Coffee Addict



  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    My local Starbucks baristas shiver when I come in to order my Grande Decar Sugar-Free Caramle 120-Degree No-Foam Latte.

    Dude... no wonder - Decaf is the Devil's Brew
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Been drinking coffee since I was 4 and have been drinking it black since I was 12. I usually stop at 4 cups/day. I typically buy Seattle's Best #5 ("Dark and Intense"), but my all-time favorite is Indian Monsoon Malabar (low acidity, very heavy body).
  • I drink between 2 and 4 cups a day (depending on how the night went), with one teaspoon fat free creamer and one splenda in each cup.
  • Up until 6 weeks ago, in the mornings it was 1 or 2 24 oz. mugs of instant Hills' Brothers Mocha Cappuccino. At work it was a couple more 24 oz mugs of either Keurig (not sure if spelled that right) or Hazelnut Cinnamon with Hazelnut creamer from a cafe downstairs in the office building.

    Now it's decaf instant coffee at home with cinnamon, vanilla, and stevia for sweetener. 1 cup in the morning. The rest of the day it's regular Green Tea iced tea, usually 2, 32 oz glasses a day.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    A little artificial sweetener like truvia...a splash of sugar free vanilla creamer...drink it all day every day...complete coffee addict. Hmmm maybe I need a 12-step program! Until then...back to my trusty Keurig...
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    My name is Ms.Kelly and I have a SERIOUS problem with coffee! I drink 2-3 cups of Sumatra with skim and 1 splenda before I leave for work. Grab a Dunkin Donuts, medium hot with skim milk on my way to work. .. I have at least two more by 5. Then I have a cup when I get home from work and a cup before I go to the gym..

    My co-worker and I are investing in a Kerig for the office (stocked with Black Magic and Jet Fuel) to save some $$.

    PS> I know DD coffee is not good. But I would be BROKE if I drank that much Starbucks!!

    Oddly, I have no trouble sleeping.
  • Starbucks Trenta iced coffee little milk, two Splenda.

    Every single day.
  • Around 4 cups a day
    Starbucks Sumatra (no exceptions) in my Keurig
    and a tablespoon of one of my various creamers

    I looovvveee coffee