I feel awful!



  • lenjaw
    lenjaw Posts: 13 Member
    Just to start off a massive CONGRATULATIONS! You've started on here and you joined a local gym, which is harder than just trying to ignore the problem, so you must know deep down that you want to do something about your weight.

    i know it can be hard to walk into a gym and just decide what to do. Maybe if your gym has trainers in it (the people, not the shoe) you could ask them to make you up a programme? It'd start you off really easily as the times and levels would be adapted to suit you personally. I also agree with the woman that suggested a group class. Although these can be intimidating at first, you'll find that a lot of the people there are in the same boat as you, plus the only people that I personally watch in classes are myself and the instructor, I don't know if that comforts you in any way.

    As for swimming, it really is up there in terms of a complete body workout, but without the impact of running, so even though you feel like it isn't doing anything, it really is.

    My last piece of advice for you is 'Mind over Matter' - if you can, try to say to yourself 'Okay, yesterday I did 5 mins on the elliptical trainer without stopping. Today I'm going to do 5:20 without stopping' it doesn't matter if you need to say 'I can do this, I can do this, I can do this' the entire way through that 5mins20 if you get your brain convinced that you can do it, then your muscles will follow. Yes, sometimes it hurts, sometimes you're tired, sometimes you just don't feel like doing it, but internally you just need to tell yourself that you aren't stopping until you've achieved your goal. i tend to find that I have some inner rage that I can channel to get me through really tough workouts.

    Please, please, please don't be disheartened. No, you wont drop a stone overnight by going to the gym and eating less, but the more you do it, the more you'll want to do it and if you can find that mentality of wanting to exercise and wanting to eat healthier then you'll be able to achieve anything you set your mind to, you just have to appreciate that it takes time and grit.
  • OK, I'm 5.4'' and 15stone, so I'm very similar to you.

    Does your gym have trainers? Maybe they could put together a basic program for you? I still can't go for ages while doing cardio, so instead I put the incline at max and go as fast as I can for 250metres, wait till I'm recovered (even if it takes 5 full minutes) and do it again. Or else I keep my speed on the elliptical at 125-130 and put the level up by 2 every 30 seconds and keep going until I can't anymore.On the bike I see how fast I can go 500m at a high effort level (and note it so I can see the trends gradually improve) Rinse and repeat four or five times.

    Mostly my cardio only lasts 15-25 mins (depending on how much recovery I need and how I'm feeling that day, some days I'm nearly dead after 10 mins, some days I can go flat out for waaay longer, I keep going when I can and stop when I can't). I use weights for 40 minutes or so, but my trainer worked out 6 or so different routines for me there.

    The couch to 5k is also an option, you can do it around your neighbourhood, after dark if it's safe and you dont't want people to see you, it builds you up gradually and you ca run as fast or as slow as you like as it focuses on time rather than speed, speed comes later.

    Lastly, try not to be hard on yourself, you're only starting out, everyone starts somewhere; keep at it and you will improve!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Honestly five minutes on a elliptical the first time is FANTASTIC! Those things are hard.

    Start small. You can't start anything and have it be easy straight away. Work at it and it will get easier.
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    hey we all have to start somewhere - don't beat yourself up for being less fit than you want to be. Managing a short time is better than nothing, the more you do it the better you get.

    I started off at over 21 stone (297lbs) and I could barely climb a flight of stairs, couldn't manage more than a couple of minutes on the elliptical (or any machine) - a year later and I am a different person.

    Hang in there, find something you love - maybe the elliptical is just not your thing - mix it up, take little steps, check out classes, ask friends that are healthy what they are doing, there are so many roads to fitness out there, you will find some that are meant for you - just keep going.

    You have taken the first step by wanting to get healthier, don't let it get you down that things are a bit difficult to start with- use that to push yourself forward and build it up slowly - next time try and add on an extra minute or 90 seconds...

    Food will help you lose weight, but exercise is the magic bullet for giving you your health and well being so its absolutely worth it to stick with it - you won't regret it.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    We all started where you are. Baby steps and you will get there.
  • Want to say a massive THANKS to everyone who has commented. yours comments are really helping me.

    I absolutely love swimming and it doesnt feel like a chore to me. So i have decided to do my 3 x hourly trips. I also might try going to the gym before hand and aim fro 15 mins before my swim that way i can build up.

    I only started exercising again after nearly 2 years. I had my daughter 19 months ago and honestly my weight has just ballooned. I lost ALOT of weight the year before i became pregnant but thats was just by not eating and being unhealthy and working all the time, but now i sit at my desk i want to snakc.... so that has to stop.

    I eat roughly 800-1000 calories a day when im being "healthy" and not eating junk food. But im too scared to actually eat more in case weight goes on. Since the birth of my daughter i have put on 2 extra stone on top of preganncy weight and my ideal weight is 4 stone lighter!, thats where i look my best.

    I find i cant run on the treadmill so i walk as i get bad shin splint hence why i went to eliptical trainer. Im going to try again tonight and see how i go.
    I can do anything at home as i just genuinely cant be bothered once i get home at 6pm (since being on the go since 5am) so i need to go out so im actually having to do it rather than just do something else..

    Im definately going to do swimming and try add in 15 mins of gym time two times a week see how it goes.

    thanks for all your cmioments
  • chicadejmu
    chicadejmu Posts: 171 Member
    Swimming is an excellent full body cardio workout. You don't think you're doing much because you're not actually seeing the sweat like you would out of the pool. Just be patient with yourself and realize it's going to take some time to see change.

    If you can do Jiliian Michael's DVDs, they are definitely great at improving physical fitness. I was going 40 min on the elliptical most days and when I added in JM Ripped in 30 I saw a huge difference in my fitness level.

    You can do it! And very important: don't let 1 mistake or bad day make you give up. Just do better the next day.
  • thingal12
    thingal12 Posts: 302 Member
    I've been told by someone who had a lot of weight to lose (60 pounds, i think) that her personal trainer/nutritionist both agreed that her best way to begin was to eat healthier and do moderate walking. They both told her to NOT workout vigorously to start. This may be true with you as well. Perhaps you should start with eating better and doing some walking (build from 30 minutes a day to 1 hr a day). Once you lose weight (for her it was 20 pounds) then you can slowly build your workout routine.
  • desperate45
    desperate45 Posts: 13 Member
    I just dont cease to be amazed at the support this forum provides ! One cannot help but stick on:)

    You guys out here rock!

    Thanks to each of you who have taken time out to respond with genuine care....just wanted to convey that it helps a lot of other people apart from the one who initiates the message!

    Am so thankful I found this site and got to meet so many wonderful people!
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    As plenty of folks on here will agree, the weight didn't come on suddenly, so it's not going to fall off easily. It takes patience and persistence.

    Pool doesn't always equal lap swimming. Instead of swimming, maybe your pool has water aerobics classes, which might be less intimidating, since you don't find yourself stuck, exhausted, in the deep end of the pool. During an open swim, I stay in the shallow end and walk back and forth across the pool. I really feel it in my legs. I'll also go into the deeper end, near the edge, and do leg lifts.

    I've seen a lot of people have success by incorporating walking into their routine. I think the previous poster has a valid point about not jumping into things head first, gung ho. You haven't built up the endurance yet, so it'll only seem discouraging at best, which in my experience, doesn't lend itself to being successful. A 30 minute walk is better than 5 minutes of working out and then giving up, out of frustration.

    Drink enough water. Not too much though or else you'll flush out the essential salts minerals and whatnot that your body actually needs.

    Set small, yet attainable goals at first. I've been at this for a while and well, I can say that I'm NOT at the point where I've burned 3500 cals in exercise in any given week. I've set that as a goal and will eventually get there.

    And build a strong peer network. Add friends who will encourage you.

    Good luck!