Frustrations with friends



  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    I had a few people on my friends list quite a few mos. back that every single day was McD's and it was like throughout the day that I ended up deleting. My current friends I am fine with. We all have our days etc.. but I don't see any problems unless going over all the time. But it depends on the situation. Soo as of right now there really isn't anyone to call out on unless asking why they aren't losing weight and they are really always over.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Saw thread title, thought it was a mobile game for venting.
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    and people r giving me **** for meal replacements its funny as ****!
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    Saw thread title, thought it was a mobile game for venting.

    Meee tooo! I was ready to put a word in~ :yawn:
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    If you're going to make a topic like this, your diary should be open.
  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    At least they're keeping a Journal. How about your actual friends/family who don't seem to care enough about themselves to use MyFitnessPal or exercise. That's what bugs me.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    Honestly if the person is in their Macro's and especially if their working out I think they deserve it. Like if my friend went on an 8 mile run and burned 900 calories then damn straight they get a Big Mac or a giant cookie or a bowl of ice cream if they want one! I just see it as them indulging in the things they want but still eating a reasonable amount. The people who limit themselves to very specific foods or refuse to ever eat certain things or only eat diet food are the one who will fail. You won't go your whole life without eating Mcdonald's. MFP for me is all about a life style change. Knowing what you're putting in your body and how much of it. If you're burning it off or eating less of other stuff through out that day and meeting your goals what does it matter what kind of food your're eating ?

    I had Wendy's today, ate 1200 calories total and was under in all of my Macro's. I had a Snickers bar a few days ago and was way under on my Macro's, I had a 400 calorie double chocolate donut last week after a 10 mile run and I still had extra calories at the end of the day. You gotta treat yourself to things, the people who end up failing are the ones who forbid themselves from eating certain foods.

    What I find MORE ridiculous and unacceptable is people who go around bragging that they have a negative net or they burned off all the calories they are or like OMG GUYS ALL THE CALORIES IA HAD TODAY WAS JUICE IM LYKE SO AWESOME then that **** is getting you deleted. I'd rather see someone eating Mcdonald's and Taco Bell and Dominios every day then see someone restricting
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Most of the time, I don't have time to go through my friend's diaries. Sometimes I will see something that looks yummy and make a comment, but most of the time, the only auto-feeds that I make a comment on are when they post a loss or do some exercise. I figure grown-ups can figure out what diet works for them.

    That being said, OP would be wise not to send me a friend request. She probably would not like my choices either. I don't eat fast food much, since I really don't care for fast food, except Arby's and Subway. But I eat more sugar than most people on here would think that I ought to. I've had one friend mention it to me, but I let her know that while she is free to make comments, I won't be taking her advice.

    Some people refuse to give up alcohol, but for me, I refuse to give up my baked goods. I just keep it under my calorie goal.
    Judgey thread is judgey.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Judgey McJudgey-pants. This is exactly why my diary is locked down like Fort Knox. I am an adult and fully aware of when I don't make good choices. I don't need anyone else "calling me out" on it or suggesting that veggies would be better than a mcdouble. I also fail to see how the food I stuff down my throat impacts you and your choices.

    As to doing it "all the time", before you start judging, consider that there may be things going on in their lives that make better choices just not realistic for a time. My parents were both in the hospital for 4 1/2 months. In that time, we also moved and renovated the new house (where we were living), we had to renovate my parents house so they could come home, I had to travel for work, and I got injured and had surgery. Perhaps I would have appreciated your suggestions for how to "cook" healthier meals when my house had no kitchen and I was getting home at midnight only to start renovation work so I could have a kitchen. More likely, I would have been annoyed that you had the balls to criticize my Pizza Hut super-supreme slices for dinner (and breakfast and lunch). I logged what I ate and know full well that my food choices weren't good. But given what all was going on, it's what worked for the time (several months). And while I certainly could have explained all of that to judgmental friends that criticized my eating patterns, I didn't and I shouldn't have to. It's my mouth, my health and my hips that suffered the consequences. I already have enough drama in my life without having to explain what I eat to my friends.

    Please don't send a friend request-I don't need judgmental friends who think I'm not capable of determining what foods are and aren't healthy choices.
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    I just posted a message in this board for the same reason. I am looking for friends who look at diaries and like to comment.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Like others have said, unless they specifically ask... Keep your mouth shut!

    People on here are 18+ years old.. and they can make their own decisions about what is healthy and what is not.

    They don't need others telling them what they should and shouldn't do.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have people who are on my friends list and I look through their diaries and in one day they will have Cinnabon, full sugar sodas, half a happy meal with a candy bar and nothing else. They are under their calories, but eat nothing healthy at all.

    Do you any of you comment on your friends' bad eating by mentioning it and kind of hinting (or flat out telling) them they are not really being healthy at all (consistently, not just here and there) or do you just unfriend them?

    Neither. I only look at diaries if asked. The people on my FL are adults. They know what's healthy and what isn't and they make their own choices, just as I make my own choices.

    I am not friends with people on here because of what they eat. My FL is full of intelligent, witty individuals and they enrich my life in many ways. I only unfriend people who are offensive in some way that I can't overlook. What they're shoveling into their pieholes doesn't affect me at all.
  • rgagnon1
    rgagnon1 Posts: 59 Member
    Sorry- I'm new. How do you see someone else's diary? I want to friend my trainer and have him see mine.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    When it comes down to it, an "unhealthy" day may be way better than how the person used to eat. For a lot of people, it can be a gradual change of habits - maybe the two Taco Bell apple empanadas are a small victory for that person, because the "old" them would have ordered and eaten four.

    Unless asked for help, I generally don't criticize food choices.
  • johloz
    johloz Posts: 176 Member
    If it's a one-time thing, I wouldn't say anything. Everyone has bad and just plain weird days of eating. But if they are consistently eating like crap, definitely say something. That's why we add people as friends and make our diaries open to them -- for feedback. If they don't like it, they can defriend you.

    I won't encourage someone to make unhealthy choices, and I won't be silent when people are. Besides, my MFP "friends" are not my true friends, they're my teammates in encouraging healthy living.

    Do them a favor and speak up!
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Most of my MFP friends are really close and we definitely let eachother know when something doesn't look right. We're also good about letting each other know when we're sick, etc., so there's always an understanding of why.
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    If friends eat crap and are a little under, I won't comment. I don't wanna say 'good day' when all they ate was from McDonalds.

    If friends eat crap and go way over, I tell them good job for logging. Cause we all have bad days, and at least it's logged and recorded, so people have an understanding of why when they don't lose that month.

    If friends skip meals and are way under, I'll call them on it. Unless I know they are ill.

    I also have a few friends who have left me know that they particularly want constructive criticism - so I'll make a point to be a bit more picky and make more suggestions on their diaries. I wouldn't want to do this unless specifically requested though.
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    I'll say good job logging when they have a crappy day - just because being honest about it is a good part of the battle.
  • ndearing0501
    ndearing0501 Posts: 145 Member
    I have friends on here who do the same thing. Candy, chips, pizza, sodas - all the time! Sure, you don't need to cut it out entirely, but if you're eating it every day.....
    You're not gonna get to your goals. You can't out exercise a bad diet! Ill have a candy bar or something here and there but really? Every day? If you have that big of a problem that you can't go a day or 2 without it, you should just plain eliminate it from your diet.
    I'm not going to comment that they did a good job logging it. Yes, that's half the battle and its good to be honest, but after a while its like telling them its ok. It's not a good thing that you ate it, but you logged it so thats a good thing! I used to have an issue with chai lattes and mt dew and I finally just quit it once I found how harmful it is. I haven't had a soda in I can't even remember. And chai? I have it maybe once a month as a treat. That's what it should be: a treat. You eat to live. Not live to eat people!
    But no I don't comment, unless they ask. I just get disappointed in them.
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    I honestly like to go into my friends' diaries. It is a way to show that I pay attention. Most of my comments are positive because people with sometime in the program understand it. Other people's dairies are a sort of inspiration and strategies I often use.
    Sometimes some of my friends have had complications and _I am there to help them or suggest them. Most of the time, my suggestion is EAT MORE.
    And eat more, becauese that is the way to sustain a relatevely long process and later on, sustain a new lifestyle.
    I feel concern about my friends who reduce their food cals too much because it's easy to see THEY ARE STRUGGLING.
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    I think it depends on the friend. I see posts all the time where people are asking for friend requests and specifically say they want to be called out or given some tough love or whatever. In those cases, yeah, I'd call them out in as nice and supportive a way as possible.

    For me, I wanted some MFP friends who will support and encourage my good choices and call me out for my bad choices. Frankly, I would rather call someone out or be called out than see the generic "good job" no matter what the food log looks like.

    I mean, why are we here? To reach our fitness/health goals, right? Why do we have MFP friends? To help us reach those goals, right? So, how are you being a good MFP friend if you are not helping your friends reach their goal? And why would you want a bunch of MFP friends who either don't look at your food log and just post generic comments, or don't say anything at all?
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    I delete people who routinely eat too little as I did one who was doing medifast having days where she was eating very little and days where she was obviously binging. I can't provide support to someone who doesn't want it yet.

    We all fall off the wagon but there are no magic potions out there, just hard work and making good choices more often than bad ones.

    Totally agree with you. However, In my case, I deleted a former friend who had a work out of nearly 9000 cals and she got mad when some of us asked why... Then some starting started talking about "Don't let the naysayers put you down". It seemed so ridiculous to me that I decided to cut her out and stop an unfruitful debate..
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I fail to see how their food intake affects your progress. I also fail to see how it is your place to judge their food intake.

    If my friends have a good day, I tell them. If they ate nothing but crap, or they went over their caloric limit, I still tell them good job. Ya know why? Because at least they're logging.

    Oh, and I lost over 100 lbs shoveling McDonald's, In n Out, Jack in the Box, Taco Bueno, and ungodly amounts of pizza in my face.

    Judgy thread is judgy.

    This. I would not leave a disparaging remark about a friend's food on their page, nor would I tolerate any on mine. I am a grown women, I make my own choices and those will be respected. Elsewise, you are not my friend.
  • TLC1975
    TLC1975 Posts: 146 Member
    I have commented on one or two MFP's on their diary especially if they constantly ask for my help, or ask me why they aren't losing, but I stopped, cuz they didn't use my input at all...frustrating...I actually rarely read or comment on anything anymore, ppl are too damn sensitive...and if you are using a program like this to publicly display ur eating habits and looking for online support expect criticism...its nature of the beast...and if ur trying to lose weight and be healthy..why the heck are they eating crap to begin with..imo
    I have people who are on my friends list and I look through their diaries and in one day they will have Cinnabon, full sugar sodas, half a happy meal with a candy bar and nothing else. They are under their calories, but eat nothing healthy at all.

    Do you any of you comment on your friends' bad eating by mentioning it and kind of hinting (or flat out telling) them they are not really being healthy at all (consistently, not just here and there) or do you just unfriend them?

    By the way, I'm guilty of being unhealthy sometimes, too and my friends (RL friends, mostly) will call me out on bad choices and would NEVER say "good logging" or "great day" when my day was just plain crap. What are the thoughts on calling people out on bad eating habits?
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I don't usually look at my friends' diaries unless they ask or make a specific comment about their current stage of weight loss/gain etc.

    It is not my place to judge, but, my diary is open and if they want to call me on my food choices, that's fine - they are just trying to keep me honest but it doesn't mean that I would necessarily do it differently the next time.

    Sometimes I *like* McDonalds. I won't give up Pizza. I will log my white chocolate martini with brunch. I eat bacon.

    Having said that though, I don't generally comment on the automated posts that say "So-and-so just completed their food diary for 1/2/3 and was under their calorie goal."....unless I happened to look at their diary, and then I just draw attention to the positives (if any), or I spin my comment to be about how less than stellar food choices affect me personally, and that's a bummer for me, but I hope that they enjoyed themselves without the same food-backlash that I get.
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    I don't usually look at people 's food. I try to give encouragement when needed and lots of praise for working out and so on. But at the end of the day, these are all grown ups and they know that they're eating bad. I guess it's a good thing that they still track it, but what can you do. I don't delete people. Their lack of going with the program correctly doesn't effect me in the least.
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    I fail to see how their food intake affects your progress. I also fail to see how it is your place to judge their food intake.

    If my friends have a good day, I tell them. If they ate nothing but crap, or they went over their caloric limit, I still tell them good job. Ya know why? Because at least they're logging.

    Oh, and I lost over 100 lbs shoveling McDonald's, In n Out, Jack in the Box, Taco Bueno, and ungodly amounts of pizza in my face.

    Judgy thread is judgy.

    This. I would not leave a disparaging remark about a friend's food on their page, nor would I tolerate any on mine. I am a grown women, I make my own choices and those will be respected. Elsewise, you are not my friend.

    Respectfully, what do you want from a MFP pal then? Everything is alright, great photos.. blabla? Just wondering. It is not a matter of being bossy, because it is extremely annoying, I agree, but if you do not want to hear from anyone then what?
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    I fail to see how their food intake affects your progress. I also fail to see how it is your place to judge their food intake.

    If my friends have a good day, I tell them. If they ate nothing but crap, or they went over their caloric limit, I still tell them good job. Ya know why? Because at least they're logging.

    Oh, and I lost over 100 lbs shoveling McDonald's, In n Out, Jack in the Box, Taco Bueno, and ungodly amounts of pizza in my face.

    Judgy thread is judgy.

    well, for me, its simple. im not here to make "regular" friends. im here to lose weight, and if im going to have any friends on my profile, they are going to be friends who i consider "motivating"... someone eating a bunch of crap, to me, is not motivating. do i say anything to them? no, its not my place... but i do delete them. simple as that.
    I completly agree with you, I'm here to lose weight, not make friends. If the people aren't motivating to me, I delete them. It isn't my place to say anything to them, but I can delete them if I want. I could care less how many friends I have on here (I have one currently).
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I fail to see how their food intake affects your progress. I also fail to see how it is your place to judge their food intake.

    If my friends have a good day, I tell them. If they ate nothing but crap, or they went over their caloric limit, I still tell them good job. Ya know why? Because at least they're logging.

    Oh, and I lost over 100 lbs shoveling McDonald's, In n Out, Jack in the Box, Taco Bueno, and ungodly amounts of pizza in my face.

    Judgy thread is judgy.

    This. I would not leave a disparaging remark about a friend's food on their page, nor would I tolerate any on mine. I am a grown women, I make my own choices and those will be respected. Elsewise, you are not my friend.

    Respectfully, what do you want from a MFP pal then? Everything is alright, great photos.. blabla? Just wondering

    It makes me sad to think that your sole view of an mfp friend is to critique food choices. My diary is closed to everyone but me (since it is MY diary and there for MY benefit and as many have stated, I'm a grownup who makes my own choices and deals with the consequences-don't need anyone telling me I'm a bad girl). My friends are fantastic-they are the people I talk to/with about the trials and tribulations of weight loss that people not on this journey really don't understand-like how it's a giant pia to have to completely replace your wardrobe every 4-6 weeks-my irl friends roll their eyes and say "wish I had that problem". My mfp friends are the ones I talk to/with about various challenges and things that come up in the game of life. They offer suggestions for how to stay on track when I travel for work, or recovering from surgery or offer support during the multitude of times I've wanted to throw in the towel. Not one of my mfp friends is a food-nazi and not one has ever seen my diary. They are fun, entertaining, witty, supportive and all without ever having remarked about a single bite of food I have eaten.
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    I would never, ever give feedback on one's eating habits unless it was requested. If someone eats like crap, I'm sure a big part of them already feels down about it, no sense making them feel worse for something that's in the past. Or maybe having a day where they eat junk (but stay in their limits) is the only thing keeping them sane and on track! Even when people have open diaries, I feel so NOSEY even looking!