Lunches at Work (UK)

xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Hi everyone!

I need help! I want to know what I can make at work which is NICE and filling and most importantly healthy! We have a frige, which I commandeer, and a microwave and a toaster and a cupboard - all of which I use and nobody else does haha! I buy my lunch stuff for the week from Tesco's on a Monday and I'm bored with what I usually get and want some new ideas.

What I had last week was:-

Sainsburys Good for you soups
Week before I had spaghetti on toast, beans on toast
Week before I had falafel pitta breads

Thanks everyone!


  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member

    I'll be interested to see some suggestions on this thread, cos I'm in a bit of a rut with lunches too!

    I have those Sainsbury's soups- am slightly addicted to the tomato and bean one! Or I have ryvita with cottage cheese or salad.

    Very boring!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I recently started getting into smoothies, I had a nasty cold which I couldn't shake off so wanted to boost my immune system!!
    I have tried all sorts and never made anything that I couldn't drink, they all seem to come out great.
    I add holland and barrart 90% soya protein powder, and they are always so filling that I'm really full for at least three hours after. You could make in belnder/ smoothie maker the night before and store in fridge til ready to drink. Very healthy and convenient for working lunch.
    I love this one for a really good chocolate fix, this is also great for pre and post work outs, half before and half after.

    This one works out about 400cals in total and you can't taste it's not real milk because of all the other flavours, the extra protein in the soya milk is filling and also soya milk is far healthier too.
    400mls Soya Milk
    1 TBSP Peanut Butter, I like crunchy!
    1 Medium Banana
    1 Scoop Soya Protein Powder
    1 TSP of Cocoa Powder, EG: Bournville, unsweetened etc.
    Can add ground flaxseeds for extra fibre if needed.

    Another one I like which I got from a member here is called the Green Monster. (You don't taste the spinach.)

    1 cup of skim milk (- I use soya milk)
    2-4 ice cubes
    1 Tbsp peanut butter
    1 banana
    handful of spinach or baby spinach
    Ground flax if you have it.
    ( - and I add 1/2 scoop protein powder too :o) - )

    This one is much nicer than I thought it would be and it is very healthy.

    Both kept me full up all afternoon, and with the green one I feel like I am glowing!!
    I think I'll have one today!! lol :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Hope you like xx
  • Cold pasta salads are an easy option, you can use wholewheat pasta to make it healthier. Tuna mayo with sweetcorn is good.

    Potato salads if you use new potatoes. I made one yesterday for my lunch which would work as a packed lunch. It had some salad leaves, cold sliced new potatoes, prawns, anchovies and some salad dressing. Of course you can use what you want to, you could hard boil some eggs and slice them up and put them in.

    If you cook at home, you could always make extra to freeze and then defrost the night before and take that to work. Chilli is good for that!

    You cold do rice salads using wild rice and some veg.

  • sazziecee
    sazziecee Posts: 143
    I would go for leftovers too :)

    personally I love tinned mackerel on toast, especially the spicy tomato one, mmm. Quite high in calories, but very filling and only high in cals cos of the good fats from the fish. Plus its recommened to eat 2 portions oily fish a week.

    How about getting some of those toastabags and making your own toasted sandwiches?
  • tanyewest
    tanyewest Posts: 113
    Risotto is really nice for lunch and very filing too. If you shop around Mimi you can get some really healthy ones with not many cals! And yes the suggestion if rice salad is a great one.

    I am also having the same lunch problems, I end up just having salad or soup, salad or soup haha

    T xx
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    :bigsmile: Thanks everyone! Some great suggestions. Never thought of having smoothies for lunch before I'm too much of a piggy to think it'd fill me up but I might try it thanks MelGib! :flowerforyou:

    Mmm risotto...!

    :heart: Mimi
  • cymills
    cymills Posts: 133 Member
    Lean cuisines are great! There are many food choices - under 300 claories!
    If you have a salad with them it makes for a very satisfying meal..
    Another suggestion - a large salad with a small (4oz) chicken breast on top. If you warm the chicken breast it seems to make it tastier!
  • hadham72
    hadham72 Posts: 5 Member
    I buy my lunch in M & S every day - all their products have the calorie count on the pack and there is a lot of variety in salads around the 165 to 300 calories level. They also do some low calorie sandwiches/wraps, though I have found those a little bland.

    As of last week, the Pret near me at work has also started putting calories on all its products - assume they do this elsewhere now too - nice falafel salad in there for 150 calories.
  • Innocent veg pots are fab, if a little expensive, really filling and low in cals and fat. LOVE sainsbury's be good to yourself mini houmous snack pots as they stop me eating the whole tub, take fun things to dip and a warm mini pitta. Miso soup sachets are surprisingly filling especially if you add extra tofu. My favourite is mashed avocado on wholemeal seedy toast with sweet chilli sauce. Also, try sainsbury's extra special Moroccan cous cous. YUM.
  • leelu
    leelu Posts: 136 Member
    Lean cuisines are great! There are many food choices - under 300 claories!
    If you have a salad with them it makes for a very satisfying meal..
    Another suggestion - a large salad with a small (4oz) chicken breast on top. If you warm the chicken breast it seems to make it tastier!

    i do the same - cans of soup or lean cuisine or simular - easy to portion control and have soemthing hot for lunch - means i can leave the adding and dividing calories for home
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Thanks guys definitiely got some more inspiration now! x
  • merly
    merly Posts: 5 Member
    Take a potato into work with you! If you're the only person using the microwave you won't cause too much of a queue, otherwise you can zap it halfway at home and then finish it off at work. I find a small potato, small tin of tuna and a bit of balsamic vinegar with salad sets me up for a good afternoon of skiving!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I had 1 cup of low-fat cottage cheese today with an 8oz can of the Del monte diced peaches made with splenda. So easy and nice on hot days. Low cal & high protein. I eat this for breakfast sometimes too.
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