Need some friends who want to join me in losing 52 pounds i

Kellee76 Posts: 11
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
FIFTY-TWO in FIFTY-TWO: So, who's with me? :happy:

Although I need to lose more than 52 pounds, I think that trying to lose that first 52 pounds in one year will really challenge me.

Anyone out there who would like to buddy up to try to average about a pound-a-week of weight loss for one full year?

I'm really good at keeping others motivated and giving good advice and positive feedback... but doing that for myself, not so much. That's why I really need your friendship ASAP! I know that, together, we can do anything.

Best wishes to you on your journey,


  • bsparks81
    bsparks81 Posts: 29
    I actually want to lose more than that in the next year but would be happy to help motivate and keep you and myself on track. :happy:
  • angbee
    angbee Posts: 7
    i would love to join you , i have more than that to lose cant wait :)
  • MexicanStew
    MexicanStew Posts: 2 Member
    I am very much in need of a pal. I would love to join you!
  • kitchuses
    kitchuses Posts: 12
    i am with you all the way.:smile:
  • Hi there! I would love to join you. I've lost 21 lbs so far and I have...70 to go. I average about 1 pound loss/week, slow and steady!!
  • jmatecki
    jmatecki Posts: 32
    I would love to join you. I am new to this site and can use all the motivation I can get. I look forward to getting to knw everyone :happy:
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    I have about 50 lbs I would like to lose, too. I would love to join you. Slow and steady is the best way to lose. I have lost 50 lbs already over a stretch of time. I am struggling with the last 50.
  • ydnic
    ydnic Posts: 2
    I think this is great, and exactly what this site is all about! I'd be happy with less than 52 lbs, but I love your approach - losing an average of a pound a week. You guys all rock! Let's motivate and support each other!
  • That is basically my goal too, to lose at least one pound a week for the next year. And I could definitely use some pals, I have zero =(
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    me too
  • I'm in all the way.....:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: it just struck me that YES it will take a year to take this weight off..:indifferent: :indifferent: .. stupid me.:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: ...what was I thinking... lol apparently I was not thinking :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    WE CAN DO THIS!!! COME ON LADIES!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Lisa03
    Lisa03 Posts: 18
    I have about 30 more to go & willing to give & recieve motivation!
  • I am also new to the site. After researching so many sites this one stood out above the rest. I would love to join you in the 52 in 52. That is what my goal is set at and so far I have lost 17 pounds. Count me in.
  • Sounds good! I'm also aiming for a little more than that but still would be pleased to lose 52!
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    I'll join -I've already lost 22, but I need to take off another 40. Having motivation and support is great and having friends on here keeps you accountable for your food and excersize logs - if your food diary is public your friends can go in and see what you have been eating :wink: (That is a little extra motivation for me to be good!)
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    Pick Me!!

    IMy goal has been to lose a pound a week for a total by the end of the year. That pace has worked really well for me and I would love to offer you support and advice in any way possible!

    I really, really enjoy food so slow and steady has been cricual to my success so far.

    I have been eating some really yummy stuff and losing weight.

    Are you a sweets person or a salty person?
  • Count me in! I really want to be much slimmer by my silver wedding in October. I'm hoping to be a size 14 by then (I'm a 20 at the moment) as I want to make an 80s outfit to celebrate in. Besides my kids have never seen me as a slim me!

    I definitely need people to keep me motivated and on track.

    I look forward to getting to know you all better.

    Amanda :happy:
  • addicted2sweets
    addicted2sweets Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in! I'll send a friend request.

    My name is Rhonda. SW=217 CW=200.4 GW=137
    So far I've been dropping at about 1.3 pounds a week.
  • chigirl_j
    chigirl_j Posts: 37 Member
    You can count me in too! I am a great motivator for others but a rather lazy wimp when the mirror's reflection is mine =0)

    I am a full time employee and part time student and find it challenging to get in exercise five days a week, so my weakness is the exercise part ,so I would like for you to hold me accountable for exercising at least three days a week that would be great!!

    when I discovered this site last October, I was fresh from a victory of going from 235+lbs(most I have ever weighed) to 200 lbs and was excited about continuing to my goal of 145 but then life got in the way! My beloved granny's health and and advanced Alzheimer's took its toll on her and she died in July, and from that point on until earlier this month I have been floundering around trying to find my focus again. I ate whatever i wanted mostly junk food , and exercised even less while using studying as an excuse, but the good news is that my weight stayed at 200 give or take a half a pound however, I did not loose anything either. The best way I can honor my granny's memory is to be the best that I can in all areas of my life. I started back on MFP and am now down to 194.5 in just two weeks and still getting back to eating better. Well enough about me and on to loosing 52 lbs in 52 weeks! Lets kick the fat man's butt =)
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    I have been using in combination with MFP.

    I weigh in there (and here too) and I can chart it weekly it monthly or daily or however I choose.

    What has helped me the most is their "milestones" feature.

    I created my goals on a weekly basis for a whole year.

    I picked friday as my weigh in day and I went in and deducted a pound a week for every friday for this year as the milestone I was shooting for.

    What this did was make me accountable.

    I picked the more challenging weeks like vacations, holidays and visitors that I know of ahead of time and gave myself a little break those weeks.

    For example, if I have a guest coming to visit, I know I better lose a little extra before they get here or plan on working extra hard after they go in order to make it to the next milestone.

    Every monday if I know I overdid it on the weekend, I know I only have 4 days left to make my goal.

    Some weeks I dont make my goal so I try extra hard over the weekend a usually make it by the following monday.

    I swear the push I make on Wed and Thurs just to have success by friday has been the key to my success so far.

    I see those numbers in writing and I know I just have to make it or the computer tells me I didnt and it just ticks me off!

    Or it will tell me that my milestones for the next several weeks are "difficult" to attain so I kick into high gear and get a pound ahead of my goal just to see it change it's mind.

    I know it sounds crazy but it seems to keep me accountable to myself and it's working!
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