I need Help

I have been on MFP for a while but not really committed to it the way I am now.

For the last two weeks I have cycled 8 miles a day, been to the gym 5 times a week for 1 hour and eaten within my allowance and I have lost a wapping 1 pound!! I used to be a Yo Yo dieter and I weigh 15 stone so I thought the first ten pounds would fall off of me like in the past but nothing. I need help to get me through this.

Any advice? x


  • Lovethynunn
    Lovethynunn Posts: 13 Member
    Also I really need some bloody friends to Motivate me so please add away.
  • BSH2622
    BSH2622 Posts: 10 Member
    Look at the up side ..... your down a pound !!!! i go weeks and NOTHING !!!! NOW THATS WHAT GETS TO ME !!! Stay with it and dont give in and dont give up !!! YOU CAN DO IT !!!
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    What is your allowance? If you aren't eating back your calories that's a good place to start. You don't have a lot of weight to lose so if you put '2lbs/week' in MFP that won't give you enough calories to start with - If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal.

    If you have lost .5/ week then you aren't too far off what you should be losing.
  • steponme123
    Don't let the scale be your only form of measurement. I learned the hard way that it's easy to lose motivation when the scale doesn't budge. Take body measurements and pictures as well.
  • NatalieGabriel2012
    My advice would be don't expect too much too soon!

    You really have been giving 110% over the last two weeks but I dont think its sustainable in the long term, you'll get disheartened with no fast results.

    I do the same, give it my all for a few weeks and expect miracles and to be skinny and when it doesnt happen I lose hope and stuff my face. What seems to be working for me this time is committing to the gym 3 times a week, and eating well- if i want a beer or cake at the weekend as a treat i'll have it because im being good 90% of the time. And if I really cant face the gym I dont punish myself for a day off cause I know i'll get back too it tomorrow.

    Its about making life changes for the future. Your bodys prob in shock and thinking wwwwwooooooowwww what is going on, hanging on to the fat and going into starvation mode. Stick at it, dont lose hope cause it'll happen and try not to get disheartened.

    Also I find helps me is not focuses in the scale too much, I try to focus on getting myself healthy and fit and strong, the best i can possibly be. Maybe try focus on pushing some extra miles on the bike or faster times instead of focusing on the scale and the rest will fall into place. The more I try to lose weight, eat healthely, exersize etc the harder it seems it is and the bigger the mountain to climb, focus on small things and each day alone.

    Ive had tough week getting myself motivated and even writing this helps!

    Good luck, hope this helps :))))) xxx
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You don't need help, you need patience!! With the amount of weight you have to lose, 1 pound per week is excellent! Forget about how you did it in the past or how someone else did it and just focus on the here and now.

    Without being able to see your diary, I can't give any more specific advice than that...
  • Lovethynunn
    Lovethynunn Posts: 13 Member
    Hey Guys,

    Thank you for your help. Already feel more motivated.

    It is hard when my weight would go quickly and now nothing but I think maybe my body is in shock. I also tend to use my extra cal's on the weekend so maybe I really need to avoid this and be allot stricter with logging in the evenings.

    Thank you for your advice.