Starting over AGAIN "SIGH"

Ive tried a few times to get started and stay motivated but seems like in the end I fail!! This time is different--I joined a gym and actually go (HAHA). Im actually at my best as of Friday--burning 500 calories in 45 mins. Looking for any tips that will help with the weight lose and help with the frustration of weight gain! Feel free to add me! :smile:


  • MermaidFaith
    MermaidFaith Posts: 495 Member
    thats a great burn keep it up, the weight will have no choice but to drop
  • samzchevy
    samzchevy Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks....Ive been going every other day or at least every 3 days!
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    you just have to remember what a lot of us forget that are takes TIME....slowly you will see progress, but when you do its one of the greatest feelings ever! i've only lost 20 lbs total, and even though i have 30 to go, sometimes it makes me feel like i will never get to it, but then i look at myself and how i was 20lbs heavier, and i am so happy that i've stuck with it, we all have ou bad days, but dont give up! just stay working out and eating better, and you will see results!
  • johnsono01
    Im starting over again too. Been on this site for awhile. I think this is start number 3 or 4 for me lol. Im just happy Im still trying ! Just dont give up. Its a life long battle.
  • johnsono01
    So right ! Its funny how we are ok with packing it on over years but when we want to lose it we expect it off like yesterday lol