I'm seriously getting scared of eating!!!!!



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I have psychosomatic reactions to water that grew from reql disorders and now im never sure which one is really happening

    its no fun at all.

    damn embarassing too.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I am wondering if it might be a reaction to preservatives found in some processed foods, rather than the sodium content.
    I also agree that you might want to start with a very bland non-processed food diet and work foods back in slowly to see what's really triggering you.
  • rockieschick
    rockieschick Posts: 321 Member
    I have psychosomatic reactions to water that grew from reql disorders and now im never sure which one is really happening

    its no fun at all.

    damn embarassing too.

    Cannot believe I have never heard of this! I need to know more
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Again, another example that not all people can eat all the popular supposedly "healthy" foods out there in the supermarket.

    You really answered your own question on how to handle the problems that you encounter from food. You eliminate what makes you sick and eat natural, unprocessed foods. Perhaps if you avoided processed foods altogether (i'm working up to that myself, not easy, I know) some of the other natural foods that bother you, might bother you less? I'm not saying that's the case but if you have those kinds of serious health issues, as did I, it would make eliminating certain foods, especially processed, the only answer for good health.

    Oh, and someone mentioned "allergies". Food allergies are not "normal" though they certainly are becoming all too common. Allergies are an autoimmune disorder and as long as your body is attacking itself, it's impossible to get well. There are things that we are doing in our modern society that are stimulating autoimmune reactions. It's worth looking into perhaps.
  • kmcgaw
    kmcgaw Posts: 93 Member
    I have similar issues. The only common denominator for me seems to be stress. I have eliminated dairy, limited gluten and sugar and have focused on eating clean as much as possible. Last night was the first bout of stomach pain I have had in weeks and it was right after a massage, which seemed to release all the stress from my shoulders and back into me. Very bazaar. I did not eat anything at all that would have had a negative effect. I know what you mean about being afraid to eat. It seems like my digestive system has just become a bit of a crap shoot these days. Absolutely, no pun intended. lol
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I never ever ask for advice or for opinions but it is driving me nuts. Before you get mad at me for not goingt o Doctors, I have....ever since I am 15 I have horrible stomach problems which is why I have been eating healthy most the time for a while. I've had to cut down on certain things like Dairy and gluten because I have IBS and it triggers it amongst things like banana, avocadoes, eggs, blueberries and pineapples.

    I usually can't have more then 1500 of sodium daily or else I am terribly bloated. Now on 3 separated occasions I have had a terrible reactions when I eat food higher in sodium. I had clamato in the past and almost passed out within a few minutes, yesterday I had a pre mix for Beef and Brocoli and same thing happened. About to pass out, cant think clearly and breathing get faster. Today I had Spaghetti sauce which I became so sick instantly that I had to bring it back out. Sorry I know its Way TMI. I am getting so scared to eat and its really taken a stroll on me. I'm so sick of it....Anyone has anything like this happened to them? I have seen MANY doctors and NO one has been able to help me :(

    Have you done a medical exclusion diet under the supervision of a hospital dietician? Have you had an endoscopy and/ or biopsy? Are you eating plenty of oily fish and other anti-inflammatory foods?
  • fswong
    fswong Posts: 10
    I can't say that I understand what you're going through but really our bodies were not meant to handle processed foods. I would think whole foods/organic foods and cooking at home are going to be your best option. Also, you could consider seeing a naturopath if you haven't already. Wish you all the best!
  • bellygoaway
    bellygoaway Posts: 441 Member
    have you looked into the gluten free stuff?
  • angelicasmommy
    angelicasmommy Posts: 303 Member
    Have you thought you may be sensitive to MSG? My dad and I are, his reactions are more severe than mine though. For me, I get headaches and heart palpitations. He gets the same, plus stomach pain and he has passed out a few times.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Not sure if I have/had the same thing as you or IBS as I never was officially diagnosed, but I used to get CRIPPLING gas pain, and stomach cramps in the morning that felt like someone put on a spiky glove, grabbed my stomach lining in a tight fist and squeezed really hard. I still get this from time to time, and I've had it since I was 8 years old.

    Since I've cleaned up my diet, I don't really have the same issues. I still eat wheat, gluten, and dairy. But one thing I CAN'T tolerate is fizzy drinks. Beer is OK in small amounts, but sparkling water is killer, and always bloats me uncomfortably. I also have to be careful consuming things like broccoli, beans, and anything from the onion family, too much fibre is no bueno.

    I hope you can find out the culprit!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    You might have gallstones or a bad gallbladder.
    ^ My friend's BF had to go to many different doctors and have many tests done before it was determined that he had to have his gallbladder removed. He couldn't keep anything down, was getting horribly nauseous and basically had to quit his job because he couldn't tell what it was that was causing the symptoms.

    Not saying this is what it is for OP, but it's a possibility. A lot of the docs missed it the first time, he had to go to a specialist.
  • CMMia17
    CMMia17 Posts: 42 Member
    Obviously I’m not an expert. But the few foods you listed have a common thing of acidity. Sauces, some fruits, etc. (Besides the sodium in some foods) I agree with others who say start eating fresh and clean foods and not pre-packaged or high in fats and sodium foods. Besides paying attention to sodium, pay attention to foods that may have a high acid content and see how you react avoiding such foods. Make sure to keep a diary of the food and list your physical and emotional reactions.
  • rockieschick
    rockieschick Posts: 321 Member
    I just got another appointment on the 28 and will see if any of the other options could be possible. I have done all testing possible. I know it is not gallstone/gallblader, and I had endoscopy/biopsy done....... It all started with eggs when I was 15 and now its getting worse by the day. Thank you for all your comments.
  • CMMia17
    CMMia17 Posts: 42 Member
    Just another way of looking at. But, its best to look for specialist for the digestive system and allergists.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I get this every now and again, every few years going back in total 12 years. Had an attack a month or so, lasted a month and has just vanished and cleared up. Having endoscopy looking in the stomach, duodenum and pancreas area and then colonoscopy just before xmas.

    Weirdly all symptoms have vanished. No change in diet!?
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    And yes, I got scared of eating. I'd either bloat out and have rotten fish/egg burbs or have the runs litterally lasting all night. Felt like I'd been repeatedly punched in the guts and ached and twisted top to bottom of my guts.
  • katz22
    katz22 Posts: 116 Member
    I got diagnosed with ibs in 2009 I put up with it for months as couldnt see the pattern of it. Sometimes foods are ok , but then other times it was like a pain that felt someone had attached a pair of pliers to my gut and twisted it. Sometimes on the left side and sometimes the right side of my abdomen. Normally within an hour of eating I would get a really bloated pregnant looking belly and feel like I needed the toilet but couldnt go. I found that certain fibres made it worse ( anything with wheat bran , museli) things with strong flavours like citrus, and soup. I used to always have a tin of soup and crusty bread for lunch. The ibs woupd still come and go even with diet control until I got put on antidepressants ( due to my mental state) and sudenly the ibs went! I can now eat the excluded foods in moderation ( which is good because I was bored of quiche) and I came off the antidepressants after a few months. I would say definitely speak to a doc about other treatments for ibs, or to get tested to see if it is something else. Being in pain from eating is no fun.
  • rockieschick
    rockieschick Posts: 321 Member
    Just another way of looking at. But, its best to look for specialist for the digestive system and allergists.

    This is exactly why I am getting an appointment on the 28! Its so I can get a referral :)