:smile: Hello,

Anyone down and serious about being on top of there game to meet there goals?? maybe friendly competition to help encourage eachother?? I sure cld use some friends who are dedicated and serious about hitting there goals. What do you say?? Are you in or are u out? - "ONLY THE STRONGEST WILL SURVIVE"


  • Hi:) I have just started yesterday:) Would be great to have and give some encouragement on this journey:)
  • Rocio2382
    Rocio2382 Posts: 15 Member
    Sounds good to me :) its been about a week going on 2 for me. Im telling you I have lost 6lbs on counting calories alone! :smile: Im excited! We can do this!
  • sbozik123456789
    sbozik123456789 Posts: 22 Member
    you can add me, i have been logging in 55 days in a row and counting down 20lbs, I love this program
  • I'm Game. Good job on the six pounds
  • MicheleNaame
    MicheleNaame Posts: 13 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • mtabh
    mtabh Posts: 128 Member
    I'm in!
  • davimen
    davimen Posts: 28 Member
    i'm in too. Today is the first day for moi. Add me for support.
  • Rocio2382
    Rocio2382 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everyone! Its time for the games to begin! I already feel stronger knowing you guys are here for support as I will be supportive to you as well. How is everyone doing today w there food tracking??