Old Habits come Crashing Back

So, it's a Monday, it's raining and I feel like an idiot!! I started off great this morning, had cottage cheese and pineapple for breakfast. Work's been a bit busy this morning and suddenly it's lunch time! I went for my 2.5 k walk (go me) in the rain and wind. Everything's peachy, right? Not so right! I think I waited too long between meals today. I came back from my walk and was so hungry I was shaking, not good! I ate or rather inhaled my lunch quickly and still felt shaky. Now, in my head my voice is saying cool it jewel, give it a bit to hit your system. I also have two oranges, a grapefruit and an apple sitting on my desk. I know to do this, and also to have water while I am waiting. Today, my body is apparently in control of my head because now there is bag of chips and a chocolate easter egg AND a family size chocolate bar and they have all be devoured in a matter of minutes. They are totally going on my tracker, because I need to be honest with myself. I need to get back on track for dinner tonight (whatever that may be) These are my old habits and I thought I had kicked them to the curb. :grumble: I guess not. I needed to vent, thanks for listening.

jewel :flowerforyou:


  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Don't be so hard on yourself! We all have days like this. Just think about all the great things you have done today. Your day is not shot or a total loss...even if you do go over your daily calorie limit. At least you recognize this as not being ideal and you can take control of the rest of your day and eat better. My weakness is wine, even if I've had the perfect day sometimes I just say the heck with it and have a glass or two and I'm over my limit. Just know that you did awesome today with all the good habits you implemented and tomorrow is a fresh start to make a perfect day!
  • JJeMitchell
    JJeMitchell Posts: 160 Member
    Yeah, don't worry about it. At least you recognize it. It was only one day. The problems start if you continued doing this for the entire week. Just have a light dinner (like a chicken breast, cup of veggies and some salad- that's what I did on bad days to make up for it) and maybe do a light cardio work out tape or walk a little more, and start over tomorrow. You're doing great!!!! It takes a lot of courage to admit a slip-up...

    Sometimes the best way to avoid this kind of stuff is to just not buy any junk food or have it around you. I learned that from Self and Shape magazine when reading people's success stories. Over and over again people said that the way they stopped indulging in junk food was to make sure they had none of it in their desk at work or at their house. Then when they'd get cravings, they would have to physically get ready and go out to get the junk food. By the time they went through all of that, the craving would pass.
  • netite
    netite Posts: 17 Member
    I totally understand how you feel about this episode. I have done the same thing recently. It is great that you are logging it in your journal and can see the reasons that you went for the quick fix. You are definitely on the right track. We are in this for the long haul and poor habits are just something that we have to overcome with time, persistence and prayer. So know that I am here thinking about you and praying for you as I look ahead to making better choices and using the tools that we have to keep moving forward.

    Thanks for posting. We can do this!
