Full Marathons

Are there any full marathon runners out there??
I need any advice you can give me!
I'm running my first, on June 6th, in San Diego!!!!!!

Thanks! Robyn


  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I did that one last year! Its a great run... I think they changed the course this year but your in sd so how bad could it be?! lol Good luck!!!!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • Hermit4Hire
    Hermit4Hire Posts: 197
    Yay, Rock N Roller. I'm doing triathlons in San Diego (not yet Ironman distances, but similar length of time and training), what kind of advice do you need? I assume you are already training for it... Message me if you need anything specific.
  • robyndanielle3
    robyndanielle3 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks Leash! People keep telling me that it's going to be super hot! How did you feel about it?!
    How many marathons have you run and did you have trouble with injuries while training??
    I've been having trouble with my knees and hips - kinda wiggin me out!!! Runnin 15 this Sunday.
    I'll let you know how that goes! EEEK! Do you train with a Nike+?? I'm addicted to it!

    How funny!!! I'm big into volleyball too! Stopped coaching more recently though.
    I just play doubles outdoor grass or indoor quads now! SOOO MUCH FUN!!!

  • robyndanielle3
    robyndanielle3 Posts: 25 Member
    Yesssss, I'm training but having trouble with injuries... I'm supposed to be running 15 miles this weekend and kind of worried about it because i just don't know how my body is going to take it.

    Everything I want to know is pretty much general. I'm just not sure what I should be eating specifically to train for something like this (#proteins, carbs) or what energy drinks/gels/etc I should be taking. I don't know - i'm sure any advice would really help me. I'm super new to running!!!

    Thanks Hermit!
  • Hermit4Hire
    Hermit4Hire Posts: 197
    I don't know what kind of injuries, I'll assume legs (knees and hip flexors are common), but it sounds like you have the distance schedule set up. Don't be afraid to take 1-2 days of recovery each week. Sometimes when you try to keep up the pace schedule every day, you do more damage than good.

    Also, don't make large leaps in your distances, since bone density takes longer to develop than lung power (you may feel like you can jump up another couple of miles per day, but it is recommended you only increase by around 10% per week to allow your bones to heal--i.e., avoiding shin splints and joint pain).

    Refrain from strength training the week before the marathon, it just displaces energy.

    As far as food, you can research that online--it's really different for everybody and you'll have to find what's comfortable for you. Just avoid heavy fats and oils those last few weeks.

    During the race, there are aid stations for water and I think this year there is even a "gel" sponsor. However, I would still bring your own gels (and favorite flavors of course!). I take a 100 calorie gel every 35-40 minutes regardless if I feel I need it. They will be wickedly disgusting by the end of the race, but it should get you there. I drink only water, but some people will dillute water with gatorade or other electrolyte.

    Make sure your shoes are solid and if you buy new ones before the race, make sure you run in them several miles before.

    Most of all, have a great time. The weather is typically great. There is music along the entire race and plenty of goofy things to experience.

    Good luck.
  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member
    Aside from running, are you doing any strength training? That's really key in building up endurance and stamina, especially core strength. I trained with P90X for my first marathon last year and was able to make it through injury free.

    Also, like Hermit mentioned, be sure to progress slowly with your distance running....don't pour it all on right off the bat. YOu have time. Be sure to allow for recovery with your injuries, or else you'll just further the injury and not allow for it to heal.

    Good luck!

    I'm doing the RNR in Seattle...likely the 1/2 this year, but did the full last year. Great race.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Thanks Leash! People keep telling me that it's going to be super hot! How did you feel about it?!
    How many marathons have you run and did you have trouble with injuries while training??
    I've been having trouble with my knees and hips - kinda wiggin me out!!! Runnin 15 this Sunday.
    I'll let you know how that goes! EEEK! Do you train with a Nike+?? I'm addicted to it!

    How funny!!! I'm big into volleyball too! Stopped coaching more recently though.
    I just play doubles outdoor grass or indoor quads now! SOOO MUCH FUN!!!


    The day I did it the weather was perfect, sd usually isn't very hot, it was probably around 70 degrees with cloud cover so it couldn't have been much better than that! That was my first, I'm doing another this summer hopefully and I've done a few halfs... I did have some knee problems about 2 weeks before but I just took the whole week off before the race and I was fine... now I only run 3-4 days a week and cross train the other days which really helps with injuries, I lift weights and do other cardio or cycling....I did use the nike plus but now I use a garmin gps and its much more accurate but the nike plus worked great for me for a long time... keep me posted, good luck on your 15 miler!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member
    All the posts are full of great advice.

    I have one more tip about something that seems to affect quite a few women--intestinal distress while running long distances. I don't want to go into detail, but if this is something you experience, send me a message because after four marathons, I think I've figured out how to beat it. :smile:
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    I know a few things about marathoning. I've run about 38 of them. The key is listening to your body and cross-training to ward off injuries. Feel free to message me with questions.
  • robyndanielle3
    robyndanielle3 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for all the good advise Hermit! I have super sharp pain shooting into the lateral side of my right patella & both hips are consistently in pain. Kind of frustrating but I do take my 2 days of rest...

    Can't wait for the race! I ran 15 miles today and feel so much better about getting this accomplished!
  • robyndanielle3
    robyndanielle3 Posts: 25 Member
    WOW Jessica! 38?!!! That's just amazing....