What are you doing?

I'm taking $10 out of my spending money for every pound I lose and putting it away. It's my new clothes fund for when I reach goal. It's awesome seeing the savings account grow, and day dreaming about the way I'll fit my new clothes really helps keep me motivated.

Anyone else doing something interesting to help motivate?


  • RyanArthur
    RyanArthur Posts: 2 Member
    I recently went out and got a lot of new clothes and donated older clothes. I think rewarding is great :)
  • AmandaInGA
    AmandaInGA Posts: 122 Member
    as i come down out of clothes, i am getting rid of them, that way i don't have fat clothes to put back on in case i gain some of the weight back.. someone donated a whole bunch of clothes that i waiting to shrink into, so i don't have to worry about getting a new wardrobe.
  • I emptied my closets and took 5 boxes to the thrift shop. Never want to see them again. Have started a dream closet for when I reach second goal (Easter). 3 pounds to go to Christmas goal! I also have a GC for a mani/pedi that my daughter gave me. Saving it for next week, special gift for the wedding I did for her and a celebration of my birthday and weight loss.

    Keep it up. You are all doing great. We can do it!! NO, We ARE doing it.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,347 Member
    as i come down out of clothes, i am getting rid of them, that way i don't have fat clothes to put back on in case i gain some of the weight back..

    I have been doing this.....got rid of 2 large bins of too big clothes by donating them to charity. And I still have 3 brand new pair of jeans I bought years ago that are too small for me so I have them to look forward to wearing, as well as several tops that I wore when I was thinner. But I intend to treat myself to a new dress when I reach my goal.