Ladies who are 200+ pounds



  • makaiya
    makaiya Posts: 80 Member
    Height: 5'4"
    SW: 255 lbs
    CW: 234 lbs
    GW: 150 lbs (?)

    Add me if you'd like. We need all the encouragement we can get!
  • edithejaime
    edithejaime Posts: 23 Member
    i fell off the wagon i was 329 went dwn to 199 now 217 feeling so depressed !!
  • i would gladly accept any of you gals as friends...started at 231, current 216....goal of 150 :)
  • Hi everyone. this is my first post. I'm at 210 right now and hopefully won't be here long. I am game if anyone wants to buddy w/ me in contacts. I have 70-75 pounds to lose.:smile:
  • iFreebaseBacon
    iFreebaseBacon Posts: 45 Member
    Started off at 290. When I joined MFP I was 250. I am now 224.5. I am not sure what my goal weight is, but I do have a goal of reaching 220 by Dec 13th. Next goal will be 200lbs!
  • Jenniferleighftw
    Jenniferleighftw Posts: 36 Member
    I started at 242 and I'm down to 196! Feel free to add me, any of you! :)
  • maz_z
    maz_z Posts: 55
    Hi Guys,

    I started at 227 and am down to 180, it is possible to lose your weight!

    feel free to add me if you want support etc :)
  • Just started at 256 now at 253.. so I have a long way to go! :D Anyone else who wants to add me feel free!! <3
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    Hi I started at 220 in August, rocking between 198 - 202, GW 145. Anyone feel free to add me, always looking for motivation.
  • callme911
    callme911 Posts: 68 Member
    I started this February at 278lb and just dropped to 199lb this week. Feel free to add me if you like but be warned, i'm old (36) and my daughter is the same age as you lol :noway:

    That is just amazing! Congrats!
  • callme911
    callme911 Posts: 68 Member
    I am currently 248.6 - I started at 281. I have nearly 100 lbs to go. I don't think you can ever have too much support, so feel free to add me! :-)
  • klindema
    klindema Posts: 55 Member
    Updating (one of my favorite threads) to say. .. scale said 199.8 this morning! :D let's do this, friends.!
  • KariT13
    KariT13 Posts: 4 Member
    Add me please
  • Updating (one of my favorite threads) to say. .. scale said 199.8 this morning! :D let's do this, friends.!

    That is fabulous!!
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Updating (one of my favorite threads) to say. .. scale said 199.8 this morning! :D let's do this, friends.!

    I started at 239 now 183. 199 is a great feeling but stay motivated and you can get lower. Any one can friend me if they want tough love. I do not say congrats if you only eat 1,000 cals and low on protein I don't believe in low carb either unless you have a major medical excuse. If you want a Jillian Michaels type to comment on your diary and help you make changes that help you lose I am your girl.
  • im heaviest was 293..ill add you ;)
  • NessyMartinez
    NessyMartinez Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new. I stink at this. I'm on a super strict diet and being assisted medically with Phentermine, RX Strengthen Alli (Formerly Xenical) and following a low calorie, Low Glycemic Index foods. I still have a wicked enjoyment for eating junk I know wobt help me meet my goal.

    I got a very bad test results back from the doctor. My labs and other factors point to Lupus. I had a hysterectomy in August, 3 weeks later I had a TIA (likely related to the surgery), and I'm probably getting ready to take an MS diagnosis. Id love a network of supportive women for encouragement. I'm not ready to give up on this life.

    Currently I am 215
    My goal is 135
  • msartishia
    msartishia Posts: 123 Member
    I have been on and off MFP for a while. But I have been dedicated lately....but I still have my bad days.

    I started with my highest weight at 290.

    I am currently 220/221 and I want to get to 175.

    Feel free to add me.
  • Hi ladies - Ive also just started, at 235 (was 261 at my heaviest), with a goal weight of around 130, although Id take 150 at this point. Im one of those, I'll do it tomorrow, next week/month/after the holidays, but had a recent health scare and really need to get on the ball. Ive sent a request to some of you, but feel free to add me. =)
  • tattoobabe
    tattoobabe Posts: 15 Member
    hi i too have a bit of weight to lose started my journey to get healthy this time for good 2 weeks starting weight was 273 im currently 263....please feel free to add me as a friend.