Tips on getting out of bed to work out!!!



  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    I sleep in my gym clothes and pack my gym bag the night before. I set it up so the only thing I have to do is brush my teeth and go. I put my shoes, HRM and towel on my gym bag and put it right by the door.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    These are some tips that help me.

    Place your alarm clock somewhere in your room where you have to get out of bed to turn it off. Once up, I'm less likely to hit snooze.

    Just do it! When your in that sleepy state it's easier to just say forget it. But just kick those legs over that bed and get up. Like you said, you feel great once you do it, so just do it :)

    Make a mini goal to get up early and workout atleast twice a week, once you achieve that goal and get into that routine, you be able to adjust to doing it more or even every morning!

    I hope this helps!

    Good luck!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I have found that it's easier for me to get up and out if I wear my workout clothes to bed the night before.
  • rachaelps
    rachaelps Posts: 38 Member
    Tape a blown up picture of yourself at your most unfit or fattest to the ceiling, get one of those clocks that projects the time to the ceiling-- have it project onto the picture--- whammo-- your up.

    HAHA this is awesome. Must try.
  • kaji13
    kaji13 Posts: 172 Member
    Here's what I do:

    If I anticipate feeling particularly lazy in the morning, I will even go so far as to wear my workout clothes to bed so all I have to do is brush my teeth and go!

    I'll set my alarm 1/2 before I actually need to get up so that I can snooze 4-5 times but still have enough time to go to the gym.

    I've gotten pretty good at drinking juuuuust enough water that I'll have to pee really bad when I wake up, but won't wake up because of it before my alarm.

    That stuff seems to work pretty well for me!
  • 4jamaica
    4jamaica Posts: 69 Member
    I find that classes help motivate me to get to the gym in the morning. You see the same people repeatedly, not to mention the instructor, and if you miss classes someone notices! ! The classes also give me people I can commiserate with (regarding soreness, the early morning, etc).

    Also, I find that classes require less thinking-- I don't have to decide whether to do stairs or treadmill or weights. I have different classes on different days and I just do what the instructor tells me to do to the best of myability. To be honest, I typically am halfway done with the class before I fully wake up.
  • smruggles
    smruggles Posts: 20 Member
    Then my wonderful fiance came up with an ingenious solution which works every time. Instead of setting one alarm set 5 alarms each to go off after each other and set your snooze time for 5 minutes. This essentially means that until you actually get up and turn them all off they go off every minute. Once you've gone to the effort of turning them all off you're awake and just get on with your workout.

    It works best on my iPhone because then you can set multiple alarms on one device.

    This is a BRILLIANT idea!! I set my alarms on my phone just now so I'm all ready in the morning. I'm also finding that PAYING for the YMCA membership really makes me want to go more. Otherwise I'm just throwing away the money and STILL gaining weight!
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    I have found that it's easier for me to get up and out if I wear my workout clothes to bed the night before.

    This! You'll feel too dang guilty to take them off in the morning if you DON'T workout. On the rare occassion I save my workout for after the kids go to bed, I change into my workout clothes as soon as I get home. Wearing the clothes forces me to exercise because I know I'll just feel so down if I take them off without ever exercising in them.

    As for me, I wake up daily at 4:20. As long as you get enough sleep, waking up early is no problem. Morning workouts are just so much better for me.
  • schaskes
    schaskes Posts: 103 Member
    What about doing some exercise from/at home? That would allow you to get up a little later and still exercise. Once you've established a habit and adjusted your sleep patterns, you can always get up early enough to get to the gym...I get out of bed at 5:15 to work out several times a week, but I try not to do it two mornings in a row, which also helps.
  • Sewinator
    Sewinator Posts: 10 Member
    I think I will try the idea of setting my alarm 1/2 hour before I actually need to get up so that I can snooze 4-5 times but still have enough time to go to the gym! That one will probably work for me! I just need an extra 15 minutes lying in bed to make my brain wake up! I also figured out that I wasn't getting 8 hours sleep so I need to get to bed earlier.
    I suffer from Peripheral Neuropathy, which is similar to MS and not getting enough rest causes me to be in a lot of pain. It has become a crutch for me over the last 10 years and it's time to put it in it's place !!! (I take a lot of pain medication which makes me a little slower than I used to be... maybe it makes it harder for me to wake up, I don't know, but I'm just going to go to bed earlier!)
    Thank (most of you) for your ideas and support.
  • bbgughj
    bbgughj Posts: 219 Member
    Try to get to bed a little earlier at night
    When you wake up in the morning just take a few minutes to look at your self in the mirror.

    Think of how you gain them extra 50Lbs and then move your *kitten* ! :bigsmile:
  • grammysboy
    grammysboy Posts: 151 Member
    I'm a morning person, so getting up at 4:50 am is my normal routine. The best advice I've seen here is to move your alarm clock away from the bed. You might try drinking a big glass of water right before bedtime. Believe me you'll be up by 5:00 to take care of that. Once up you might as well get the work-out in.

    I drag my sorry *kitten* to the basement to spend about 45 minutes on the treadmill. I have found that recording that tv show or game I wanted to watch the night before makes for a good distraction while walking. Trust me, make it your routine and you'll never be sorry.
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    I got to the end of yesterday and found I hadn't had time to work out - today was going to be worse. I had the energy to put on something to sleep in, so I chose to put on my running stuff... Down to the heart rate monitor, even the huge GPS watch on my wrist with the program already loaded and reflective vest (yep, that's scratchy). Slept in the running shoes too. Alarm went off, all I had to do was stumble down the steps and out the door, literally. Got my intervals in.

    I used to be the best morning runner ever, but it's gotten damn near impossible. I much prefer running at lunch or after work now, but when I have to do it before work, I make it as easy as possible to do it (while as difficult as possible to avoid it).
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Yep, mind over matter - you have to just decide you're going to do it. Working out at home, I have the benefit (and curse) of needing to get my workout done before the rest of my family gets up, so if I hit snooze even once, my workout is cut short or doesn't happen at all, and I hate that feeling of regret later in the day.

    You said you love the feeling of having done the workout early - try to recall that feeling as part of convincing yourself to get up and move! Or put your alarm clock across the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off - then you're already up rather than rolling over.

    Keep at it, eventually it will become habit!
  • LydsVille77
    LydsVille77 Posts: 126 Member
    If you don't have the self discipline to get it done on your own, I cant imagine strangers on the internet can help you. There's no secret. Just do it. Decide and take action.

    "Strangers on the internet" have become my motivational friends, and helped with many great ideas for kicking my own butt.

    And if we all had perfect "self discipline" I don't think we would be here.
  • FightingforFit82
    I set 3 alarms on my phone, 2 min apart. I also set my phone in the bathroom so I HAVE to get up and shut it off. Works pretty good ;)
  • Sewinator
    Sewinator Posts: 10 Member
    If you don't have the self discipline to get it done on your own, I cant imagine strangers on the internet can help you. There's no secret. Just do it. Decide and take action.

    "Strangers on the internet" have become my motivational friends, and helped with many great ideas for kicking my own butt.

    And if we all had perfect "self discipline" I don't think we would be here.

    I agree Lydia!!! (And thank you for sticking up for your mommy ; ) ) I am incredibly proud of you and your progress.
  • LydsVille77
    LydsVille77 Posts: 126 Member
    If you don't have the self discipline to get it done on your own, I cant imagine strangers on the internet can help you. There's no secret. Just do it. Decide and take action.

    "Strangers on the internet" have become my motivational friends, and helped with many great ideas for kicking my own butt.

    And if we all had perfect "self discipline" I don't think we would be here.

    I agree Lydia!!! (And thank you for sticking up for your mommy ; ) ) I am incredibly proud of you and your progress.

    Fact is we all need motivation and helpful advice, if you don't, then you're probably in the wrong place.
  • Rayoffitness
    Rayoffitness Posts: 11 Member
    I get up at 4:45am and work out and now it's like clockwork...I'm usually up before the alarm. However, I can relate to what you are going through. This is what worked for me, I moved my alarm across the room to the dresser. Now when it does go off I HAVE to get up to cut it off or be disturbed the rest of the morning.

    It I've conditioned myself to get up before it goes off and will usually be on my way out of the bathroom before it sounds.

    Everything is not always as simple as "just doing it". Somethings you have to fight for and if working out in the morning is something you feel you need to add to your routine then by all means try everything you can...something is bound to work!
  • codylee98
    codylee98 Posts: 37 Member
    I could have written this, I go through the same thing. Maybe we can be accountability buddies?? When left to own devices, I can talk myself out of getting up, but if I know someone is checking up on me, then I will think twice about how I will feel telling someone else that I blew it off. Let me know what you think!