = 11), and wk 30 (n = 16).
    Results: At baseline, participants were severely obese (×± SD; body mass index 49.4 ± 9.4 kg/m2) with 49 ± 5% body fat. At wk 30, more than one third of initial body weight was lost (−38 ± 9%) and consisted of 17 ± 8% from FFM and 83 ± 8% from fat. RMR declined out of proportion to the decrease in body mass, demonstrating a substantial metabolic adaptation (−244 ± 231 and −504 ± 171 kcal/d at wk 6 and 30, respectively, P < 0.01). Energy expenditure attributed to physical activity increased by 10.2 ± 5.1 kcal/kg·d at wk 6 and 6.0 ± 4.1 kcal/kg·d at wk 30 (P < 0.001 vs. zero).
    Conclusions: Despite relative preservation of FFM, exercise did not prevent dramatic slowing of resting metabolism out of proportion to weight loss. This metabolic adaptation may persist during weight maintenance and predispose to weight regain unless high levels of physical activity or caloric restriction are maintained.

    If you search the title of the study at JCEM, you can find it.

    Well considering human biology and mechanics work different... I'll stay away from that study, I will however agree with the theory behind it as it is indeed very sound... However the body is a living organism that changes over time, and as such adaptive thermogenics cause metabolic slowdown and increases...

    What this study essentially at the core is saying that keeping LBM up while decreasing fat by decrease in calories induces a negative impact on your body via thermogenics, however, reversing the impact is possible if done slowly.

    Of course, 10% increases and constant monitoring is not everyones cup of tea, hence why people will put on when they first move to maintenance before levelling out again. Taking a few months to level out properly is not in the mindset of most peoples here this is the solution lets do it quick mindset.

    In response to OP about fixing metabolism, simple take a month or so off your diet, don't go extreme as you will pick up fairly quick at first, then eventually level off, when you level off, then go back on your diet plans again as your body then has finished adapting to your new requirements. Sure preserving LBM means you burn more calories, but honestly? say 90c extra? maybe 200 max? I mean maybe every little helps, but that is not much to help you... Best off losing quickly, sacrificing a little muscle, then rebuilding muscle as muscle does regenerate quicker if it is used to particular load for a certain amount of time, usually we call this muscle memory.... You will get your muscle back fairly quick, at least you'll be lean, and you can build from there slowly with calories and muscle once reached.

    Again, slow is king when building things back up... When losing, well.. do what you want and do what works... Transitioning back to maintenance is the most crucial aspect you'll face...
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    First thing I'd do is toss the FitBit. It's a glorified pedometer and not really a good indicator of your calorie burn. Next I'd figure out my BMR and TDEE. Now start eating somewhere between the 2. Weigh, measure and log everything, not 85%. Quite eating back exercise calories.

    Not always the popular approach but with as much as you have to lose the only real answer is you're eating too much. Most people have metabolisms that are within 3 to 5% of each other. I doubt you're the special case that is different.
  • 4mydogs
    4mydogs Posts: 66 Member
    This may sound really odd but why would you care what your family and friends see what you eat? The reason I ask is that sometimes our own head's can get in the way of our weightloss. When I trusted myself enough to let my friends and family into my journey and help me and encourage me, weight loss and eating healthy got a whole lot easier. Just a suggestion. Besides that without an open diary folks here won't really be able to help you look at your food choices and see if there can be some improvement. As a side note, eating as healthy and clean as possible away from processed foods helps me and many on this board lose weight, also 3 smaller meals and three snacks helps me keep my blood sugar even and body moving all day.
  • TrishDLish81
    You had your thyroid checked?

    I had it checked about 2 years ago, just before I got pregnant with my now 1 year old daughter and I was having the same troubles losing the baby weight from my pregnancy with my now 3 year old son. At that time my TSH was 3.32 and my T4 free was 1.07. My doctor told me my TSH was in the higher range of normal but I should have no need to medicate. I've thought about getting it checked again, but my doctor didn't seem too interested in actually helping me find a solution, she just gave me a script for phentermine (which I never filled) and sent me on my way. Maybe I need a new doctor...
  • TrishDLish81
    Metabolism isn't low, TDEE calc is wrong. Most people calculate using formulas that assume average body fat. For anyone who is overweight, those will greatly overestimate BMR (had a friend go from 2300 BMR to 1300 when switching from generic BMR calc to body fat-based calc). Use 370 + 21.6 x lbm in kg. use 1.2 for activity multiplier unless you are fairly active outside of whatever exercise you are doing. Eat 20% under that, and you should start losing weight. At your weight, you may just want to eat 1500 calories per day. That is very easy to maintain, and should produce faster weight loss.

    I would also strongly recommend eatin adequate protein and lifting weights 2-3x per week.

    You should easily drop 1-2 lbs per week that way.

    Thanks, that may be my next trial in terms of calorie range. I've had my body fat tested, so your formula would put me right at 1500 at a 1.2 activity multiplier. Including my exercise I'm probably slightly more active than that, but I can try eating a straight 1500 for a month or so and see where that gets me. I'm pretty good on protein and lifting, I think.
  • TrishDLish81
    You're at the gym at 9pm?

    are you getting enough sleep? Not resting your body properly causes you to hold extra weight. true story.
    I don't mean do you feel tired. I mean are you actually getting the proper amount of sleep.

    That could be a factor. I usually get to bed between 11:30 and 12:00, and I'm up by 6:15 at the latest for work (alarm goes off at 5:30, though, haha). I just don't know what else to do...there's literally no other time for me to work out, and I feel like my workouts should be more important than a couple of hours of sleep, but I guess I don't know if that's true.
  • TrishDLish81
    First thing I'd do is toss the FitBit. It's a glorified pedometer and not really a good indicator of your calorie burn. Next I'd figure out my BMR and TDEE. Now start eating somewhere between the 2. Weigh, measure and log everything, not 85%. Quite eating back exercise calories.

    Not always the popular approach but with as much as you have to lose the only real answer is you're eating too much. Most people have metabolisms that are within 3 to 5% of each other. I doubt you're the special case that is different.

    My FitBit calorie burns tend to fall in line with most recommended BMR/TDEE calculators. Using the one recommended in IPOARM, my average daily FitBit burn falls between lightly active and moderately active (about a 1.4 multiplier), which feels exactly right for the amount of exercise I'm currently doing. 85% just takes into account things like eating at restaurants or at friends'/family's homes where I didn't prepare the food - that's not something that's realistic for me to give up entirely. Everything that I make at home - the vast majority of all my meals and snacks - is weighed and measured, and every single thing I eat is logged using those weights and measures or my very best estimates if I don't have that info available.
  • TrishDLish81
    This may sound really odd but why would you care what your family and friends see what you eat? The reason I ask is that sometimes our own head's can get in the way of our weightloss. When I trusted myself enough to let my friends and family into my journey and help me and encourage me, weight loss and eating healthy got a whole lot easier. Just a suggestion. Besides that without an open diary folks here won't really be able to help you look at your food choices and see if there can be some improvement. As a side note, eating as healthy and clean as possible away from processed foods helps me and many on this board lose weight, also 3 smaller meals and three snacks helps me keep my blood sugar even and body moving all day.

    Haha, it's not that I don't want my friends and family to see what I eat - my diary is open to them. I don't want them to read my forum postings! :laugh: My "IRL" friends list is associated with the account I log my food on :smile: .
  • TrishDLish81
    Thanks everyone for the great advice. I may get my RMR tested anyway, and if it shakes out to be pretty "normal" I've got some awesome tips and some more things to try here. I'm not looking for immediate results; I want a lasting lifestyle change, so I'm cool with some trial and error to find what's right for me. I've now got some new approaches in the hopper for the coming months! Thanks again!
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    Metabolism isn't low, TDEE calc is wrong. Most people calculate using formulas that assume average body fat. For anyone who is overweight, those will greatly overestimate BMR (had a friend go from 2300 BMR to 1300 when switching from generic BMR calc to body fat-based calc). Use 370 + 21.6 x lbm in kg. use 1.2 for activity multiplier unless you are fairly active outside of whatever exercise you are doing. Eat 20% under that, and you should start losing weight. At your weight, you may just want to eat 1500 calories per day. That is very easy to maintain, and should produce faster weight loss.

    I would also strongly recommend eatin adequate protein and lifting weights 2-3x per week.

    You should easily drop 1-2 lbs per week that way.

    Thanks, that may be my next trial in terms of calorie range. I've had my body fat tested, so your formula would put me right at 1500 at a 1.2 activity multiplier. Including my exercise I'm probably slightly more active than that, but I can try eating a straight 1500 for a month or so and see where that gets me. I'm pretty good on protein and lifting, I think.

    If you know your BF% and it gave you this #, it is probably much more accurate than the 2500 or whatever the fitbit and MFP were giving you. That's a huge discrepency. Your fitbit and other calculators are going to calculate burn based on a much higher LBM than you apparently have, so their calorie burns are going to be way too high.

    If you have honestly been tracking everything for a while, you can work backwards to find your expected maintenance TDEE.
  • TrishDLish81
    Metabolism isn't low, TDEE calc is wrong. Most people calculate using formulas that assume average body fat. For anyone who is overweight, those will greatly overestimate BMR (had a friend go from 2300 BMR to 1300 when switching from generic BMR calc to body fat-based calc). Use 370 + 21.6 x lbm in kg. use 1.2 for activity multiplier unless you are fairly active outside of whatever exercise you are doing. Eat 20% under that, and you should start losing weight. At your weight, you may just want to eat 1500 calories per day. That is very easy to maintain, and should produce faster weight loss.

    I would also strongly recommend eatin adequate protein and lifting weights 2-3x per week.

    You should easily drop 1-2 lbs per week that way.

    Thanks, that may be my next trial in terms of calorie range. I've had my body fat tested, so your formula would put me right at 1500 at a 1.2 activity multiplier. Including my exercise I'm probably slightly more active than that, but I can try eating a straight 1500 for a month or so and see where that gets me. I'm pretty good on protein and lifting, I think.

    If you know your BF% and it gave you this #, it is probably much more accurate than the 2500 or whatever the fitbit and MFP were giving you. That's a huge discrepency. Your fitbit and other calculators are going to calculate burn based on a much higher LBM than you apparently have, so their calorie burns are going to be way too high.

    If you have honestly been tracking everything for a while, you can work backwards to find your expected maintenance TDEE.

    Well, here's what I came up with - LBM of 122 (not 100% sure but should be close, last BF test was a couple of months ago and gave me 44.8%, might be a teeny bit lower now but not significantly so) = 55.33kg. 21.6*55.33 = 1195 + 370 = 1565 BMR. 1565 * 1.2 = 1878, less 20% is 1502. In reality, I would give myself a factor of maybe 1.4 rather than 1.2 - I do about 2 hours of lifting and 3 hours of cardio per week - which would result in an average TDEE of about 2200 - less 20% is 1760, which is what my goal is right now (though I'm eating back some exercise calories here and there). So, I'll drop to 1500 and see what happens - maybe I'm overestimating my activity. I need to get an HRM, that's another place where I'm really lacking, I think. I do periodically check my HR during cardio (I typically use a treadmill or elliptical), and it's typically in the 140-150 range so I know I'm at least putting out some effort, but I'm not basing my calorie burn on anything other than what my FitBit is recording as steps.

    (*edited to fix a typo*)
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I was maintaining on the 'TDEE cut' method.
    My BMR is apparantly 1440.
    I had an active job and tried lots of different amounts of calories.

    After a while of not moving much, I went to 1500 and stopped eating back exercise calories. I started losing again.

    Picking a number near your supposed BMR and not eating back calories was my best option. You may also be doing too much cardio.
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    Your metabolism isn't broken

    ^^^^^ this!

  • Becky388
    Becky388 Posts: 157 Member
    Also, have you tried the method of eliminating a food group for a month or two? Like grains or dairy? My wife recently found out that she has a gluten intolerance (not to be confused with celiac or a gluten allergy) by a month long experiment without gluten. A GI dr. suggested we try this. We later found out that her heart condition came with a gluten intolerance. I have also tried that with others on this forum and a few saw huge results when they cut one group out. Something to consider.

    I'm experimenting with this myself. It is definitely something to consider.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Metabolism isn't low, TDEE calc is wrong. Most people calculate using formulas that assume average body fat. For anyone who is overweight, those will greatly overestimate BMR (had a friend go from 2300 BMR to 1300 when switching from generic BMR calc to body fat-based calc). Use 370 + 21.6 x lbm in kg. use 1.2 for activity multiplier unless you are fairly active outside of whatever exercise you are doing. Eat 20% under that, and you should start losing weight. At your weight, you may just want to eat 1500 calories per day. That is very easy to maintain, and should produce faster weight loss.

    I would also strongly recommend eatin adequate protein and lifting weights 2-3x per week.

    You should easily drop 1-2 lbs per week that way.

    I think that should be revised to "For some people who are overweight."

    (or maybe my LBM is 157 pounds, which would make my bf 26%) :huh:
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    Are you taking any medications or do you have any medical problems? Sometimes these things can cause a plateau in weight loss.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    Good thread. OP, you've done a great job of posting a lot of info here. I think you are closing in on some answers, and you've gotten great replies. It is definitely an experiment that only you can perform.

    Sleep, hydration, calorie intake and exercise levels all play a part. Keep working at it. Six hours of sleep a night really messed with me. Hormone levels are sensitive to proper sleep, and play a big part in weight control, so maybe you could cut back your exercise to three days a week and get enough sleep! I didn't see you post that you have help with your kids, but if you have a partner, you two could work out a schedule so that you don't have to do all the child-care stuff.