Need to lose 140 pounds!



  • I need to lose about the same weight, if you want add me as a friend. We can def support each other. I have friends who do support me but they don't know the struggle of having to lose a lot weight. So girl, I am def here for you! Let support each other!:smile:
  • tacomomma
    tacomomma Posts: 1 Member
    have you tried Jillian MIchaels 30 day shred? or TUrbo Fire? I loved both of those! Turbo Fire is so much better for starting out than the P90X and Chalene is a great motivator! you can find her on Facebook as well. and the people that are in her videos are real people! love it!
  • Believe in yourself!
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have 150 lbs to lose. I am going to the gym and doing 30DS. I suggest looking at your goal in smaller chunks. I go 25 lbs at a time. Makes it easier to wrap your head around.

    Good luck!!
  • I also want to loose a lot of weight. I'm so unhappy at the moment. my clothes don't fit and I feel so ugly.
    I also do really well for a week and then cave :( I also feel like at this stage when I say I'm going to loose weight people are eye rolling, saying not this again
  • AckieJ
    AckieJ Posts: 199 Member
    You need to believe you can do it... Don't worry about what others believe at this point. Once they start to see a positive progress they'll start to believe it too.

    My hubby was the same. Until I lost 20lbs he now keeps telling how much he supports me, and how I look good. He tells me he doesn't have the willpower that I do. But come the 1st of the year he wants to start eating healthy and trying to lose weight too.
  • Peazwithin
    Peazwithin Posts: 41 Member
    I had family support when I talked about losing! Until I started on my journey to actually lose the weight. You have to believe in you and then everyone else will learn from you! I started off at 299. Today I weight 235. Feels good to even say that. I lost it one bite at a time. Tons of helpful information and support here! Add me if you like, I believe you got this!!
  • Peazwithin
    Peazwithin Posts: 41 Member
    Honey, this is you taking care of you. The first thing is not to let the hater and nay-sayers distract you for your goals and dreams! You can do this. This was your first great start. Take it one day at a time and all the support here that is offered to you. YOU CAN DO ThIS!!
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi there,

    Don't let your hubby get you down. Sometimes you just have to stop sharing that part of your life and SHOW THEM you can do it. It took me forever to join the gym, because my boyfriend kept on telling me that he didn't think I would go as much as I was telling him I would. He wasn't saying it to be mean, he just thought it was a waste of money. Finally I joined. To his surprise I go 5 times a week and I've lost 8 lbs so far. He's very proud of me now and he doesn't question my commitment anymore :)

    I'm on here daily. Please feel free to add me.

    Good luck to you on your journey :)
  • i dont have as much to lose. but i would love to hav a larger support system. i find it difficult to talk to people in my family about weight loss, because there are so many choices in the world! and they dont think that counting calories is as good as something else. but this has worked for me before. i stopped a few months ago due to a tragedy (which isnt a great excuse but i started eating a lot... it is what it is) and i gained it all back. i want to lose 50 lbs. so im starting back at square one. today. and getting back on the horse. stick to what works for you right? id love to add you and do this with you!!
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    You can TOTALLY do this! Don't allow yourself to be overwhelmed by the entirety of the goal. Break it down into smaller chunks, like 10 pounds at a time. Focus on that goal. BAM! You did it once, do it again! You can do MOST of your weight loss with diet alone. Start small. Cut out soda. Limit liquids to water (MOSTLY), tea, and coffee (without a ton of additions). As far as exercise, if you really want to do it, you WILL find time. Take a walk with the kids. Take the stairs. Park farther away. Little things add up.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi,
    I have to lose between 90-100 lbs. I understand how you feel it is unrealistic to reach your wait but you can. I had started off well and lost 10 lbs. since I registered then broke my ankle - I was walking for exercise. The good thing is I did not gain weight back - so there is hope. I am restarting walking this weekend. Just do a little at a time. I thought it sounded corny when someone told me but it works. Friend me if you want.
    Good Luck and Keep Trying!
  • karibj2010
    karibj2010 Posts: 264 Member
    I'm very busy...I'm a full-time mom and student, and I work part-time in addition to maintaining our household. My schedule doesn't allow me to go to the gym during a time when they have child care, and in between those times, I have to be on mommy duty because my hubby's at work. My only "real" free time comes around 10 pm...and by then I am so not motivated to work out, and I've let that keep me from achieving my goal. Plus, I hate actually working out. I want to have fun while I do it, and walking on the treadmill or doing those videos just isn't fun for me. I figure that for a while I'll just try to change my eating habits and throw some cardio in (I love playing Just Dance, just not sure how much of a good cardio workout that is). Once my schedule eases up a bit next summer I'd like to finally complete P90X.

    I started out "playing" the fitness games for wii...wii fit plus is my favorite to do (boxing, hula hoop, etc). The wii can be a really good workout and it's fun, doing that along with watching your calories, you will do fine :-)
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Feel free to add me... I started with 212.5 pounds to lose on July 1st and I only have 105.5 to go! Hope to be there by next Christmas.
  • you can do it! believe in yourself! you are a beautiful soul and dont let anyone make you feel otherwise. way to go in taking that step toward a happier, healthier you. just take it one day at a time, make small changes and stick to them while your working your way up to bigger ones. pick one goal that is reachable and when you achieve it reward yourself with something pretty, a trip to the movies, a book or a new pair of shoes! lil goals help me get through those hard times by making the big picture look smaller. just think you've already got the hardest part behind you... you decided to make the change toward health! YOU CAN DO IT!!! i'll be glad to join you on your journey. feel free to add me. ;)