Anyone follow Zuzana Light and her workouts?

I originally came across Zuzana Light on BODYROCK TV via YouTube and loved her from her diverse exercises to her cute Czech accent.

She recently (in the New Year) launched a FaceBook page and a new YouTube page under the name of 'ZuzkaLight' to continue her online fitness workouts and advice.

I absolutely adore her, and will be taking a lot of things from her workouts to incorporate into my own. If you're looking for efficient, diverse and gym-free (limited equipment) exercises and workouts I suggest you check out her YouTube!


  • Anya1982
    Anya1982 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello, I have just started following her.

    ANy results so far?
  • AnissaAndrews
    AnissaAndrews Posts: 29 Member
    I LOVE her workouts! I am totally unable to do most of them without serious modifications--but I really can feel a difference after just a few days!
  • 78fordgirl
    78fordgirl Posts: 2 Member
    I just started following Zuzana last week, soooo sore! I did her ZWOW #43 today and the chair climbers about killed me.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    I get rather bored running/ellipticaling/biking/etc so I opt for her youtube workouts on non-lifting days.

    I use it as a High Intensity Training Cardio session, rather than running for 45 minutes to help with conditioning. They are killer and get my heart rate soaring.

    My usual week goes:
    Mon - Lift and Low Intensity Cardio for 10-20 min
    Tues - ZWOW
    Wed - Same as Monday
    Thurs - ZWOW
    Friday - Same as Monday and Wed
    Sat - Rest
    Sunday - ZWOW or Rest again
  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member
    She is incredable. And I mean that in a non perv way. I'll admit, she is very easy on the eyes, but I really admire her for her dedication and strength.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    She is incredable. And I mean that in a non perv way. I'll admit, she is very easy on the eyes, but I really admire her for her dedication and strength.

    Well, she is also a porn star. So.
  • PaprikaPrincess
    PaprikaPrincess Posts: 89 Member
    She WAS a porn star. She gave an interview about her past and it was sad. :cry: