Two Half Marathons 80 Lbs apart

This was when I participated in the Cap City Half Marathon in Columbus. I had joined MFP one week earlier.


And this was the Columbus Half Marathon 4 1/2 months later and 70-80 lbs. lighter.



  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Wow. Great job!
  • fredf2112
    fredf2112 Posts: 110 Member
    Incredible and inspirational!
  • Dimples1975
    Dimples1975 Posts: 65 Member
    Amazing! Thanks for inspiring.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    AMAZING!!! You should be very proud of yourself.
  • cubsgirlinny
    cubsgirlinny Posts: 282 Member
    Just signed up for my first. Have about 70 lbs to lose to be in "ideal" (medical, not my own) healthy range. But hoping/planning/working to cross the finish line in 20 weeks anyway. Was there a pace per mile set for yours or just an open finish?
  • cburky911
    cburky911 Posts: 89 Member
    The Half that I ran in May I finished in 3:08. In October my time was 2:16. In both cases the course was open for 4 hours, so that would require a per mile pace of about 18-18:30 per mile.
  • mellie_mellie
    mellie_mellie Posts: 20 Member
    INSPIRATIONAL!! Congratulations to you!! You look incredible & I am sure that you feel it too :)
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
    That is amazing! Congrats to you!
  • purplechic
    purplechic Posts: 15 Member
    Oh my gosh, you are definitely an inspiration! Job very well done!!!!
  • cburky911
    cburky911 Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks for all the kind comments. I was very in to running back in 2008-2009 then stopped for a while, so I'm glad to be back running and be back to a weight that allows me to run.