About to go insane and in desperate need of help!!



  • Ghette
    Ghette Posts: 350 Member
    I would kick my husband in the *kitten* for that comment, :angry: then tell him he can take over and I would go to work. It's not easy to juggle staying at home and we moms always come last. We don't have the energy at the end of the day to start exercising. Make your large meals, make them health and eat that for a week or freeze for the second week. I'm just having to start cooking for 2 again also. Or better yet have hubby cook for you guys when he gets home from work. You put in a full days work also.:smile: ill send you a friends request I was a stay at home mom too. I know how hard and how unappreciated we sometimes feel.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Crockpot is a wonderful thing to use! Recipes galore online for healthy crockpot meals. And I make lots of stews, soups, chilis, etc and freeze them individually in portion size. You can go ahead and cook for 4 or 6 or 8 and just portion whatever you cooked and portion them out for freezing.

    Another thing I love is my George Foreman Indoor Grill. It has several interchangeable plates to it. I grill chicken, boneless pork chops, grilled veggies, etc.

    Also making pizza is quick and easy. I use FlatOut flatbread (90 calories for lite version) and different sauces and toppings and make a variety of pizzas for less than 300 calories (about the size of a medium pizza). I'll use pizza sauce, taco sauce, BBQ sauce, it all depends on the pizza toppings.

    The other thing I find helpful is before I go shopping, is make my menu for the week.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I fell ya! I'm single and cooking for one is hard one me. But i'm learning. My goal when cooking is to cook for two..... Dinner now, Lunch tomorrow. 2 birds, 1 stone. For instance, pasta. I never ever fix a whole box. I fixabout 1/3 a box at a time and put the rest in a baggie and put it away. then i load with with veggies (frozen make the prep so much easier). For flavoring i'll add Italian dressing, oil and spices, or sometimes i get the forzen veggies that come in their sauce and leave it as is. I'll buy chicken and then freeze it in individual baggies, nothing goes to waste and i only pull out what I need... i.e.... you only fix two breast at a time.


    ^ I also do this. Whatever I made for dinner lastnight becomes my lunch today!

    And sometimes I mess up. Everyone does. What makes you finally do this thing is that you always get right back in the saddle!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    Since you're so new and don't want to be overwhelmed.. What i do is automate two meals.. and do the work to cook one so I learn how to make tasty meals that are low calorie. So, I eat the same thing for breakfast..maybe switch between a few things....then I'll eat a lean cuisine or smart one frozen meal for lunch..add fresh vegetables to bulk it up.. then make a dinner. That keeps me on track.
  • PamelaKuz
    PamelaKuz Posts: 191 Member
    I would kick my husband in the *kitten* for that comment, :angry: then tell him he can take over and I would go to work. It's not easy to juggle staying at home and we moms always come last. We don't have the energy at the end of the day to start exercising. Make your large meals, make them health and eat that for a week or freeze for the second week. I'm just having to start cooking for 2 again also. Or better yet have hubby cook for you guys when he gets home from work. You put in a full days work also.:smile: ill send you a friends request I was a stay at home mom too. I know how hard and how unappreciated we sometimes feel.

    There would be hell to pay if my OH said that to me too. BUT.... I'm probably opening up a can of worms here... I don't agree with making him cook dinner after a full days work. I'd say the same thing if it was a stay at home dad and the mama was working. I mean the person who is under the same roof as the stove has no excuse! Seriously.. See what's in the freezer, throw some frozen pork chops with bbq sauce and a few potatoes and carrots.. BAM, dinner! Why make the person who just walked in the door do it? Seems lazy to me.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Cook for 9 then. But containers, and save the food for future quick meals. I fail to see the problem.

    A portion of protein is the size of your palm, without your fingers. the thickness too.
    A portion of carb is the size of your fist.
    Then add veggies (steamed) no butter, oil, or salt.

    It's very easy.

    Don't over-complicate something that is simple.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    First of all you have to change how you think. This is a lifestyle change not a diet. You don't have to sacrifice anything to be healthy. It's not what you eat but how much. If you are committed to loosing the weight not having ice cream, chocolate, etc in the house all the time won't be a sacrifice. Whatever used to be your weak spot get it out of the house. If your husband used to snack on crap all day then get that stuff out of the house and look for some better options. I was really surprised to find out that veggie chips(like potato chips but made w/veggies) are really good. Crunchy and salty just like their fatty counterparts. Hummus with veggies is a good snack. I found that once I started eating protein and a complex carb for breakfast and lunch my cravings for snacks pretty much disappeared. I'm much more satisfied then before so I rarely even need a snack between meals.

    If you are used to cooking larger amounts, that's fine. You can have leftovers for a couple days or freeze what's left for another night. As far as portion sizes go, they say for meat that 1 portion is about the size of your fist but what I've found since I've been on MFP it also depends on what your calorie allowance is for the day. When I was on Weight Watchers I used to cut my chicken breasts in half to make them the correct point size, but on here I'm eating a whole chicken breast because it's based on how many calories I strive for in a day and a whole breast fits into my goals. When I make soups I typically go for 1-2 cups per serving, but I make adjustments depending on what else I'm having in the meal.

    If you haven't found it yet, under your food tab there is a recipe tab that allows you to enter a recipe/assign the # of servings the recipe makes and it will calculate how many calories those servings will be. It's great for things you make all the time in large batches like casseroles, soups, dips etc.

    There is no need to stress and feel like everything has to change right now. Start slowly. Get healthier snacks and eat out less. Or drink less soda and more water and eat healthier snacks....see where I'm going? You can still eat chocolate or chips or whatever is your thing but do it much less often and in much smaller quantities. Having a healthy lifestyle is not about restricting what you eat but about making healthier choices more often then not. Changing your eating habits/loosing weight is not a sprint, it's a marathon. Friend me if you'd like.
  • Midnigh
    Midnigh Posts: 56 Member
    I need some help. My husband and I are both trying to lose weight. I stay home and take care of our 12 month old daughter. I really want to be able to cook healthy meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but they have to be easy or quick meals. I don't have time or the mentality to slave over the stove for an hour after taking care of Gabriel and the house all day. I don't know the first thing about healthy foods, or portion sizes. I don't know how to cook for just two people because I was raised in a family of 9. It's gotten to the point that I'm so depressed that I either eat junk all the time, or I skip meals. As embarrassing as this is to admit, my husband told me (not in a mean way) that he's no longer attracted to me since we had the baby. I want to be the woman he Can't wait to show off yo his friends again, but I just don't know what to do anymore. I really need some help, and I really need some support. I have no friends and I'm looking for people on here as well as living in my area. I think it Would help to have a physical presence helping me with this. If anyone could give me some pointers, I'd really appreciate it.
    Another problem is that my husband snacks all day long. I usually have to keep chips or something like that in the house, but it's hard to stay away when I do. What are some good snacks that are healthier but still taste good and don't have to be eaten within a week of buying it?

    What do you do for fun? Do you make time for fun anymore? Our lives can't be all work, work, work, stresss, stress, stress: it'll kill you if you don't go insane first!

    Sounds like you've rec'd some good advice from people and some crappy advice too.....you can't just clean house all day! More than anything it sounds like you need to put some fun back into your life and budget some time to research the foods and cooking techniques that will allow you to eat heathier, snack healthier when you need to but more importantly GET OUT OF THE HOUSE and have some fun....the dust bunnies will be there when you get back.

    Best wishes,
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I mean this in the nicest way but were you taught/did you learn how to cook? I don't mean that in an insulting way at all. But in my experience (and I used to cook a fresh dish every second day after a full day's work), I hardly ever had to literally stand and "slave" over the stove for an hour. I'd get my ingredients together: maybe 10 minutes of defrosting/chopping, prepare the dish for cooking (5 minutes) and pop it in the oven or the stove for the 30mins-1hr of actual cooking time. And you don't have to stand there and stare while it cooks; maybe check on it once in a while. In the meantime I'd be free to clean, do other chores, or check MFP. In your case you can do kids stuff. And this would be done with time constraints since I'd get home at 6/7. In your case you can start the prep work way in advance while your child is napping or otherwise out of your way and you can stretch the time out that way..

    I'd also like to second what others have said. There's nothing wrong with leftovers/freezing dishes. I've been known to keep a dish in the fridge for days, depending on what it is.. in fact, stews and some soups are even tastier one or two days after actual cooking!

    Good luck.
  • portwein
    portwein Posts: 29 Member
    Here are 2 sites to try.


    Weight Loss Recipes and Tips | MyRecipes.com

    MyRecipes is my favorite. Stop buying snack food for your husband. It will only tempt you during the day.