embarrassed to leave the house.. :(



  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    I am amazed at how strong our minds can be and how hard we can be on ourselves especially while supporting others.

    IMO, you are incredibly HAWT....Hope all gets better for you...
  • Indygirl_81
    Indygirl_81 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm sorry you feel this way.... 155 is by no means "out of control"
    I agree with other posters that it appears to be a little more of a self-esteem vs weight issue. I also agree with the fake it, til you make it attitude....

    You CAN do this, you have to think day by day, or even minute by minute if it helps. Not sure what you do for work, but if you warm something up in the microwave for lunch, do calisthenics while it heats up. Walk around at least once an hour for 5 minutes if you sit at a desk all day.... anything to increase your calorie burn and decrease the amount of calories you take in will help, even if you don't have time to work out for 30+ minutes a day.

    If it helps, find some weightloss/self-esteem/stress reduction motivational quotes or affirmations and post them around your home (on your mirrors) or in your car... anything positive can/will help.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I know what it is like to feel so different that I hated going out in public. When I started my journey, I was at rock bottom! As I started attending exercise classes, I would place my self at the back of the class and I would bring 2 - 3 large towels for my sweat and to wipe the floor! As hard as the exercise was, it was the showing up class after class that was the hardest for me. At one point a new student in the class dubbed my "Kung Fu Panda". I am not one too put to much credence to the word of people I do not know but this hurt way more than I let anyone know.
    The good thing is that my perseverance is paying off! I have gone from the fat sweaty guy at the back of the class to one of the senior students who leads the class from time to time. I have gone from needing 2 -3 days to recover from a class to adding weights and running to my workout week. I have gone from being out of breath after walking up 2 flights of stairs to my office to training for a half marathon.
    My journey to date has taken almost 5 years. And, like with most undertakings, I have good and bad days along the way. The one constant however is that I NEVER gave up!
    I do not know you or your situation. But, I can say that if you keep going the results will be worth the effort. If you are like me the first step is just to get moving. Deal with one issue at a time. Start small and then as you master/overcome one thing move on to something else. The more you keep moving the more you will want/need to be active. And, the better you will feel physically & emotionally.
    I wish you all the best on your journey!
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    I'm pretty sure you're judging yourself much more harshly than anyone else is judging you.

    This! I think you are amazingly beautiful, strong and resourceful! You also are talented artistically - something I have no chance of ever being. Hang in there!
  • Morning - Try to remember that most people are so caught up with themselves, their life, and their families and jobs that they really would not even notice a 15lb gain. I'm sure most people have not even noticed and those that have probably know about your knee surgery and are understanding. Honestly, like others have said it sounds like you are dealing with either a phobia or social anxiety. I would talk to your doctor or a therapist about it. Hope things get better for you.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Read through the forum success stories on here. There are people with major physical, mental, and life challenges that have made major transformations. At 155 pounds.. you're either totally over reacting like a drama queen or you're suffering depression. You may want to seek out some professional help and counseling. Or just give yourself a major kick in the *kitten*...pity party over.
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    I don't feel that 155lbs is big. You look great from your photo. I'm about 100lbs heavier than that and I really couldn't give a fk about what people may or may not think about me.

    I appreciate this is about how you feel about yourself but you need to get your confidence sorted out. Who are these people and why do you care what they think of you? If they are important, fair enough but would somebody as superficial as to judge you on a 15lb gain be important? I sincerely doubt that. People either love you for who you or not at all. They may support you but that is a whole different thing.

    Don't get any free time to exercise? Sorry to be harsh but that's an excuse. You may not have time for the gym and zumba but what else can you do to exercise? Do you have time for a walk at lunchtime? Can you use a console dance game in the evening? How can you get yourself moving? It may not seem like a lot compared with what you used to do but at least it will be something.

    Diets just make people unhappy and I'm not convinced they work long-term. What does work is commitment to a healthy lifestyle, making those small changes and making sure we keep moving.

    We will all encounter challenges on our journey and sometimes gain weight too, but don't be too hard on yourself, work to change it. Shutting yourself away will just make you miserable....
  • Cori_Mac
    Cori_Mac Posts: 134 Member
    I agree with those suggesting agoraphobia. I suffered from this for over a year, which made my life miserable. My confidence was shot, and I lived with crippling panic attacks many, many times a day. The thought of one person seeing me, other than my family, was enough to send me into my bedroom closet.

    If you are suffering panic attacks, I ask you to seek someone professional to speak with. It's not a lifestyle you deserve. You have vibrancy in your eyes, and a life out there to live.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I've been there. It's hard, incredibly hard, but you can get through this. You are stronger than you think.

  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Be proud of how you look. You're a work in progress and the only approval that you need is your own. Let this be your mantra.

    When it comes to fitness, you're doing this for yourself.

    I've had anxiety about being photographed and how I looked in my photographs. I have self image issues. BUT I can tell you that when I see an out of shape flabby guy in a picture, my kids and wife see a father, friend and a guy just having fun.
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    5' 5" and 155 pounds isn't big. You need to remember where you were at 190 pounds and decide not to be like that again. Then remember how you felt at 140 pounds and think what you did different to get back there.

    You look great and it does sound like a confidence issue. I am constantly having the same thing. I was over 370 pounds and now I am nearly 200 pounds lighter in 20 months. Every day I have to realise and remember what I have done so far and not go back to where I was.