Sweat, sweat, sweat!



  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    It's a combination of genetics, workout intensity, workout TYPE, and fitness level.

    Genetics is obvious.

    Workout intensity, also pretty obvious (the harder you work, the warmer your body gets, the more heat the body needs to disperse).

    Workout type is less obvious. Exercises that work more towards the anaerobic threshold tend to produce higher sweat volumes faster. I.E. HIIT training, or circuits.

    And fitness level is also less obvious. Most people think the better shape someone is in, the less they sweat. Most people would be wrong. A well tuned body dissipates heat efficiently. The better shape you are in, the more you will sweat. NOW, to be fair, it's a relative term. I.E. if an overweight out of shape person runs on the treadmill for 15 minutes at 7 mph, they might sweat a lot where someone in good shape wouldn't, but that's because the person in good shape isn't exerting them-self. But given the same relative intensity level (say maybe 8.5 mph for the same exercise length for a person in good shape, and they probably sweat more than the out of shape person.).

    So don't feel bad about sweating in the gym (not that you were), it's a sign of exertion level, and that you're probably in better shape now. Kudos!

    I like this answer! I am a fine tuned sweating machine, lol.
  • ericadawn92
    ericadawn92 Posts: 346 Member
    This is awesome guys! This topic is making me proud to sweat :D
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i sweat loads. it's extra nice when beads of sweat fall from my face down my tshirt because by the time it reaches inside my shirt it's much coolers than my body temp and it;s like ahhhhh cooling sweat :laugh:
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I hear ya! It drips from my nose, collects under my eyes and stings them, runs down the side of my face by my ears, down my neck into my cleavage, I can see if glisten on my shoulders and forearms and have even spotted it dripping from my wrists when I was on the stationary bike, which was kinda weird, that trickle must have run a long way! My towel is drenched after an hour.

    I used to be embarrassed, but not anymore, it's a sign that I am 100% committed to the tasks in hand and working my butt off. Wear you sweat with pride :happy:

    Mine's hereditary too. My mum is a sweater and goes beetroot like me, my husband never breaks a sweat, ever, not even if we are in 50 degrees C Spain or Orlando in the height of summer.

    Me to a T!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    My body's ability to produce FAR more water than everyone around me astounds me. I am a sweaty mess!

    P.S. I did hear that those who sweat more (genetically) tend to look younger. So there ya go!
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I seem to break out a sweat easy . That's why I don't like working out with make up on, its just wasted effort because I'll get all sweaty and shower after.

    If I could choose, I would like not to sweat so much... but hey, I guess it does cool the body.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I am soaked after I work out. I used to be self conscious about it, but now I just think it makes me look like a badass.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Ya I sweat like a *kitten* in church when I work out. And I'm very fair-skinned with freckles. So I turn bright pink. This summer in the locker room after a class a lady said something about me getting too much sun. I wasn't sunburned, I'm just pink. Another girl rudely told me once during a class warmup that if I sweat that much in the warmup maybe I need an easier class cuz it was gonna get much harder. I don't care, we are there to work up a sweat. At least I know I'm working hard!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    The other day it was raining outside, so I went jogging on the treadmill. Ran 5k at an easy 10min/mile pace. Got off the treadmill and went to the bathroom. On my way there, some girl stopped me and said, "Wow, were you just running outside in this rain?" Nope, I just sweat that much. Awkward.....

    This is totally normal. The more in-shape I get, the more I sweat. I've read that when you are in better shape, your body becomes more efficient at cooling itself down, which means you start sweating more quickly and sweat more. That seems to be my experience at least. I don't consider it a workout until at least a few drops have rained onto the floor.

    Yup. I've had the rain thing happen to me too.
    My husband also questions how hard I actually worked at the gym if I don't come home sweaty (he is joking not seriously "questioning"). We joke that I sweat if I think too hard.
    I'm also one of those red faced people. That is what bothers me the most.

    My body's ability to produce FAR more water than everyone around me astounds me. I am a sweaty mess!

    P.S. I did hear that those who sweat more (genetcally) tend to look younger. So there ya go!

    I'll take it! People do often think I am younger. I'm 32 and still can't go to the liquor store without ID (and legal age here is 19)
  • shade0343
    shade0343 Posts: 59 Member
    If it's general sweating then probably genetic. If the sweating is limited to specific areas like the underarms and around the head it can be neurological. Not in the sense of emotional issues, but literally a problem with the involuntary nervous system. Depending on how bad it is there are treatment options. A friend of mine takes a small amount of medication for it and it made a huge difference. It made him SO much happier.
  • nfrewin
    nfrewin Posts: 73 Member
    "Sweat is Fat Crying" :happy:
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    I sweat a lot when I run or bike. Hair and clothes are drenched.
  • WanderingBomb
    WanderingBomb Posts: 69 Member
    I sweat buckets! which is probably why i love swimming so much... no one see me sweat then! haha
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    My body's ability to produce FAR more water than everyone around me astounds me. I am a sweaty mess!

    P.S. I did hear that those who sweat more (genetically) tend to look younger. So there ya go!

    I'll take that :)
    I'm a dripping wet mess sweater myself :)