What do you do to keep from eating?



  • angelicasmommy
    angelicasmommy Posts: 303 Member
    I am taking Lamotrigine for the depression. I also babysit another 2 year old 3 days a week (my daughter is also 2, they are 3 months apart) so it can get pretty stressful. I work out of the home the rest of the week, so I can't eat while I am at work except on break and I can't binge then. So really, the hardest time is when I am babysitting because I am at home all day with two toddlers. In the summer, I used to take them to the park every day but now the weather is getting colder, and we have all been sick for the last few months so going outside is not an option most days. The plus side, after the new year I will be going back to my out of the home job full time so being home less will definitely help.
    I also used to go to the gym 3-4 days a week before I moved in October. I lived 5 minutes from the gym. Now since I've moved, I live too far and havn't been able to go, which used to help a little. I have Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred which I used to love, but it always makes y legs and knees hurt a lot and am waiting to see a physiotherapist. I'd love to find a workout DVD to do at home to relieve stress, but it's hard to find one I can do without causing more pain.
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    Brush my teeth. I hate eating when I have "that clean feeling" you get from brushing your teeth.
  • I work out when I get hungry and bored. 10 situps, 10 squats, 10 push ups repeat until the greed goes away. It works and my body benefits. Also drink water or hot tea (sugar fress) or you can always come on MFP and find others who are bored. You can friend me. Im a stay at home mom too.
  • PamelaKuz
    PamelaKuz Posts: 191 Member
    You should learn to knit. It keeps my hands and brain busy at night when I'm watching tv and want to snack. It's pretty hot right now, you should check out ravelery.com, so many free awesome patterns! If you would like, PM me and I'll mail you a little learn to knit package with some needles, yarn, and instructions. I have a huge stash of supplies and you would be doing me a favour in getting rid of some. Michaels ans Joanne's sell the basics too.
  • angelicasmommy
    angelicasmommy Posts: 303 Member
    I'll do that. I know why I like to binge though...I feel like bingeing or eating makes me happy. If I am in a bad mood, I can put myself in a good mood, even temporarily by eating. When I am in the mood to binge, and it's impossible to do so because I don't have anything to binge on, I get in a REALLY bad mood. I sometimes feel like a child having a temper tantrum lol. It's horrible. This is why I am trying to find something else that makes me happy. I have an ereader so I've been buying myself some new books to read. I kind of want to try knitting or crocheting too.
  • mtabh
    mtabh Posts: 128 Member
    When I get hungry it's typically between lunch and dinner, around 4pm. I drink four eight ounce glasses of water and then "treat" myself to a cup of green tea. For some reason hot tea feels like "eating" to me because it's hot. Maybe try that, it tricks my mind so maybe it will trick yours.

    You aren't hungry for food, you are craving food. It's a brain thing. Keep training yourself and it will end eventually. It's habit for most to eat out of boredom or while in a bad mood.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I cured my craving, binge eating, depression, and a whole bunch of other health problems by changing what I eat. Honestly, I never struggle with hunger or binging at all anymore and staying under my calorie goal is easy. When I was eating a "normal, healthy" diet, based on grains, I was NOT able to feel full and satisfied. My current diet is based on fat (I try for 60-70%) and protein (20-30%) and I try to eat mostly unprocessed foods. Some people are able to control their appetite while eating anything. Since I could not do that, I got rid of the foods that cause me to over-eat and be sick. It's not for everyone.
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member
    crunches, push-ups, and jumping jacks.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    chew gum and drink lots of water
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I find I eat when I am bored, stressed, angry, irritated...basically all the time. I was diagnosed with depression awhile back so when I get into a really bad mood I eat. I'm trying to think of things I can do to keep my mind off of eating. The times I tend to eat the most are in the afternoons when my daughter is napping, and after she is in bed, but I also tend to eat when she is awake and I am bored or in a bad mood. I love to take hot bubble baths with candles while watching movies on my laptop, which I can easily do at naptime or after she's in bed but I need an idea for when she is awake and I can't just take a bath lol. I really need ideas if I am going to kick this nasty habit I've gotten into. Thanks!

    Well, Im most hungry when I'm at work and basically I just suffer in silence and try to be nice to my coworker who more than likely is eating a large pizza.
  • schnoomom
    schnoomom Posts: 38 Member
    Create about 30 slips of paper where ech piece has some kind of activity like 10 push ups or clean the fridge or 60 seconds of jumping jacks or whatever. Put them in a bowl and whenever you feel bored or angry or sad, go to the jar and pick something...it doesn't have to be something that lasts a long time...just something to 1. Break the mood and 2. be productive or fun.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    drink water chew gum

    This does help when I actually do it and dont find excuses to eat. I also find that if you keep a gallon freezer bag filled with vegetables and snack on that helps too.

    Some one on here once said you know your really hungry when you'll be satified with eating vegetables first.
  • mtabh
    mtabh Posts: 128 Member
    Another thing is accountability with yourself. I notice your diary is empty. If you had a number that you can't go over - you will feel more guilty if you do. Nobody wants that.

    For me seeing my limit makes me get more creative with how I use it and helps me to avoid over eating or bingeing.
  • Drink coffe or green tea, have a carrot cut really small strips because its only 30 calories and crunchy!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I'll do that. I know why I like to binge though...I feel like bingeing or eating makes me happy. If I am in a bad mood, I can put myself in a good mood, even temporarily by eating. When I am in the mood to binge, and it's impossible to do so because I don't have anything to binge on, I get in a REALLY bad mood. I sometimes feel like a child having a temper tantrum lol. It's horrible. This is why I am trying to find something else that makes me happy. I have an ereader so I've been buying myself some new books to read. I kind of want to try knitting or crocheting too.

    So, apparently the depression meds are not totally effective and bingeing is possibly a self medicating measure? I was self-medicating with food too and it was killing me. Not good.

    Too bad "good treatment" for depression has become synonymous with "medication". Been there, done that, lucky to be alive. Did you know that you can get relief from depression through nutritional and simple lifestyle changes? There are quite a number of people here on MFP who have done just that. Perhaps, lifestyle changes are not an option right now, but keep it mind for later on when you get sick of being sick.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    To keep from eating I:

    Read books
    Watch TV
    Clean house
    Work on puzzles
    Get on Internet
    Talk on phone

    Anything to get my mind off of it.

    Logging meals on MFP really helps too!

    Agree, or also put a DVD and exercise. Honestly, and I don't mean to be rude or insensitive, but how can you get bored with a house to take care of and a child?
    We women have always lots of things to do, either personal or tending the house.
    Try a new hair style, do your nails. Give yourself a mini facial or try new make up
    Clean up/ change paper lining in the pantry, bookshelves, closets, drawers.
    Write Christmas cards or notes to your friends or family.
    Move/reorganize furniture. Clean.
    Work in the garden, plant seeds in pots if your don’t have a garden.
    Go for a walk with your daughter when she is up from her nap.
    Take on-line courses, learn a craft or take a hobby. Call a friend.
  • Midnigh
    Midnigh Posts: 56 Member
    drink water chew gum

    Works for me too!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Protein. Water.
    Log everything.

    Try it.

    Have done that, but thanks anyways...I lost 75 lbs in a year by doing that but eventually started binge eating.

    Sorry about the binging. But something worked for 75 lbs. what was it?
    I was looking at your diary, your proteins are set rather low and you're not meeting them. And your diary is kind of empty.

    Eat nutrient dense food, it will keep you more satiated.
  • PamelaKuz
    PamelaKuz Posts: 191 Member
    To keep from eating I:

    Read books
    Watch TV
    Clean house
    Work on puzzles
    Get on Internet
    Talk on phone

    Anything to get my mind off of it.

    Logging meals on MFP really helps too!

    Agree, or also put a DVD and exercise. Honestly, and I don't mean to be rude or insensitive, but how can you get bored with a house to take care of and a child?
    We women have always lots of things to do, either personal or tending the house.
    Try a new hair style, do your nails. Give yourself a mini facial or try new make up
    Clean up/ change paper lining in the pantry, bookshelves, closets, drawers.
    Write Christmas cards or notes to your friends or family.
    Move/reorganize furniture. Clean.
    Work in the garden, plant seeds in pots if your don’t have a garden.
    Go for a walk with your daughter when she is up from her nap.
    Take on-line courses, learn a craft or take a hobby. Call a friend.

    Great ideas! I miss being home with my baby. I know it's hard work (I've done it), yet I wish more people would see it as the gift that it is.
  • Midnigh
    Midnigh Posts: 56 Member
    To keep from eating I:

    Read books
    Watch TV
    Clean house
    Work on puzzles
    Get on Internet
    Talk on phone

    Anything to get my mind off of it.

    Logging meals on MFP really helps too!

    Agree, or also put a DVD and exercise. Honestly, and I don't mean to be rude or insensitive, but how can you get bored with a house to take care of and a child?
    We women have always lots of things to do, either personal or tending the house.
    Try a new hair style, do your nails. Give yourself a mini facial or try new make up
    Clean up/ change paper lining in the pantry, bookshelves, closets, drawers.
    Write Christmas cards or notes to your friends or family.
    Move/reorganize furniture. Clean.
    Work in the garden, plant seeds in pots if your don’t have a garden.
    Go for a walk with your daughter when she is up from her nap.
    Take on-line courses, learn a craft or take a hobby. Call a friend.

    If you love housework then yes you could do it constantly. For me, there isn't anything more boring than cleaning a house. You sound like a Stepford Wife.....more power to you but it's not for all of us "women".

    Your suggestion of trying a new hairdo and nails: that's up my alley and is good advice. Take your down time and work on another level of self improvement, I like it.