3 Day Cleanse?



  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Ennima!!! its the only way to cleanse.
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    Try a juice cleanse! Great way to shock the system, while also getting vital nutrients into your system. If you have Netflix there's a great documentary about a truck driver who did a 60 day cleanse and lost 100s of lbs. Good Luck!

    You're cute.... nice first post :-) "Shock the system" huh? Interesting... kinda like how breakfast first thing in the morning kicks your metabolism into gear, right?

    I love new people ... my heart, it's smiling huge right now. :laugh:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Try a juice cleanse! Great way to shock the system, while also getting vital nutrients into your system. If you have Netflix there's a great documentary about a truck driver who did a 60 day cleanse and lost 100s of lbs. Good Luck!

    Why do people keep saying these will 'shock your system' - what does that even mean? How are you getting vital nutrients into your system?

    A truck driver lost 100lb in 60 days? Sounds legit!
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    Try a juice cleanse! Great way to shock the system, while also getting vital nutrients into your system. If you have Netflix there's a great documentary about a truck driver who did a 60 day cleanse and lost 100s of lbs. Good Luck!

    Why do people keep saying these will 'shock your system' - what does that even mean? How are you getting vital nutrients into your system?

    A truck driver lost 100lb in 60 days? Sounds legit!

    It was on netflix... it HAS to be true, right?
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Lovely. As I said in the original post, I'm not here to debate cleanses. I wanted input from people who have found effective ones. Instead half of you feel the need to mock the concept. If you disagree with it, why not move on to a different thread? Obviously your goal isn't to help anyone.

    Because people are trying to inform the people that may read this that it is a silly thing to do so they do not think it is a good idea. You post on a public forum - you get responses from anyone who wishes to respond. That is the way it works.

    One could argue that paleo or veganism is a silly thing. Each to their own.

    One could argue that inhaling unicorn horn powder is the magical weight loss secret. Doesn't make it less idiotic.

    Open your mind to science.

    I never said anything about expecting weight loss.

    Right,. You were even more vague. You were asking for a cleanse that "works". What does works mean? What are you trying to accomplish, specifically? Morebean13 asked this earlier and you did not answer.
  • That Documentary was called: "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead."

    The guy Juiced his food for 60 days - he drank breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 2 damn months and Frankly, I don't know how - I have DONE that juice cleanse after I watched it - guess how long I lasted? 3 days - and I was a raging ***** the whole time. Guess what I did on day 3? I went to McDonald's and slammed a big mac. NEVER. AGAIN.

  • Right,. You were even more vague. You were asking for a cleanse that "works". What does works mean? What are you trying to accomplish, specifically? Morebean13 asked this earlier and you did not answer.

    1) I said cleanses that have positive effects and "make them feel better." I meant that in terms of their overall being. Your diet can effect you in various ways besides your energy level and impact your feeling overall. That's what I meant.

    2) I contacted Morebean13 via email to prevent people from diminishing her input.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member

    Right,. You were even more vague. You were asking for a cleanse that "works". What does works mean? What are you trying to accomplish, specifically? Morebean13 asked this earlier and you did not answer.

    1) I said cleanses that have positive effects and "make them feel better." I meant that in terms of their overall being. Your diet can effect you in various ways besides your energy level and impact your feeling overall. That's what I meant.

    2) I contacted Morebean13 via email to prevent people from diminishing her input.

    You don't need to "cleanse" to feel better. You just need to give yourself good balanced nutrition. Your body will "cleanse" out whatever it has to. You just need to feed it what it needs. 3 days of juice or whatnot are not what it needs :)

    Glad you contacted Morebean. She seems to be very level-headed and knowledgeable.
  • Dayquasar
    Dayquasar Posts: 182 Member
    I highly recommend a green smoothie cleanse, it fills your body with goodness and helps get rid of the bad, you don't starve or anything and it's all super healthy.

    Here is more info - http://www.vega-licious.com/services/3-day-green-smoothie-cleanse/

    You can also look up recipes and/or go to - http://www.incrediblesmoothies.com/smoothie-basics/smoothie-basics-how-to-make-a-delicious-fruit-smoothie/

    Here is a website to get a free guide on how, and recipes for a green smoothie cleanse- http://www.terawarner.com/green-smoothie-challenge
  • ksizzle911
    ksizzle911 Posts: 130 Member
    I've done the 3 day cleanse using Shakeology several times. You can go to teambeachbody.com to read more about it, but essentially what it entails is having 3 shakes a day plus a large salad with grilled chicken or fish for dinner. You can choose to have 2 servings of fruit a day (for those needed additional calories) and you have 2 cups of green tea per day along with A LOT of water. I always have great success using it (I've had 3-10 lbs losses and 1-8 lb loss) and I rarely put any of the weight back on. They say its best to do it when needing to jump start your metabolism (people just starting out a weight loss program) or to break a plateau in weight loss. The shakes actually taste pretty good (the chocolate ones anyways). Feel free to message me if you have any other questions about it.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I've done the 3 day cleanse using Shakeology several times. You can go to teambeachbody.com to read more about it, but essentially what it entails is having 3 shakes a day plus a large salad with grilled chicken or fish for dinner. You can choose to have 2 servings of fruit a day (for those needed additional calories) and you have 2 cups of green tea per day along with A LOT of water. I always have great success using it (I've had 3-10 lbs losses and 1-8 lb loss) and I rarely put any of the weight back on. They say its best to do it when needing to jump start your metabolism (people just starting out a weight loss program) or to break a plateau in weight loss. The shakes actually taste pretty good (the chocolate ones anyways). Feel free to message me if you have any other questions about it.

    There is nothing about a cleanse that will 'jump start' your metabolism. In fact, the only thing that will is a defibrillator.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I think cleanses are dumb, but if you want to feel better and eat at the same time (read as actually take care of your body instead of denying it the nutrition it needs) look at the whole30. It promotes clean eating for 30 days, and lots of people "feel better" which seems to be your goal. I can't imagine trying to starve yourself to feel better though.
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    I've done the shakeology cleanse a few times and absolutely love the end results!
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Cleanses are no good! Nuh-uh! Mmmmm hm!
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    I have a cup of Total Tea (Gentle Detox) most days. I did used to be a really, really gassy person (both quantity and stinky) and rarely fart anymore -- when I do, it doesn't stink like it did, haha. I also tend to be more regular.

  • Try Drain-O

    Is this a serious answer? I was under the impression that was poison.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I saw this on the Dr. Oz Show, and will be doing it soon:

    Well if Dr Oz said is pushing it, it must be good.

  • stevemcqueengirl
    stevemcqueengirl Posts: 189 Member
    I just now started Jillian Michaels's Detox Water. You drink 60 ounces each day for seven days. It does taste yummy. The goal is to flush out excess water and restore your digestive system, hence, the use of Dandeloin tea which is its main funciton. Hope this helps. You can buy all items at your local grocery store.

    You can google JM's Detox Water for more information. Below is the receipe:
    60 oz distilled water
    1 TBSP 100% pure cranberry juice (no sugar added, non-cocktail)
    2 TBSP lemon juice
    1 dandelion root tea bag
  • In the past, I tried a kit that I bought from a health food store. I would not recommend it. Dr. Oz has 3 day cleanse, with real foods, that I want to try: http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/dr-ozs-3-day-detox-cleanse-one-sheet