Ready to find myself again....

I lost myself sometime in 2006. It was not too long after I moved in with my husband. Before moving in with him I was living the single style life. I lived in my own apartment with no one to cook for, hardly ever ate three square meals a day and was fit and thin! Ahhhhh the good ole days. When we moved in together I started "eating". This was most definitely influenced by my husband who said I was anorexic and needed to EAT. Let's just say I made up for lost time in the food department and I just never stopped. It was love at first steak tip that I stole from his plate one night!

Fast forward to almost seven years later from that point and I am about 55 pounds heavier. I look back at photos and think why did I think I was fat back then? If I only I knew how much I would gain over the years! It added up so slowly that I just didn't pay attention. The first 20 lbs were healthy pounds. I felt healthy again and not like a bag of bones anymore. The next 30ish I really had no excuse but I told myself that I still looked great and that there was nothing wrong with being curvy. I just kept gaining one pound at a time until one day they all added up and I almost died when I stepped on the scale.

I tried dieting and exercising too many times to count in the past...always starting off highly motivated and focused but always quitting 3 weeks into it. I can never get past the first 3-4 weeks. I lose maybe 10 pounds and then I stop and gain it all back. Food is comforting to me. I wouldn't say I pig out or that I even eat bad foods the majority of the time. Because I eat pretty healthy. Fruits, veggies, whole grains is what I normally eat. I don't each chips and cookies and icecream that often. I don't crave junk food. But I like to cook and I eat too much and my portions and caloric intake are too high. I'm not the girl who can have one bite and pass on another if you catch my drift. But for the most part I eat pretty well. I have a slow metabolism so I know that working out is going to help. I am starting a high protein low carb diet which has always worked for me in the past and sticking with whole grains when I'm allowed to have them. I just hope I can control my portions and the amount of calories I consume so I can see results!

I was born without patience. I want results and I want them now. Realistically this isn't going to happen on my diet journey. It's going to be slow...there will be good days and bad days...and days I want to quit. But I have to remember my reasons for doing this which is to have a baby in the future and have when when I'm at a healthy weight and feeling great. I want to look how I did when I first met my husband. I will never take that weight for granted again if I get there again lol.

I am hoping to find women around my age in similiar circumstances who are also fighting to lose weight and I look forward to hearing success stories and sharing the ups and downs! Motivation is key to success and I need plenty of it!


  • larnold14
    larnold14 Posts: 4 Member
    Sounds a lot like me! We can do this.
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    stay patient and stay will find yourself again :)
  • kerriotto
    Sounds a lot like me, too.
    I tried to start slow this time and do more as time passes, so I didn't get burned out. Somewhere along the way, working out became a habit. It took years to put on the weight and it will take a long time to take off, if done the healthy way.

    I'm pretty new on here. I'd love to have friends, too, if you'd like to add me.
  • lalaglo30
    Thanks everyone for your comments! I appreciate the support and everyone on here so far has given me the strength and motivation I need right now. I look forward to the day we all reach our goal weight =).