Color Run!!

Officially doing the Color Run in Columbus, OH in July!! Who's with me? Has anyone done it before? :)


  • leslie4302
    leslie4302 Posts: 33 Member
    I did the Color Run in Little Rock, AR a about three weeks ago. Lots of fun, but I would suggest wearing something over your mouth to keep from getting that gritty stuff in your teeth! :)
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I'm doing one in LA on.2/2. Can't wait!
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    i did one this summer in VA. it is a LOT of fun (fyi they do not time the race so if you want to know you're time you'll have to do it yourself). keep your mouth shut as much as you can - i was spitting blue and pink through have the race. LOL! oh and it does get EVERYWHERE! it does seep through your clothes. it took a few days to get out of my hair too.
  • kass22185
    kass22185 Posts: 38 Member
    Planning on it being my first 5k in Tulsa in April! Can't wait!
  • AnnaVee84
    AnnaVee84 Posts: 345 Member
    Officially doing the Color Run in Columbus, OH in July!! Who's with me? Has anyone done it before? :)

    Wahoooo Cbus, O-H!!! :drinker:

    I'm going to make a team for the run in Vegas this spring, first time, super excited!!!!
  • davidep21
    davidep21 Posts: 52 Member
    Ran it last year and I am signed up to run it again in February, have a great run!!!
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I live in Dayton, OH and I did the Color Me Rad Run in Cincy. It was a blast!!
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    I did the Philly one this year and am planning on DC and Philly in 2013! I can't wait!!! Definitely agree with keeping your mouth shut! Serious dry mouth!!! LOL

    Have fun!
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 366 Member
    I missed out on the one here in DC in the fall, but definitely want to do it next year, looks like so much fun!
  • whatthefitz
    I did cbus this past summer! It was fun, just be ready to be at a standstill at the color stations...they get backed up!
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I'm doing one in Seattle in May! So excited. I wanna run the whole thing. I'm doing a Jingle Bell Run 5k tomorrow where I'll walk and run. Practice for May's color run. Thanks for the tip about stuff getting in your mouth. I guess I'll be wearing a surgical-type mask maybe decorate it somehow. You know, something that goes ncely with the tutu I plan to wear over my running shorts.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    Sounds like fun!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    DId one last year....don't believe the 'it comes off easily" story about the color. It was hot & sweaty and I had green and purple spots on my torso after like 3 showers! I wouldn't do it again, but a lot of people loved it!

    There does tend to be a slowdown/backup at the 'color stations' if you're a competitive runner concerned about your run time, this might be annoying (I'm it wasn't a big issue for me, but some friends were frustrated aboout that)
  • ravinraven718
    I'd love to do a 5k by my next birthday and the 2013 Color Run is the weekend following. Hot damn!
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I did it with my girls at the beginning of the year. Really fun, but not sure I'd do it again(entry cost is expensive for what you get). My running shoes are colored to this day(I just retired them, though). And the color didn't totally come out of anything. Fun to do once, more fun to do with a group of people. Bring a camera, goggles or glasses, a handkerchief if you have breathing issues and have fun!
    Pics of it are actually in my profile if interested.
  • Jilllevin
    Jilllevin Posts: 6 Member
    I just signed up for the DC run two minutes ago!!! So excited bc it sold out quick last year.
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    Twice - both in Wisconsin this past summer. Loads of fun.
  • jikkenkekka
    Haven't signed up yet (putting together a team with a couple of friends so we're on the lookout for at least one more person before we register), but I'm planning on doing the Orange County one next May. Excited as it seems like lots of fun and it will be my first 5k. :)
  • Dtm3000
    Dtm3000 Posts: 4 Member
    I did The Color Run in San Diego last October and something called the Color Mob on December 8. The Color Run was more organized and Both were fun. They're not timed and both started in waves. Like a Mud Run your clothes may never be the same after....looking forward to the Orange County Color Run in May!
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    Officially doing the Color Run in Columbus, OH in July!! Who's with me? Has anyone done it before? :)

    Woohoo!!! There's a group of us from MFP that all did it last year in Columbus and have already registered!! It's going to be a TON of was AWESOME last year!