Weight Loss competition anyone?

Hey everyone! I have tried EVERYTHING to motivate myself into losing weight. Nothing is working. Does anybody want to start a weight loss competition? I don't know the exact date of when it would start since I need more people obviously, but the sooner the better. I am super serious about losing weight, so please only respond if you really want to do this! Obviously each week or whatever, we'd have to report our weight or something, and we'd have to have an end date I suppose. I need ideas! If anyone has any input on how we can do this, please post! How would it work? What would the specifics be? Any ideas, please let me know!!!


  • Sheymarie417
    Sheymarie417 Posts: 40 Member
    id love to do it. we did one at my job and we weighed in every wk and we set it up for three months. the biggest loser won the money pool
  • kphillery
    kphillery Posts: 19 Member
    I'd like to... just keep us posted on specifix
  • Romes08
    Romes08 Posts: 114 Member
    I would like to do it as well! Do you need ideas??
  • I'd like to join if you set one up!
  • Jbeilfuss84
    Jbeilfuss84 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm in as well :) I need all the motivation and support I can get :)
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Its all ladies responding but what about starting in the new year or even the day after? I'm starting a Challenge group to for some people as well. Similar to what you ladies are talking about. Didnt really think of a prize yet, but something along the lines of 60 or 90 day challenge with weekly weigh ins if possible posting there pix from the scale. I just finished one and people want to do one for New Years. Just a suggestion. If you ladies do not get one started message me I'd love to share ideas?
  • I would love to join always up for competition !
  • Kelly4740
    Kelly4740 Posts: 6 Member
    Oh Yea! Competitive streak will win out over the sloth! I'm in!
  • kestrel359
    kestrel359 Posts: 342 Member
    I'm in
  • katlac1
    katlac1 Posts: 12 Member
    I'd love to, as well! However with Christmas I'm in maintenance mode right now.
  • Ohhhhh I wanna
  • I'm in!
  • I'm in.
  • Juliann4k9
    Juliann4k9 Posts: 36 Member
    I would be interested also, looking for something to start January 1.
  • dbrooks82
    dbrooks82 Posts: 46 Member
    Count me in. And i think the new year sounds like a good start time. :)
  • Ilysandrew11
    Ilysandrew11 Posts: 133 Member
    I would like too!!! :)
  • Ilysandrew11
    Ilysandrew11 Posts: 133 Member
    We did one at work and we each paid $25 to join...it was a month I believe and we did weigh ins as well as a body fat count. Whoever lost the set percentage won a piece of the prize. So we had multiple winners I think I dont know if anyone made the set percentage amount...I know I didnt!!!
  • I would love to! I have a hard time getting motivated but I'm extremely competitive so I think it would help :)
  • ruby72288
    ruby72288 Posts: 23 Member
    YES! this is awesome! ok so ideas??? i mean what kind of reward or whatever could we do? message me too if you want! that'd be awesome to set this up tho! :) weigh ins could be weekly or something, and obviously a list can be put together of who is all in this. but if you have any ideas, just message me so we can figure out a firm plan! :)
  • racegirl6896
    racegirl6896 Posts: 3 Member
    I could use some support! Count me in!