Do you tell people you are on the journey to loose weight?

I hate calling it a diet and I am hesitant to tell friends I am on this journey, because I wonder if they will nag or judge me when they see me eat. But then again I am proud of what I am accomplishing. So I wonder, when do others share with their friends? I have told some close friends, but I have not put it out there in facebook land.
I have set for myself a goal of loosing 80 pounds by next August. I really need to loose another 80 after that. So far am off to a good start, but I could use all the support possible.
As with many I have read on here, I have been over weight since I was a child. I haven't been under 200 pounds since 1989. I want to be there and I feel I have a chance. MFP has been helping to hold me accountable and I have kept on my plan, even with having some emotionally challenging days.
Let me know your thoughts about sharing with others!!!


  • LeakieChan
    LeakieChan Posts: 31 Member
    I don't tell facebook i'm on a diet but I do tell my friends and encourage them to make healthier choices with me. the only issue I have about telling people is the feedback of what I should be doing.
  • trishtrish1
    trishtrish1 Posts: 71 Member
    I don't anymore. I paid money for a silly diet last year, last 20 pounds, was feeling good and no one noticed. I was crushed. BUT when I do tell people, I get the "how are you doing? How is it going?" and feel eyes on me if I eat.

    Anyway. I always tell my kids "don't tell me" (you are going to do your homework), "show me". And I am trying to do that. For ME it takes the pressure off.

  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I usually don't say anything unless they ask. Lately I've gotten a few compliments, and I'll respond with a "I still have a long ways to go, but thank you."
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    I didn't tell anyone but my husband to start. And then came the kids. Everyone else has figured it out on their own. I'm doing this for me.
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    I'm pretty open with people. I don't like the word diet either. You might stick to people you think will be encouraging for now and tell others as they notice and compliment you.
  • Im new just saying hello :bigsmile:
  • kokoforskinny
    kokoforskinny Posts: 91 Member
    I hate calling it a diet and I am hesitant to tell friends I am on this journey, because I wonder if they will nag or judge me when they see me eat. But then again I am proud of what I am accomplishing. So I wonder, when do others share with their friends? I have told some close friends, but I have not put it out there in facebook land.
    I have set for myself a goal of loosing 80 pounds by next August. I really need to loose another 80 after that. So far am off to a good start, but I could use all the support possible.
    As with many I have read on here, I have been over weight since I was a child. I haven't been under 200 pounds since 1989. I want to be there and I feel I have a chance. MFP has been helping to hold me accountable and I have kept on my plan, even with having some emotionally challenging days.
    Let me know your thoughts about sharing with others!!!

    I have told the world. I am proud of making a change in my life. I don't use the word diet cause that word is evil and it only means temporay changes. I am not here to change for a short time but for the rest of my life. I am on a road to change my life physically by watching how much I eat and what I eat but also emotionally. Lets face it when we are overwieght we are depressed and don't want to move. I had one friend that says it is stupid to go on a diet during the holidays. I looked at her in the eyes and said its not a diet and its stupid to use the holidays as an excuse. I am now a size 14 from a size 16 (which may not seem like much.). So don't look at your journey as a diet it is a change of life. If you would like to add me as a friend go ahead and send me a request. I will be more than happy to accept it. ~ Danielle
  • sleepygirl38
    sleepygirl38 Posts: 114 Member
    I've always tried to be an open book, usually cause I suck at trying to keep my own secrets. So I find it to be better to just be honest. And yes people do judge me and sometimes (alot of time) I let it affect me. Now that I have lost 30 pounds since my wedding this summer, aquaintances are noticing the different and I tell them the truth too. Before I just told my family.
  • jeanineolson
    jeanineolson Posts: 37 Member
    Great advise. Don't tell me, show me!!!
  • LoyalAngel16
    LoyalAngel16 Posts: 186 Member
    I have. I post about it on FB and everyone is very supportive. Have even had several friends message me on FB and tell me that I am motivating them to want to do better.
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    Told 4 of my sisters. They've been supportive in the past and understand the changes necessary for a healthier life style. We all have different health issues and help each other out with support and non-judgemental listening. No one else needs to know. I'd never put it on FaceBook for sure. But my day to day support comes from my new MFP friends. The real nitty gritty stays here.
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
  • hula808
    hula808 Posts: 172 Member and it has made a WORLD of difference!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    My mother nagged me when I was home last Christmas which just caused me to get frustrated and eat more cookies which in the end totally caused me to gain back like 30 pounds. Everything I ate was just "are you sure you should be eating that?"

    I'm hoping it's not the same this year...
  • shellbellnz
    shellbellnz Posts: 115 Member
    I haven't really told anyone I am doing this. As far as I am concerned not everyone needs to know my business. I have told about 3 friends and thats it. What I would like to happen is in another month or 2 for people to start noticing that I have lost weight and then I will tell them.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I pick and choose who I share weight loss information with for sure. I don't like judges. Even peoples on here can judge you also or think they are authority. I hate this. It reminds me of my childhood. No one way is the right way. We are all here to find our own way. We all will do this our way and when you tell the world every think's there way is the only way. So I recommend to be very selective in who you share this with.

    Feel free to add me!!
  • Joanitude
    Joanitude Posts: 171 Member
    In the past I told people...and got a lot of comments about what I should/shouldn't be eating or doing. That was not helpful, and ended up doing more to encourage me to quit than anything else.

    This time I am doing things different - I have one person at work that knows, 2 close friends and my spouse. That's it. If someone asks, I'll be happy to share. I get most of my real support here.
  • acrynne
    acrynne Posts: 74 Member
    I had a few friends that I told right away. The ones I told aren't my closest friends, they are my fittest friends... they are the ones making the choices that I need to make. It was the right choice to tell them, as they have been extremely supportive! I didn't tell anyone else for the first month... then I started telling people either as they noticed that I had lost weight or as they noticed a change in my habits. Across the board, I explain why I have made the changes I have made, and I ask them to support me in my new lifestyle.
  • I think I tell myself not to tell family ect. because if I tell them then I have to do well. Its real if I tell someone. I am tired of beating myself up every day thinking I should do this. Then I dont do it. Then I beat myself up some more. never ending. The best feeling is realy DOING it. I just discovered mfp and I love it. I know the trick is to keep track. This is going to be fun... really!:smile:
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    No, and in fact I hate when people comment on it. If people like me, they like me for me, not how I look. When people ask me if I've lost weight, unless they are close friends or family, I say, "I don't know. I've been exercising a lot, so maybe, how knows?" Most of my weight issues stem around whether or not I am doing well with my binge eating disorder or not, so compliments are not what I want to hear. I feel unable to accept them and in fact, somewhat hurt, despite people's good intentions. And I am not able to explain that it's not as though I've adopted all these healthy changes (because largely, outside of my illness, I had healthy choices) but rather am having more success with my illness....

    The other thing is that as a life-long yo yo dieter, I get addicted to compliments as such. And I can't lose weight if I'm not the more you compliment me, the more I want to gain weight to lose it again for more compliments.