Possible Microwave Effects on Your Biophotons



  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    So, cooking in my death box kills little balls of light in my food, but cooking over a fire or in an oven or on a stove is ok? The little balls of light can survive that?
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    No, this is absolute garbage. The wavelength of light that is needed to damage DNA lies in the higher energy regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, the higher end of the Ultra-violet (10 x 10^-9 m to 400 x 10^-9 m), the X-Ray (0.01 x 10^-9 to 10 x 10^-9 m), or the Gamma (< 0.02 x 10^-9 m).

    Microwave light lies in the low energy region of the electromagnetic spectrum, or 1 mm to 1 m.

    Furthermore, the photon energy required to break one of the chemical bonds of DNA, if we use the canonical equations relating the wavelength of light to the energy of a photon:

    E = hν

    where E is the energy (J, Joules which is a unit of energy), h is Plank's Constant (6.626 × 10-34 J s), and ν is the frequency (s^-1) of the wavelength of light. The frequency is also expressed in terms of the wavelength

    ν= c/λ

    where c is the speed of light (2.9979 x 10^8 m/s) and λ is the wavelength of light (in meters, m).

    So, the energy for a photon is

    E = hc/λ

    Plugging in the values for the speed of light, Plank's constant, and the higher end of the Microwave region, or 1 mm (1 x 10^-3 m), the energy of a photon is

    E = [(6.626 x 10^-34 Js)(2.9979 x 10^8 m/s)]/ (1 x 10^-3 m) = 1.986 x 10^-22 J

    Similarly, the energy of a photon in the lower and upper regions of the Electromagnetic spectrum are

    E = [(6.626 x 10^-34 Js)(2.9979 x 10^8 m/s)]/ (400 x 10^-9 m) = 4.966 x 10^-19 J

    E = [(6.626 x 10^-34 Js)(2.9979 x 10^8 m/s)]/ (10 x 10^-9 m) = 1.986 x 10^-17 J.

    The bond dissociation energy, or the energy required to break the covalent bonds (the class of bond that exists between all of the atoms in DNA). The most common bonds are carbon-hydrogen (C-H), carbon-carbon (C-C), and carbon-nitrogen (C-N) with bond energies 413, 348, and 308 kJ/mol, respectively ( a mol means 6.022 x 10^23 constituent particles or atoms per mol; a mol is a unit).

    So, the energy in the weakest bond (in this case the carbon-nitrogen bond is

    E = (308 x 10^3 J/mol)/(6.022 x 10^23 mol^-1) = 5.115 x 10^-19 J

    THEREFORE, you need to be in the Ultra-violet region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    Is it just me, or is this hot?

    It's not just you..
  • coffee_rocks
    coffee_rocks Posts: 275 Member
    I just ordered a new box of biophotons from Amazon.com. Should arrive in no time - I selected "speed of light" as the shipping option.

    If I have any leftover, I'll share.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It amazes me how many people thought this was a serious post.

  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    No, this is absolute garbage. The wavelength of light that is needed to damage DNA lies in the higher energy regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, the higher end of the Ultra-violet (10 x 10^-9 m to 400 x 10^-9 m), the X-Ray (0.01 x 10^-9 to 10 x 10^-9 m), or the Gamma (< 0.02 x 10^-9 m).

    Microwave light lies in the low energy region of the electromagnetic spectrum, or 1 mm to 1 m.

    Furthermore, the photon energy required to break one of the chemical bonds of DNA, if we use the canonical equations relating the wavelength of light to the energy of a photon:

    E = hν

    where E is the energy (J, Joules which is a unit of energy), h is Plank's Constant (6.626 × 10-34 J s), and ν is the frequency (s^-1) of the wavelength of light. The frequency is also expressed in terms of the wavelength

    ν= c/λ

    where c is the speed of light (2.9979 x 10^8 m/s) and λ is the wavelength of light (in meters, m).

    So, the energy for a photon is

    E = hc/λ

    Plugging in the values for the speed of light, Plank's constant, and the higher end of the Microwave region, or 1 mm (1 x 10^-3 m), the energy of a photon is

    E = [(6.626 x 10^-34 Js)(2.9979 x 10^8 m/s)]/ (1 x 10^-3 m) = 1.986 x 10^-22 J

    Similarly, the energy of a photon in the lower and upper regions of the Electromagnetic spectrum are

    E = [(6.626 x 10^-34 Js)(2.9979 x 10^8 m/s)]/ (400 x 10^-9 m) = 4.966 x 10^-19 J

    E = [(6.626 x 10^-34 Js)(2.9979 x 10^8 m/s)]/ (10 x 10^-9 m) = 1.986 x 10^-17 J.

    The bond dissociation energy, or the energy required to break the covalent bonds (the class of bond that exists between all of the atoms in DNA). The most common bonds are carbon-hydrogen (C-H), carbon-carbon (C-C), and carbon-nitrogen (C-N) with bond energies 413, 348, and 308 kJ/mol, respectively ( a mol means 6.022 x 10^23 constituent particles or atoms per mol; a mol is a unit).

    So, the energy in the weakest bond (in this case the carbon-nitrogen bond is

    E = (308 x 10^3 J/mol)/(6.022 x 10^23 mol^-1) = 5.115 x 10^-19 J

    THEREFORE, you need to be in the Ultra-violet region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    Is it just me, or is this hot?

    Not just you. In fact...


  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I don't know. This guy might be onto something. The microwave we had in college became dangerous....but I think that's because we didn't clean it for 2 years.

    On a serious note. I told some co-workers to ignore anything they heard from Dr Oz, and boy did I get the third degree. I said fine. We'll see how far he gets you in your fitness goals. I'll stick to my way.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    For the most part, I prefer my food dead and lifeless. But, I suppose this is as valid a topic for research as many other things that receive federal or industrial grants. Given how many decades people have been regularly using microwaves I certainly wouldn't worry about it without some type of scientific research suggesting a problem.
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    No, this is absolute garbage. The wavelength of light that is needed to damage DNA lies in the higher energy regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, the higher end of the Ultra-violet (10 x 10^-9 m to 400 x 10^-9 m), the X-Ray (0.01 x 10^-9 to 10 x 10^-9 m), or the Gamma (< 0.02 x 10^-9 m).

    Microwave light lies in the low energy region of the electromagnetic spectrum, or 1 mm to 1 m.

    Furthermore, the photon energy required to break one of the chemical bonds of DNA, if we use the canonical equations relating the wavelength of light to the energy of a photon:

    E = hν

    where E is the energy (J, Joules which is a unit of energy), h is Plank's Constant (6.626 × 10-34 J s), and ν is the frequency (s^-1) of the wavelength of light. The frequency is also expressed in terms of the wavelength

    ν= c/λ

    where c is the speed of light (2.9979 x 10^8 m/s) and λ is the wavelength of light (in meters, m).

    So, the energy for a photon is

    E = hc/λ

    Plugging in the values for the speed of light, Plank's constant, and the higher end of the Microwave region, or 1 mm (1 x 10^-3 m), the energy of a photon is

    E = [(6.626 x 10^-34 Js)(2.9979 x 10^8 m/s)]/ (1 x 10^-3 m) = 1.986 x 10^-22 J

    Similarly, the energy of a photon in the lower and upper regions of the Electromagnetic spectrum are

    E = [(6.626 x 10^-34 Js)(2.9979 x 10^8 m/s)]/ (400 x 10^-9 m) = 4.966 x 10^-19 J

    E = [(6.626 x 10^-34 Js)(2.9979 x 10^8 m/s)]/ (10 x 10^-9 m) = 1.986 x 10^-17 J.

    The bond dissociation energy, or the energy required to break the covalent bonds (the class of bond that exists between all of the atoms in DNA). The most common bonds are carbon-hydrogen (C-H), carbon-carbon (C-C), and carbon-nitrogen (C-N) with bond energies 413, 348, and 308 kJ/mol, respectively ( a mol means 6.022 x 10^23 constituent particles or atoms per mol; a mol is a unit).

    So, the energy in the weakest bond (in this case the carbon-nitrogen bond is

    E = (308 x 10^3 J/mol)/(6.022 x 10^23 mol^-1) = 5.115 x 10^-19 J

    THEREFORE, you need to be in the Ultra-violet region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    Is it just me, or is this hot?

    Nope I totally got flustered reading her math explanation..then I went to her profile :love: :embarassed: :happy: :blushing:
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    Ok, I was reading some posts on microwaves and the person refered to this web page. I don't even know where to start. Biophotonics. I thought I had seen it all. HOW many idiots are out there that actually believe this???? And What Next? Any suggestions???


    " Biophotonics is the study, research, and applications of photons in their interactions within and on biological systems. Much of the work in the area of biophotons was done in Germany. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt discusses biophotons in our 2008 interview.

    Biophotons are the smallest physical units of light that are stored in and used by all biological organisms—including you. Vital sun energy finds its way into your cells via the food you eat, in the form of these biophotons.

    Biophotons contain important bio-information and are very important to many vital processes in your body. They are partly responsible for your feeling of vitality and well-being. You gain biophotons by eating foods rich in them, such as naturally grown fresh vegetables and sun-ripened fruits, which are rich in light energy.

    The more light energy a food is able to store, the more nutritious it is.

    If the "microwave effect" exists (as you shall see, there is a huge amount of evidence that it does), then microwaves can potentially destroy biophotons in the same way that it alters other structures, rendering your food dead and lifeless.

    It seems quite plausible that microwaves could disrupt or destroy biophotons, since they are capable of breaking apart DNA bonds!

    As far as I can find, there haven't been any studies of the direct effects of microwave radiation on biophotons, but it seems like an important angle of investigation for the future."

    There is research being done on biophotons - here is a free review article: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19754267 I only skimmed it, but it doesn't seem to match up very well with what the Mercola article is saying. Nothing about getting biophotons from the foods we eat, or bioinformation or anything like that.

    However, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has nothing published in pubmed in this area.

    This sounds to me like one of those areas where you take a sciencey sounding word and put it in front of your favourite "theory" (iow, wild guess) to try and make it sound legit. Like Deepak Chopra and "quantum".
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    It amazes me how many people thought this was a serious post.


    So are you saying that the OP was joking when he said that only idiots would believe that microwaves are dangerous?

  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member

    ...lighting fires via stick rubbing...

  • Spatialized
    Spatialized Posts: 623 Member
    "uh, yeah, I can't come in to work today, my biophotons are really low."
    "cant' you recharge them?"
    "uh, no, the nanobots that they mixed in with the flu vaccine blocks me from recharging them."

    I'll be in the corner selling tinfoil hats, subscriptions to Mercola Oz Academy and shields from unmarked black helicopters...
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    , rendering your food dead and lifeless.

    If I am putting it in a microwave, chances are it was never alive to begin with.
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    No, this is absolute garbage. The wavelength of light that is needed to damage DNA lies in the higher energy regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, the higher end of the Ultra-violet (10 x 10^-9 m to 400 x 10^-9 m), the X-Ray (0.01 x 10^-9 to 10 x 10^-9 m), or the Gamma (< 0.02 x 10^-9 m).

    Microwave light lies in the low energy region of the electromagnetic spectrum, or 1 mm to 1 m.

    Furthermore, the photon energy required to break one of the chemical bonds of DNA, if we use the canonical equations relating the wavelength of light to the energy of a photon:

    E = hν

    where E is the energy (J, Joules which is a unit of energy), h is Plank's Constant (6.626 × 10-34 J s), and ν is the frequency (s^-1) of the wavelength of light. The frequency is also expressed in terms of the wavelength

    ν= c/λ

    where c is the speed of light (2.9979 x 10^8 m/s) and λ is the wavelength of light (in meters, m).

    So, the energy for a photon is

    E = hc/λ

    Plugging in the values for the speed of light, Plank's constant, and the higher end of the Microwave region, or 1 mm (1 x 10^-3 m), the energy of a photon is

    E = [(6.626 x 10^-34 Js)(2.9979 x 10^8 m/s)]/ (1 x 10^-3 m) = 1.986 x 10^-22 J

    Similarly, the energy of a photon in the lower and upper regions of the Electromagnetic spectrum are

    E = [(6.626 x 10^-34 Js)(2.9979 x 10^8 m/s)]/ (400 x 10^-9 m) = 4.966 x 10^-19 J

    E = [(6.626 x 10^-34 Js)(2.9979 x 10^8 m/s)]/ (10 x 10^-9 m) = 1.986 x 10^-17 J.

    The bond dissociation energy, or the energy required to break the covalent bonds (the class of bond that exists between all of the atoms in DNA). The most common bonds are carbon-hydrogen (C-H), carbon-carbon (C-C), and carbon-nitrogen (C-N) with bond energies 413, 348, and 308 kJ/mol, respectively ( a mol means 6.022 x 10^23 constituent particles or atoms per mol; a mol is a unit).

    So, the energy in the weakest bond (in this case the carbon-nitrogen bond is

    E = (308 x 10^3 J/mol)/(6.022 x 10^23 mol^-1) = 5.115 x 10^-19 J

    THEREFORE, you need to be in the Ultra-violet region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    Smart girls are hot! :heart:
  • tcatcarson
    tcatcarson Posts: 227 Member
    So, cooking in my death box kills little balls of light in my food, but cooking over a fire or in an oven or on a stove is ok? The little balls of light can survive that?

    Obviously, because fire IS light. It probably even adds more.
  • zwiterion
    I saw quite a few post here stating that microwaves are not necessarily dangerous, perchance completely innocuous. I also saw at least one post that used PubMed as the litmus test for legitimacy of certain claims regarding research on biophotons. Well for all the PubMed devotees here is a list of studies I found on Pubmed regarding the possible or realized effects of microwaves on food (biophotons excluded by the way.) Here is the link:

  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    Most of those are 20-30 years old. Most people know to use microwave safe plastics and bowls nowadays.

    From one of the others:
    In cabbage, glucosinolates such as sinigrin are hydrolyzed by plant myrosinase to allyl isothiocyanate (AITC), allyl cyanide, and, in the presence of an epithiospecifier protein, 1-cyano-2,3-epithiopropane (CEP). Isothiocyanates have been implicated in the cancer-protective effects of Brassica vegetables. The effect of processing on the hydrolysis of glucosinolates was investigated in cabbage. Cabbage was steamed or microwaved for six time durations over 7 min. Glucosinolate concentrations were slightly reduced after microwave cooking (P < 0.001) but were not influenced after steaming (P < 0.05). Myrosinase activity was effectively lost after 2 min of microwave cooking and after 7 min of steaming. Hydrolysis of residual glucosinolates following cooking yielded predominantly CEP at short cooking durations and AITC at longer durations until myrosinase activity was lost. Lightly cooked cabbage produced the highest yield of AITC on hydrolysis in vitro, suggesting that cooking Brassica vegetables for a relatively short duration may be desirable from a health perspective.

    So microwaving kills the enzymes faster than steaming? Wow! Microwaving also cooks faster than steaming, so that isn't a surprise. Note - they only steamed for 7 minutes; http://www.food.com/recipe/simple-steamed-cabbage-simply-good-100781 says to steam for 12. Microwaving might take 8. But bottom line is, if you are heating food, you are going to destroy the proteins and nutrients. This doesn't mean a microwave is necessarily worse. Just don't overcook your food.

    Some of the other papers look at the effect of microwaving alone, and don't in the abstract at least (I couldn't access most of the actual papers) compare microwaves to standard cooking. So yeah - microwaves destroy nutrients, but so does any other cooking methods.

    So, in all, I don't think this list is a particular nail in the coffin for microwaves. If any of them do point to microwaves as death boxes, please let us know which, and we can analyze it specifically.