PCOS help

Hey guys,

I was diagnosed with PCOS just before my wedding (30th October 2012) and I have insulin resistance too. My new hubby and I really want a baby and if we are to have a chance at getting pregnant I was told I HAVE to loose weight, but it still might not happen for us.

I was also told to go on the pill to regulate my cycle but I also think that could be partly the cause of it in the first place. I had an implanon bar in my arm for 3 years and my cycle just stopped completely and didn't come back. I've had some tests which didn't show early menopause (thank god) but concluded PCOS.

Problem is that everything regulates on the pill but this is just a "false" period so i'm not sure if it's beneficial at all. My doc mentioned metaformin to me but I told her I would think about it all and deal with it after my honeymoon. Am home just over 3 weeks now so I guess it's time to "deal" with it. Would love to have some info before going back though because I don't want to get stuck on some meds that will make thiongs worse and make me fatter :o(

I am completely new to this, any advice would be welcome.

Please add me xx


  • mlaz81
    mlaz81 Posts: 36 Member
    First of all, congrats on your recent marriage!! How exciting!! I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago, and even did a cycle of clomid back then before going back on the pill to regulate my cycles. Now that I have lost 65 pounds, my cycles have regulated and I'm ovulating every month. My hormones have regulated, and my doctor is amazed at the progress. It wasn't easy, but it can be done. I know others that have lost as little as 10% of their body weight and that's all it takes to regulate everything for them. Best of luck to you!!
  • alishacupcake
    alishacupcake Posts: 419 Member
    I also have PCOS, I'm not completely sure what you are asking. I have a much more regular cycle now that I have lost about 50 lbs but I'm not trying to get pregnant currently so I have no idea if I am actually ovulating. I took one cycle of clomid and got pregnant. I have a friend that has taken 6 (so far) and hasn't.

    I have seemed to have trouble losing weight but I'm not sure because I have apparently always had PCOS and always been overweight so i have nothing to compare it to. I personally don't recommend going on the pill to regulate it. It, in my opinion only regulates the hormones and doesn't really fix the PCOS. And if you want to have a baby, the pill is sort of counter productive. And I actually gained weight on the pill.

    Feel free to add me or pm me with more questions. I'm happy to give you my limited knowledge and experience
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    First of all, congrats on your recent marriage!! How exciting!! I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago, and even did a cycle of clomid back then before going back on the pill to regulate my cycles. Now that I have lost 65 pounds, my cycles have regulated and I'm ovulating every month. My hormones have regulated, and my doctor is amazed at the progress. It wasn't easy, but it can be done. I know others that have lost as little as 10% of their body weight and that's all it takes to regulate everything for them. Best of luck to you!!

    Thanks hun. Any tips on the weight loss? it's tough going isn't it?!!
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    I also have PCOS, I'm not completely sure what you are asking. I have a much more regular cycle now that I have lost about 50 lbs but I'm not trying to get pregnant currently so I have no idea if I am actually ovulating. I took one cycle of clomid and got pregnant. I have a friend that has taken 6 (so far) and hasn't.

    I have seemed to have trouble losing weight but I'm not sure because I have apparently always had PCOS and always been overweight so i have nothing to compare it to. I personally don't recommend going on the pill to regulate it. It, in my opinion only regulates the hormones and doesn't really fix the PCOS. And if you want to have a baby, the pill is sort of counter productive. And I actually gained weight on the pill.

    Feel free to add me or pm me with more questions. I'm happy to give you my limited knowledge and experience

    Hey hun, just looking for general advice. Delighted to hear you got pregnant after one round, congratulations!!

    I was told to go on the pill for 6 months and then try again, seems like silly advice if yopu ask me, plus I was skinny until I was 23 and went on the pill and then I put on around 6.5 stone! I was only 8.5 stone and now stuck at 15 :o(
  • mlaz81
    mlaz81 Posts: 36 Member
    I am on a low cal, low sugar eating healthy plan and I am training for a half marathon, so I run 5 days a week. It has been a little rough sometimes, but I just take a deep breath and take a moment to focus on my goals and think positive....I will have children! That's what you have to keep telling yourself!!
  • ambers80
    ambers80 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! I was skinny until I came off the pill in 2008 & then was diag with PCOS.. Im also Insulin resistant & on metformin. Metformin helped me in losing 32lbs back in 2009 which i have kept off since then & have been preg twice but ended in m/c's. Metformin helps regulate your glucose levels & in some women it can regulate them. I just started back on the pill Monday. The pill can help with the weight loss & it also clears up the cysts on your ovaries. I have been on clomid did not respond to it at all. Been on femera & injectables (follistim) and ovidrel many many many times through out the last 4 years. On monday when I went back to my fertility dr he told me to look at it this way...I can go on the pill & clear up some of the cysts & work on the weight loss for 2 to 3 months & then start back on just the femera & then go from there OR we could go right into treatments & have to do the femera, injectables & ovidrel & possibly many cycles & lots of money & no results. Those medicines he said can be resistant against your weight. So to myself & my hubs it just made more sense to us to do the pill & lose more weight. Everyone is different & their bodies react differently to the medicines so it's really a matter of finding what works & what doesn't. I wish you the best!! Hope you get results in which ever decision you choose.
  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    I was diagnosed with PCOS almost 10 years ago. I had struggled with my weight growing up. I lost some weight (probably 30-40 lbs) then when I was 19 I went on the pill and actually had no more issues with weight. I got married and went off the pill, because we wanted to have children. We tried for about a year, all the time I was gaining weight. I was then diagnosed with PCOS went on 6 rounds of clomid, gained even more weight. No luck, at that point I was suppose to start going on the injections..I wasn't ready for that. So we stopped "trying" and about 4 months later (after loosing weight again) I got pregnant. And had my son. After I had my son my cycle regulated itself. But I have actually put my self back on the pill since I'm done having kids (my son is 6) and I believe it will help me loose some weight again.
    But believe the doctors when they say the pill will regulate your cycle. I was told that unless I was actively trying I should be on the pill, the longer you let PCOS go the harder it is to have children because you will have so many cyst on your ovaries. Now I don't have the insulin resistance or anything else, so I can't help with that. But if you have any general questions or anything I would be more that willing to try to help. I think (just my opinion!) maybe going on the pill for a short time and work on loosing some weight, then go off the pill and immediately go on clomid (maybe after just a month or so after the pill)...but like other poster said, everyone is different and what works for one person might not work for someone else. hang in there!