Need Motivation and Support Friends/Help

I just sent the message below as a new friend request, I thought maybe I could reach more people this way.
Hi, My name is Don.
I'm looking for help via motivational friends. I know what I *should* be doing, I just have difficulty with the motivation aspect.
Which, to me, doesn't make sense. I have been a counselor for several years and I used to teach motivational/success/goals classes. I can be very helpful in anything teaching/motivating others. But I need outside help when it comes to me.
If you think we could benefit each other with motivation and support I would be in your debt.

SW: 262
CW: 260
GW: 160

I lost 40lbs, then some bad things happened and I let it get me down, gained the weight+ back, lost 20, found it again, and back and forth with lots of unhealthiness.

I just need someone who won't be insulting but encouraging and tough when needed.

I just need help.

I don't care if you want to add me on FB, write me a letter, call me at home and kick my butt, it doesn't matter.
At a low point here.


  • I just recently started on this site but feel free to add me.
  • cyberiarob
    cyberiarob Posts: 229 Member
    Your story sounds a lot like mine until a few months ago. Feel free to add me, I'm sure I can help to keep you on the right path.
  • anitac0126
    anitac0126 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi, my name's Anita. We could be related. We sound a lot alike. :P

    Donnie, you can do this!! Lately, I noticed that I was dropping off on keeping track on time. I set alarms on my phone. I know you're phone is on the DL right now, but maybe this would work for you, too? Just little reminders. Can you still GET texts? I could text you reminders, and boosts through out the day. :)
  • opticpoet
    opticpoet Posts: 29 Member
    Yes,I can still get texts. I'm not turning squat down right now.
    I ran the other night, starting the C25K program and was very surprised at how much I hurt and how hard it was. vs how much I used to run? It was insane! And stretching? That was a joke. Couldn't believe it.
    Just pathetic.
    I am just letting all the hardships get me down and I shouldn't.
  • anitac0126
    anitac0126 Posts: 65 Member
    Look. You're being negative about where you are now. NOW you are on the right path. NOW you are getting healthy. NOW you need to not look back, but look forward. Leave the old thoughts behind. Kick dirt on 'em, bury 'em and get your *kitten* out there. That is all. Instead of comparing to what you COULD do...Look ahead to what you WILL do. You're already ahead because you posted this and you are logged in. Now quit your cryin', Vest, and get your *kitten* in gear. NOW. :) i love you. :)
  • Hi Don! Feel free to add me too! I feel like I am going through something very similar and am trying to get back into myfitnesspal and really get healthy. I fell off the wagon and need to get back on. I hope we both have better luck this time with support. See you on the wagon soon!
  • Hi Don,
    I'm not sure how this whole thing works since I just joined about 30 minutes ago but I found your post and wanted to reach out to you since I am quite similar. I know a lot but don't practice what I preach. I will say that positive psychology might be a tool that can be helpful since our minds can be our worst enemies or our best friends. My name is David (not Dave) and l think a little "peer support" (not lectures) can be very helpful. For me, short term goals are the best because I have a short attention span and I get bored with most anything that looses its' intensity. One suggestion, which I am actually making to myself, is to be gentle with setbacks and proud of successes. As they say in the 'old country'...."take little steps". Let's keep in touch.
  • Hey! I'm just now getting back to MFP and I've also been struggling with motivation. I'm looking for people to also be motivational and encouraging. I'll add you and we can work on it together! It's hard to meet your goals when there isn't anyone around you to encourage and hold you accountable.