I need to lose 20/30 pounds.... is there a group I can join?

Hi everyone,
I'm looking for a group to join to help with motivation and support while trying to lose some weight. I've recently put on around 15 pounds, that added to the 10 pounds I was already overweight :-) Let me know!



  • Donecruising
    Hello RissaE, I've found this to be the best support group because we're all have something in common, trying to get the extra weight off. Just stick to it read the blogs and recent post and you'll get through it fine.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Hi there, I'm going to add you as my friend! :) I weigh 156 now. I would like to weigh 135, so, we're on the same journey!!
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    Well I am at 160 and would love to weigh 135-140. Right around where you are at too!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Over the last couple of years I've lost and gained and lost 30 pounds. It was a struggle until I came here. The accountibility is the most motivating thing. When you're looking at what you're eating, you may be shocked how it adds up. It's also really cool to see that if I do this much exercise I can eat this many more calories. It helps to know that others are having the same struggles, failures, and successes that you are having. This is a great tool to teach you how to take care of yourself. Look at it as a lifestyle change and you'll do great. Just be honest in your logging, drink the water you're supposed to, and make sure you get some exercise at least 3 times a week.
    Welcome and good luck to you!
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    Gentle greetings Rissa...and congratulations on taking the first step to a healthier you! I joined MFP a couple of months ago and was in the same category as you...needed to lose about 30 lbs. As you can see by my ticker at the bottom, I'm almost there. :bigsmile:
    This site is full of amazing individuals who are supportive and full of good ideas to keep you on track.
    I won't preach, but the key is not only a combination of caloric intake and exercise but a mind set. You have to decide that you want to lose weight. Once you're past that milestone the rest is simple mind over matter. I know you are probably thinking, what is this kook talking about...but I'm completely serious when I say this has been easy. I have not been hungry once.
    I do not eat a bunch of cardboard. What I do eat is low fat, some low cal, if not, I just adjust the portion I eat. I shop the perimeter of the grocery store before I go to any center aisles. (the perimeter is where all the healthy stuff is...veggies, fruits, grains, meats and dairy. after all that, if I still have room in my cart, I venture to the center aisles for some mustard or low fat salad dressing. (many are really yummy) What I'm getting at here is to fill your cart with good nutricious food before and by the time you get to the cookie aisle, your cart is overflowing with yummy fruits and veggies and those double stuffed oreos aren't looking as good as they did before you headed to the store.
    Faithfully plug in each and every thing that goes into your mouth into your food diary every day. Even gum, breath mints and spices.
    Drink lots of water. Go get you a real pretty wine goblet to drink it out of if your not a water fan...it makes it seem special.
    Start to buff up your exercise routine.
    Buy a good "light" cookbook. One I reccomend is Taste of Home Comfort Food Diet Cookbook. It cost less than $15 and is full of yummy low cal recipes.
    Above all...be honest with yourself.
    Before you know it, you will have that beautiful, healthy body you are dreaming of...

    I truly wish you the best of luck!
    Add me as a friend if you want...

    All the best,
    Jan AKA PoeRaven

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • vpile1
    vpile1 Posts: 4
    35 pounds is my initial goal. Add me
  • RissaE
    RissaE Posts: 26 Member
    This is great :-) I'm so glad I decided to post. I'm excited to motivate eachother. I'm going to weigh in on Mondays and I guess start a new thread on Mondays too. I think we should have a goal this week to make sure we are drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. Let's post daily with how we're doing.
    Have a great night everyone!
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I alwys struggle with the water thing! I'm getting a lot better, though! I've had 7 glasses today!
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    I have a hard time with the water. Sometimes I have to add the sugarfree flavor water packets to get it down. Blah!
  • RissaE
    RissaE Posts: 26 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope you've all had a great day. I'm up to 6 glasses of water so far, only 2 more to go tonight. It was / has so far been a great day- I'm within my calories and not hungry :-)