What am I doing wrong?



  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    This is the mos appropiate answer for this member. Since this person had a past history of an eating disorder she should see a qualified and registered nutritionist. I totally agree with you.

    Whilst I agree with the 2 above posts...I walked around, when I was younger in high heel shoes that caused blisters, I didn`t go to see a chiropodist, I wanted to wear shoes that had higher heels to `blend` in with my friends and fashion.

    I could never walk in them with comfort no matter how high the heel or how bad the blisters got, but I felt great wearing them at the time.

    Then I found comfort in myself....just saying x
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    OP can you PM me?

    Body fat%
    Workout routine

    Ill help you understand this and get on shape.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i think that you are eating way too little at 1200 calories.


    go here to find out your tdee (total daily energy expenditure) and that'll help you find your BMR (basal metobolic rate). BMR is what you would need to consume, at MINIMUM, if your body were just laying in bed all day.

    you should be eating in between you TDEE and BMR. unfortunatly some people get confused and eat below their BMR, which causes their weight loss to suffer.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    I just don't know what to do any more. I'm not overeating, I keep under my daily calorie consumption the vast majority of the time, yet I CAN'T lose weight. I've been trying to lose since February this year, and if anything I've gained! :frown:

    The only thing I can think of which could be contributing to this is my metabolism. I had severe anorexia for a few years where I'd restrict my intake to anything between 0 - 300 calories a day, on top of exercise. Could I have drastically slowed my metabolism down to the point where it's practically nonexistent?

    Sorry if this comes across as stupid/irrational. I just don't know where to turn at the moment. Any advice would be much appreciated. :indifferent:

    I took a peek at your diary and you're still eating under your BMR (what your body requires to survive merely existing .. as if you slept for 24 hours straight and didn't move at all)

    I'm not sure you need to lose weight sweetie .. eating at a deficit will cause you to lose weight no matter how long you eat at it. I only looked at a couple of days .. so I don't know if you're eating more (over) your 1200 calorie goal or not at all.
  • lrose50
    lrose50 Posts: 58 Member
    I think that converts to 5 foot 6 inches and your goal is 110. I think you should way more than that.
  • cakemewithyou
    cakemewithyou Posts: 132 Member
    Everyone told me to do the same thing, when I asked. I lost weight then gained 7 lbs and I had been following my 1200 calorie diet!


    I upped my calories to 1500 and I eat every 2-3 hours HEALTHY snacks. :) (apple sauce (no sugar added), fiber bar, broccoli with light ranch)

    When your body goes into starvation mode, your metabolism slows to a stop! It's NO GOOOOD.

    Best of luck, add me! It looks like we're in the same boat. :)
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    When I was your age, I was the same height and weight and thought I was fat. Oh, to be that "fat" now.

    As others have said, you do not need to lose any weight. I expect that you still have some body distortion issues and are not able to see how thin you are. As others have said, you may also be skinny fat meaning that you don't have enough muscle mass. I think you should eat at maintenance levels which, at your age, would be at least 2000 calories per day, maybe more. There are many calculators out there to help you find out what you should be eating to maintain. And get yourself to the school gym for some weight lifting. Believe me, it will be the best thing you can do for yourself. There is a group on here dedicated to the Stronglifts program. Join it and get some specific pointers. It's a good full-body program that takes minimal time. Three sessions of about 30-40 minutes a week should be enough to make some big changes in your body composition that will make you feel happy with your shape/size without needing to lose any weight because you really don't need to lose a single pound.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    And to the folks who keep giving the OP advice on how to lose, please stop. She is at the low-end for her height and has suffered from an ED in the past. She doesn't need to lose weight so please don't encourage her.

    Sorry to lecture but that's coming from the mom in me.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Q: What am I doing wrong?
    A: Not eating enough.
  • ilija139
    Make sure you meet your protein and fat goals! This is very important! You are eating way too low, and only carbs.
  • fraser112
    Op you need to hit the weights because you are what is called skinny fat from the eating disorder and need to eat more than you need a day and build muscle. Once you build muscle you will look and feel better. try not to get obsessed though as you will slip back into your eating disorder and could die.

    Forgot to add its nigh on impossible to diet out of skinny fat you need to sort any mental issues you have aswell or they will resurface as an exercise addiction or some other form of self harm.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    OP can you PM me?

    Body fat%
    Workout routine

    Ill help you understand this and get on shape.

    This!! He helped me.