Eating out of boredom from quiting smoking

latoiaoxner Posts: 8
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I am so excited to have quit smoking...Actually Wednesday marks my 8 weeks without a smoke. I recently had my second child 8 weeks ago as well. So instead of losing that baby weight I packed on I started gaining more after I had the baby. I just kept eating to not smoke or because I was bored and felt like it. I never had a problem losing weight but I am older now and I have to quit eating just because there is nothing better to do. Its hard to turn down ice cream and all...How can I learn to not smoke, which is far more addicting, and then replace that with food without any ability to control that instead. I almost want to pick that cig up to quit gaining the weight...But thats not an option! I have eaten so much for so long now for the last few months anyhow, that I am hungry all the time because my body is used to eating all the time. I have to adjust somehow...Help!


  • tallfoxy
    tallfoxy Posts: 1
    eating all the time is Ok. as long as you are exercising and your eating the right foods!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    You are experiencing a lot of change in your life at one time. Having a baby is life altering! To quit smoking is quite an undertaking in itself! And then to be trying to lose 35 pounds on top of all of that is certainly overwhelming. I commend you regarding your love of your children and your desire to stop smoking. KUDOS to you!!! Smoking is such a no good habit. My recommendation to you with all that you are facing is to take your weight loss slowly and not try to lose it quickly, so that you will succeed not only in losing it, but in maintaining at a reasonable weight for your frame. PLUS you will be teaching your family to eat better as well! Attempt to plan out 6 small meals a day to keep yourself from being hungry to and to keep your metabolism up. IF you recognizing that you are eating out boredom or to prevent yourself reaching for a cigarette, couldn't you try chewing gum instead or drinking hot tea or water? Try to figure out a healthy alternative. Better yet, when wanting to eat just for the sake of eating, lift some hand weights. Try to train yourself to avoid the eating habit, while inserting a healthier habit. Easier said than done, as I know from personal experience. It is a battle you have to wage daily; so just take it one day at a time. How fabulous that you have 2 healthy children and a husband that you adore! You can do this! One day at a time will get you there!!!!
  • bolsen21
    bolsen21 Posts: 22
    I chew gum when i want to works for me.
  • melaura
    melaura Posts: 7
    Have you tried Chantix? I did and it finally worked for me, it's been almost 8 weeks for me as well being a non smoker. And I too kept eating and packing on the pounds, until one day I made up my mind to get off my a** and do something about my weight. I accomplished the quit smoking thing ( and that was nothing short of hell) so I know I can accomplish the weight thing and get healthy. I started with buying several snack items 150 calories or less ( get the snack size baggies and measure out your snacks if they don't already come pre-measured). Then I found this site and it's been a life saver for me! once you get started you will feel too good to stop, but don't forget to take it easy since you just had a baby....take time for you and rest.
    Oh yeah...and my Dr. put me on Phentermine 37.5 mg.
  • Thank you so much...I smoked for 12 years and just stopped cold turkey after having the second child. I figured I would be so busy that I would hardly notice not smoking and I was right! I never thought I could do it and I did so I just keep telling myself I can do this and will get it under control soon!! Thank you everyone
  • I did the exact same thing when I quit smoking, and I'm still dealing with it.

    Just to clarify your post, you quit smoking after you gave birth? You smoked throughout the pregnancy?
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