Addictied to Soda

StVal Posts: 91
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Yes, it's a nasty habit and I get a lot grief for it from those that love me who beg for me to quit. But I have an addiction and I will admit to it. An addiction to soda. It's been my one and only downfall since I was a kid. It bubbles that come up and fiz under my nose make me feel funny and giddy. I will go into the kitchen in the middle of the night and my first reach is for the handle on the frig in hopes to find a fresh bottle of something sweet and usually tastes like oranges. Lifting the glass to my mouth is like a rush.

I need to stop this sugary destruction once and for all. But how? I need an intervention and stat.


  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    I feel you, honey.

    I used to have this problem, too. It was honestly easier for me to stop smoking than it was for me to stop drinking soda. I had to ease into the transition. I started drinking diet sodas, which I didn't really care for but they got my through the cravings. After awhile, I transitioned to sparkling water. And that stuff makes me want to gag. But.. every time I wanted to drink a soda, I'd drink sparkling water. After awhile, I had conditioned myself to think of that nasty sparkling water every time I wanted a soda.

    That's what worked for me. But I know everyone is different.

    Good luck!

    Edited for some monstrous typos, because I can't type.
  • The addiction is not going to go away in a day, so I would start off slow, maybe limiting the amount of soda you drink to only one per day or only drinking it with meals. And gosh, if you just look at all the additives in soda, that should make you realize that it's gross!! Start to integrate other beverages into your diet- if you hate water, drink flavored water. Don't know what else to tell you, but good luck!!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    try going DIET soda, then start slowly limiting it to so many a week, then fewer and fewer until it is only a once in a while treat, but keep it diet! I LOVE Coke....and have tried DIET everything and nothing was good enough until I found coke zero...not I have coke zero only a few times a month when I really need it! LOL!
    Good luck, and just take it one day (soda) at a time!
  • Junisahn
    Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
    I drink infinite amounts of flavored seltzer. It's fizzy and yum! Not stuff with fake sugars - it has flavor, but not sweetness (Polar makes really good ones - pomegranate, cranberry-lime). I sometimes mix a little juice into it (I love grapefruit juice) - not alot - just like a quarter cup of juice into a pint of water. Maybe you could gradually switch over - replace just one soda at a time with flavored seltzer and juice, and then gradually faze out the juice over time.

    I know it's not the same... a coke is a coke is a coke, but at least you get the fizz! If it's the caffeine you're after, it won't substitute for that at all.
  • lovelypen50
    lovelypen50 Posts: 192 Member
    :smile: I too was addicted to sodas. I use to drink six to eight cans of soda a day, if not more. Drinking water was foreign to me. I had to wean myself off slowly. I just started drinking less sodas a day. Finally I got to one soda a day, and I did that for about two weeks, and finally I just stopped. I still get that craving sometimes, but now I am addicted to water. I like the water by Nestles called Pure Life. I know that Walmart carries it, and I think that Food Lion does to. You can do it but you need to start by weaning first. If you stop cold turkey, you'll feel really bad and its easier to fall back to drinking more than before. Good Luck on your Journey, Keep the faith.
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    I used to drink 2-3 coke zeros a day. Heck I figured no fat, no calories.. well really no anything ;) but when I started this and had to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day I found I didn't have room for soda. Then I stopped wanting it. I think I have had 3 or so cans (not even finishing them since I started this in mid Jan. So try to drink your water first. Maybe say "reward yourself" and drink two -three glasses of water before you get your soda. I also started with flavoured water (crystal light) because going from soda to plain water didn't work. Now I tend to have more plain water then anything.
  • paige2010
    paige2010 Posts: 29 Member
    when I was 12 I was drinking over 2 litres of coke a day. I stopped cold turkey and haven't had a soda since (I'm 26 now). When I realised that it wasn't that I was thirsty, but that this company had got me addicted to it's product by filling it with sugar and caffeine - I got pissed off!! So every time I craved it, I just remembered that it was the addiction and it made me more determined to drink water.

    That worked for me. :)

    although I did get quite dizzy.... and near fainting due to the sudden drop in sugar!!
  • sheri3762
    sheri3762 Posts: 159
    I too was addicted to Pepsi! I thought it would be my biggest hurdle to face but it wasn't that bad once I got use to it. What I did was cut it out cold turkey for a couple days, then I would have one, then I'd try to go a couple more days, and have another, pretty soon my days were stretching out and now I have mabye about 4 oz. a week and I consider it a "treat" that I fit into my calories. Funny thing is, now that I'm use to not having it, when I do have it as a "treat" I can never drink it all because its just to sugary!!!

    FYI: Just a note of encouragement: 4 years ago my husband was told his sugar was to high to try to lose some weight. He drank up to 8 cans of Mountain Dew a day! Well, he quite drinking it and switched to Diet Dew and loset 70 pounds over 4 years. Took him awhile, but seriously, that was the only change he made in his diet!1 Now, he's recently been put on diabetic meds because for him the weight loss just wasn't enough. He's at a good weight, his problem prob has to do more with age and the fact that his entire family is on it too. Today, he only has a diet dew usually the same day I have my "treat"!

    It can be done, just takes a little while, believe me, stick with a plan, you'll be surprised someday down the road at just how easy it was to kick this habit!!1 Good luck!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I've never been a soda drinker, but I do like to have something kinda fizzy every once in a while. I'll mix 6 oz seltzer water and 3 oz of a pure fruit juice for a very tasty spritzer. (no it's not low in cals, but there is no caffeine or fake ingredients)
  • NCHICK80
    NCHICK80 Posts: 35
    Much easier to quite smoking then to quite soda.. strange.. guess everyone has their battles.. but we can over come it..

  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member

    The $$$...??!!!!

    I'd rather have a new car, bigger house AND be debt free...

    I know, I know...MYOB !
  • I can totally relate and was about to post my own topic about it.
    I am used to having 4-5 cans of pepsi a day and since starting my tracking I have had ONE a day...and 2 cups of coffee...I need my caffeine I find I am dealing for the most part without it pretty good, but have had caffeine headaches and struggle through that and have to stop myself from grabbing another pepsi or coffee to try and make it go away. You are not alone I love and miss my pepsi but know in the end its better for me
  • I used to drink 2 cans of Dr Peper every day....along w/1-2 cups of coffee w/creamer. So a good 400 cals just from my drinks! That combined w/inactivity and overeating caused me to gain 25lbs in under two yrs...yuk!
    I stopped the non stop DP 6 months or so ago...but still bought two liters to *share* w/my hubby.
    Now that I've gotten serious about weight loss, I've gone to diet a few times a week. Coke zero is decent...but even now as I'm drinking one, I'm thinking I'd much rather have a zero cal vitamin water or sobe...slowly soda is tasting weird to me and eventually I want to stop it all together.
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