1200 Calories a day?!?!

Hi everyone! I have been using MFP for about 3-4 weeks....I do cardio 6 times a week (one day off) and aim for 45 minutes. According to my MFP goals, my calorie goal is around 1500 daily - without eating my exercise calories. I noticed on a lot of posts, there are several people aiming for 900-1200 calories! Should I reduce my calorie intake to 1200?? I find it challenging on some days to stay under 1500 calories so I'm sure staying under 1200 will be EXTREMELY challenging.

I'd appreciate any feedback - thanks everyone and have a good day!


  • linzismith
    linzismith Posts: 139 Member
    I wouldn't reduce anything. a lot of it is based on height and starting weight. the average woman is 5'4" so that's probably who gets only 1200. I'm 5'7" and i started out getting 1500 a day. Once I lost weight and got down to 148 the site suggested i reduce to 1450.

    either way, I was able to lose a pound a week by eating 1500.
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    You should stay within the calorie suggestions that MFP is providing. :flowerforyou:
  • lab_goddess
    lab_goddess Posts: 170 Member
    I would just stick with what the MFP calculator has set for your goal. A slow and steady pace will help you reach your goal and keep it off. I've been sticking to my calories, about 1570 before exercise, and I've lost over 25 pounds since January.
    Hope that helps!
  • photoman67
    photoman67 Posts: 116 Member
    I think that as much as you are working out, you should definitely keep your calorie count the same. If you change it, you are going to starve yourself and put your body in a catabolic state (starvation mode) and your metabolism will slow down. Eat healthy, eat often, and try to eat foods with only one ingredient.
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Like a previous poster said, the calculations are based off height and weight.
    For example, if a 4'10" woman weighed 175 pounds, eating 1000 calories a day to lose weight isn't such a bad thing, because her maintenance calories are probably only around 1700.
  • mdiva
    mdiva Posts: 3
    Hello I have only been doing this for about 2 weeks myself I think if the 1500 is working and your losing you should continue to do what your doing
  • Jamie_Marie
    Jamie_Marie Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for all the posts! I appreciate it. I will continue to stick with what MFP sets for me :)
  • SydKaty
    SydKaty Posts: 75 Member
    Also, remember your body needs the extra calories to burn fat, especially if you're working out so much. Otherwise, if you eat too little, your body will start to burn away the muscle.