Need some buddys :)

I need to lose 70lbs, anyone out there who wants to be diet buddy's add me :) the more the merrier <3
I am a mammy from North-east England.

Thanks x


  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Hi, I have lots more to lose but I would love to be friends. Please feel free to addme.
  • gingerygal
    gingerygal Posts: 59 Member
    Welcome! I am looking for a few new fitness buddies as well. Feel free to add me!

  • PrinnyBomb
    PrinnyBomb Posts: 196 Member
    Thanks for the add. Anyone else is free to add me too. Best of luck :-)
  • DJRichCT
    DJRichCT Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome aboard! I lost over 125 pounds so far! I started my weight loss before I began using MyFitnessPal. Just keep exercising and eating right with the help of MyFitnessPal! You will see results if you do!
  • thankyous :)

    thats excellent.
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    You can add me as well. :happy:
  • giggles213
    giggles213 Posts: 9 Member
    feel free to add me...
    I need to shed about 95 lbs off of me... so the more buddys the better. :) good luck
  • 02caro17
    02caro17 Posts: 1 Member
    hi if any one wants to have a supportive buddy through out our journey, please add me, my goal is losing 95 pounds :)
  • kylieannfran
    kylieannfran Posts: 102 Member
    Hiii Everyone!
    I'd love to have some new fitness pals! Feel free to add me if your interested! I'm 24. I'm a Marketing Assistant at a retiremnet community. I'm currently 4 days into the 17 day diets first cycle and 1 day into Couch 2 5K. (I have just been doing a lot of walking & elliptical before that) Run/Walking my first 5k on saturday to get a feel for where my fitness efforts have taken me so far!

    I'll motivate you if you motivate me! :)
  • Anyone can add me as well. I have just started this week and I need all the support and motivation that I can get.
  • Hello, I just started using MFP yesterday. My goal is to lose 90 additional pounds, so far I have lost 34. Please add me if you like. I need all the support I can get :)
  • lorri68
    lorri68 Posts: 53 Member
    hi feel free to add me
  • carlysuzanne85
    carlysuzanne85 Posts: 204 Member
    Hey there, I joined MFP in November and am here because my weight has been up and down over the years. I have reached or gotten near my goal weight a few times, then gained it all back (and then some!) just as many. I'm working on a lifelong lifestyle change of being healthy and feeling good about myself/my body. I'm on MFP for some support and accountability on the journey and looking for some MFP friends who are serious about the same goals. Feel free to add me :)
  • Thank you's :))
  • jpc106
    jpc106 Posts: 16
    Always happy for anyone to add me, I'm from the might north east too (the centre of the universe!)
  • horsewhisper91
    horsewhisper91 Posts: 456 Member
    I'm looking for some buddies as well. Feel free to add me. :)
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    Samezies. :) Add away. But only if its a mutual encouragement!
  • I'd love to be buddies & look forward to getting to know you! :smile:
  • J_Kohler_2
    J_Kohler_2 Posts: 150 Member
    request sent!
  • angels2013
    angels2013 Posts: 31 Member
    Hello from Houston, Texas.

    I have been working with Weight Watchers since January and have lost 45 pounds. I decided after working on this ap for a couple days that I really love it! Easy to use and I actually like seeing my calories rather than points.

    I lost 50 additional pounds in 2011 and maintained it before I started WW this year.

    My goal will be 55 pounds with My Fitness Pal.

    Just had 2 procedure one on each leg so I will have to stick only to walking for 2 weeks! :^) My normal exercise is 1 Latin Heat Dance Class a week and 2 Zumba. Also 2 very light weight lifting work outs and 2 yoga sessions. I also walk my dogs.

    I am 57 years old and work full time in the Construction Department of a large real estate company. I love my job and I stay busy!

    But I already feel and look so much better and am looking at finishing the last leg of my weight loss journey by no later than August 2013.

    Happy Holidays!