What food helps you lose weight? What food causes a gain?



  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    Lose: Bananas
    Gain: More bananas
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Food that creates a caloric deficit makes you lose weight.

    Food that creates a caloric surplus makes you gain weight.

    It's really that simple.

    Not for everyone... For me no matter the deficit if my carbs run Hugh all losses stop. Your extremely lucky if your body works like that! For me sticking to low carb I lose... If I eat carb laden goods and my macros are out on the carbs are up I gain... Not a specific food as such just eating carbs excessively x
  • Missylydia
    Missylydia Posts: 304 Member
    Share one food that helps you lose weight
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    and one food that makes you gain weight.
    More food.

    It's that easy.

    Oh dear, you took the words right off my keyboard...
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    breakfast smoothie of fresh raspberries/blueberries/blackberries + 1 cup 2% milk + 1 frozen banana + 1 tblspn lecithin granules = I feel full until lunchtime. It's the late afternoon and early evenings that are difficult. I have to choose what to eat and now all of those fresh tomatoes are gone from my garden.

    Maybe your blood sugars are crashing in the afternoon from all the fruit sugars. This was happening to me... Knocked the smoothies on the head and I've felt much better x
  • Missylydia
    Missylydia Posts: 304 Member
    No foods will magically make you gain or lose weight based on their composition. However, some foods will be more filling on less calories, and in doing so make it easier to lose weight by staying satisfied at a deficit.

    300 calories of donut and 300 calories of chicken breast is still 300 calories any way you slice it. HOWEVER, the 300 calories of donut will probably not be very filling and you'll be hungry much faster than if you'd had the 300 calories of chicken breast. Making smart food choices is less about how many calories are in something and more about how far you can stretch those calories, you follow?

    From my experience, foods that are high in protein and fibre tend to be more filling, while fats and sugars tend to be less filling. I personally have success making protein- or fibre- based substitutes for breads and pastas - I'll have my sandwiches wrapped in lettuce or kale instead of on bread, or I'll use spaghetti squash instead of spaghetti, or I'll slice zucchini really thin to use in lasagna. Keeps the foods I love on the menu, lower-calorie, and more filling than usual.

    This is also true, and far more helpful! ;)

    I also find that carby sugary foods send me in a bad cycle, eat them, crave them, eat them, crave them. And energy highs and slumps, it is not good.
    Low GI foods and high protein keeps it all more consistent and easier to stay in control.
  • Stephanielind- that's a wonderful recipe, Thanks!
    Someone...I've never heard of Perdue Perfect Portions, I'll google it.
  • cakemewithyou
    cakemewithyou Posts: 132 Member
    the answer to both questions is pizza.


    I beg to differ. I went on the pizza diet 3 years ago and became a damn fatty.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    So if I eat a 300 calorie donut verses a 300 calorie chicken breast and it's in my calorie goal will I still lose weight?

    Now THAT is a great question! Those are equivalent for weight loss purposes. A typical donut has somewhere between 300-500 calories. Possibly more if it has filling etc. For chicken breast, that's eight or nine ounces to get you to 300 calories.

    Eight ounces of chicken breast will keep you feeling more full and satisfied and energized far, far longer than a 300 calorie donut.

    Regardless, a calorie is a calorie. So if you eat donuts all day to get by, you'll need a lot probably. If you eat chicken breasts, not so much.

    I hate that quote... I really don't believe a calorie is a calorie. I don't eat 100% clean.. Probably 90%...So I'm not a cranky clean eater! Lol. At my highest weight a deficit did the job... But that only worked for so long... Then I had to fine tune my macros. Drives me nuts when people say a calorie is a calorie... Your very lucky if it is for you but everyone is different! If it were that easy there wouldn't be so many over weight people... And so many people give up when they can't break a plateau. I hit a 6 month plateau... Ate the same calories... Different macros and lost another 30/40lbs...So tell me... Is it a about calories in vs calories out? Certainly not! X
  • cakemewithyou
    cakemewithyou Posts: 132 Member
    honestly, I think that for me what worked was cutting my portions in HALF. I was eating too much. Also, my problem now is I don't eat ENOUGH. My body goes into starvation mode.

    Nothing sucks worse than losing 17 lbs, then gaining 7 back. :(

    SOOOOO, I upped my calorie intake to 1500, and I exercise and eat all day long. (small tiny HEALTHY things. never hungry, and never stuffed full of fatty fat fat foods.)

  • 1lexisva
    1lexisva Posts: 978 Member
    I cut out Fast Food and Learned how to cook....I bet I gained allll my weight from eating McDs and Fast Food!!!
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    There are really no magic weight loss foods, unless you gear your diet towards the ones that boost metabolism, cinnamon, grapefruit, citrus, acai berry... As far as gaining...fast food, any prepackaged is going to be loaded with sodium. It is hard for me to stay under on sodium, even when I do not consume prepackaged foods!
  • mboland76
    mboland76 Posts: 17 Member
    Cereal is my downfall. I could eat at least one enormous bowl of cereal every day. I am trying to stay away from it - I see better weight loss in weeks I don't eat it at all - even when I carefully measure it out.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Share one food that helps you lose weight
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    and one food that makes you gain weight.
    More food.

    It's that easy.

    This is the only answer you need.

  • MariFitBody
    MariFitBody Posts: 287 Member
    Share one food that helps you lose weight
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    and one food that makes you gain weight.
    More food.

    It's that easy.

    ^^ Exactly!
  • girlwapp
    girlwapp Posts: 136 Member
    high protein to lose. beer to gain.

    So if I eat a steak and drink a brewski or three, that's maintaining, right? :P
  • Lose weight: Diet full of veggies, fruits, raw nature foods.

    Gain weight: Processed foods, take out, junk food, lots of carbs from white bread and pasta.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Protein is my friend...

    Bread, pasta, potatoes and rice - not so much. I can't eat this in moderation. Had to say good bye.
  • the way I do cabbage is to make like a egg roll filling without meat. I use coleslaw mix from the store and season to taste. approx. 30 calories a serving
  • Cabbage sounds good. How do you usually prepare it?

    the way I do cabbage is to make like a egg roll filling without meat. I use coleslaw mix from the store and season to taste. approx. 30 calories a serving
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Lose weight: Diet full of veggies, fruits, raw nature foods.

    Gain weight: Processed foods, take out, junk food, lots of carbs from white bread and pasta.
    ^ No.

    Caloric deficit = weight loss.

    Caloric excess = weight gain.

    It really is that simple.